What's the grammatical component of "大勢" in the sentence "人が大勢います"?
Because I've learnt that 大勢can't be used as predicate. So I'm curious about the grammar
大勢 is a noun. It means "trend, great number/crowd of people". So an example would be
そこには大勢の人がいた。There has been a crowd of people.
26 tháng 6 năm 2017
when we use 大勢 word, 大勢の観光客がいるね!(There are so many tourists.)今日のコンサート、大勢いたね!(It was so many people in this concert today.)
so 大勢=たくさん. 大勢 is more polite word, use it when there are so many people.
hope you understand with this answer.... :)
27 tháng 6 năm 2017
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