Paolo Bianchi
Money, is it just singular or plural forms exists Buongiorno, 1st question I wonder if the word money does exist just as a collective noun Money or if plural forms (Moneys) does exists. I'm quite sure that just the singular form exists, but I would like to have a confirmation. 2nd question When I speak about money, have I to use singular or plural verb? I mean for example: "All the money I had, they are spent now" or "All the money I had, it is spent now"? Which is the corrcet way? Thankyou very much for your help.
11 Thg 05 2018 05:14
Câu trả lời · 13
There is a plural form, monies, but it is rare and rapidly falling out of use. It can only be used to refer to separate sums of money, usually payments. For example I remember a sponsored fundraising event was held to raise money for a charity and the organiser sent out a letter to all participants stating that he needed to receive 'all monies' by a certain date. The singular could have been used, but in this limited context the plural was also correct. As I said it is somewhat dated and getting rarer but might still occassionally be heard. You do not need to use it, the singular form or another noun, such as payments, could always be used instead.
11 tháng 5 năm 2018
So, generally money is a collective or uncountable noun. As such you can limit the scope of the collection like this: There is a lot of money in the world. There is not a lot of money in my pocket. Your sentences are a bit awkward and could be rephrased like this: "All the money I had was spent," or "I spent all the money I had." These versions are incorrect: "*All the money I had were spent." or "*I spent all the monies I had." Money, like all uncountable or collective nouns is a singular noun - it represents only one collection. Monies (not *moneys) is a word but it isn't used much, except in the legal or accounting professions. Even some dictionaries do not include this form of the word. You can safely avoid it.
11 tháng 5 năm 2018
1: Money is usually uncountable, but "moneys" does exist. You can use it to sound a bit funny (I have lots of moneys = I have a lot of coins and bills) or to use it as a substitute for "currencies", but these usages of "moneys" are more informal/casual. 2: Match money with singular verbs since it's a singular noun, and refer to money as "it". I'd say: I've spent all my money. It's short, simple, direct, and clear. You could even say, "I'm broke", with a smile to be humorous. Edit: "Monies" is more common than "moneys"; therefore it's deemed as "correct".
11 tháng 5 năm 2018
Hey, well I'm learning English as you but I'm pretty sure money is an uncountable noun. Most uncountable nouns use always singular form (I gues there is always an exception hahahaha). so your sentence will be: All the money I had, is it spent now?
11 tháng 5 năm 2018
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