like to play or like playing? What is right way to say: "I like to play soccer" or " I like playing soccer" ?
7 Thg 10 2018 07:17
Câu trả lời · 6
Both are correct. The gerund (playing) is more common in British English, while the infinitive ( to play) is more common in American English. For people who use both constructions, there can be a subtle difference in meaning.
7 tháng 10 năm 2018
From the Cambridge dictionay: There is a very small difference in meaning between the two forms. The -ing form emphasises the action or experience. e.g.: I like making jam The to-infinitive gives more emphasis to the results of the action or event. e.g.: I like to make jam every year We often use the -ing form to suggest enjoyment (or lack of it), and the to-infinitive form to express habits or preferences. The -ing form is more common than the to-infinitive form after hate and love.
7 tháng 10 năm 2018
As far as I know, both are equally correct!
7 tháng 10 năm 2018
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