Sam Thomas
“指点迷津” 的根源在哪里?‘迷津’到底是什么意思? 根据我的词典‘迷津’ 的意思就是‘labyrinth' 或者‘错误的道路、方向‘。可是点迷津的‘迷津’不是这个意思,恰恰相反是一个正确的方向、办法或途径。可能在这种情况下的话意思就是‘找不到的渡口’吧?难道迷津在这条成语里面的话就是相反的意思? 希望有人可以给我指点迷津! According to my dictionary 迷津 means labyrinth or the wrong way. But the 迷津 in 指点迷津 doesn't seem to mean this, rather the complete opposite, that's to say the write way, or correct route. Perhaps when in this chengdu it means 'a lost ford? Is it really the case that 迷津 has the opposite meaning when in this chengyu?
18 Thg 01 2019 18:36
Câu trả lời · 6
hay,Sam. 我很佩服你这种“打破砂锅问到底”的精神。我觉得学语言就应该这样。我学英语时,碰到俚语或成语,”也喜欢搞清楚这个词的“来龙去脉”。很多人告诉我,你不必研究太深入,只要知道怎么用就可以了。但我总是喜欢“刨根问底”,却常常找不到答案。 (in this paragragh, i used 3 chinese 成语, it's a lttle bit hard to understand, soryy, hhahaha...) 关于“指点迷津”这个成语,中国人都知道,可是也没有几个人知道他的根源。现在我给你解释一下,相信你一定能明白。 指点:告诉你,教你,别人给你指导 迷: 多个不确定的,像迷雾一样看不清的 津:渡口 所以,指点迷津,就是当你面对多个不确定的渡口,你不知道该从哪个渡口过河时,有人告诉你正确的渡口是哪个,所以你就不会迷路,就会节约时间,早点到达对岸。
20 tháng 1 năm 2019
迷津,It means something that you don't understand and can't solve by yourself.
20 tháng 1 năm 2019
哈哈哈。this idiom means that help someone point the way he has missed. 迷津:indicates that the correct way to your goal or aim which you have missed(or have no idea) by the time. Answered by Bruce Wechat: leisureleo, Skype: live:39252832 🐈🐈
19 tháng 1 năm 2019
“指点迷津” is combined by "指点“ and ”迷津“。 ”迷津“ here means the difficulty of things . originally means maze or labyrinth. "指点” means point out (the difficulty and provide a direction, method, or approach). "指点迷津" means find out the key point from maze or labyrinth , point out a direction, method, or approach.
19 tháng 1 năm 2019
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