片付けます vs 片付きます What are the differences between 片付けます or 片付きます? Is it like a passive and active form?
23 Thg 06 2019 04:06
Câu trả lời · 8
*** 片付けます・片付ける is a transitive verb. e.g. 仕事 を 片付ける = to get the job done; to complete the work 部屋 を 片付ける = to put the room in order; to clean up the room *** 片付きます・片付く is an intransitive verb.  e.g. 仕事 が 片付く = The work gets done. The work is completed. 部屋 が 片付く= The room is put in order. The room is cleaned up.
23 tháng 6 năm 2019
It's just a matter of what is the subject. The one of the former is usually a person, the one of the latter is usually a thing.
23 tháng 6 năm 2019
It is a matter of preference, however, in my tentative opinion, I think Kanji-san's answer is more appropriate and useful in the end. Because the best answer here saying "It is all about the matter of the subject", explains "the effect" part of "cause-and-effect" while Kanji-san's explains "the cause" part. Why "the one of the former is usually a person"? It is because 片付ける is a transitive verb. And why "the one of the latter is usually a thing"? It is because "片付く“ is an intransitive verb. I understand that "simple conclusion without reason" style of the answer is sometimes more fascinating for leaners at a beginner level. I believe, however, it won't work in the end when you get into middle level. For example. ーーー 片づける お掃除ロボット(a machine/ a thing)が部屋をキレイに片付けてくれた! 魔法のほうきがお部屋をキレイに片付けてくれた! このひどい計画(a plan )が、俺達の夢をすべてどこかへ片付けてしまった。  (It is a English-translation-like Japanese, but it is grammatical and works) or ーーー 片づく ウチの娘( a person) もやっと片付いたよ (Finally, she got married) Or you cannot understand 加える and 加わる with "thing-person subject" method. (くわえる) 私たち(person)は、あらたに一名、田中さんを新メンバーとして加えた。 (くわわる) 田中さん(person)が、新しいメンバーとして加わった。 But those lines can easily be understood by "transitive-intransitive" theory. I am sure the logic will take you further.
24 tháng 6 năm 2019
The former is a transitive verb and the latter is an intransitive verb.
23 tháng 6 năm 2019
Deleted and moved to Answers.
23 tháng 6 năm 2019
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