Can I say I’m good cooker (meaning I’m good at cooking) It’s also not correct to say I’m good in cooking right?
19 Thg 07 2020 09:40
Câu trả lời · 8
"Cooker" is not a word. You can say "good cook". You cannot say "good in cooking". You could also use the word "talent" which is a word used to describe something we are good at. I am good at cooking. I am a good cook. Cooking is a talent of mine. I am talented at cooking. EDIT: "Cooker" is not a word used to describe a person, it is an appliance.
19 tháng 7 năm 2020
US: A "good cooker" is a pot or appliance that heats up food well. You are "a good cook" or "good at cooking."
19 tháng 7 năm 2020
Something to be aware of ... 'I'm a good cooker' may not be correct, but it is still very commonly used in informal conversation in my part of the English speaking world. I'd advise sticking to 'I'm a good cook' and only use the imformal or slang form if you hear other locals using it and you want to adopt their manner of speaking.
19 tháng 7 năm 2020
No. You need a determiner, ‘cause people would not know that are you a person, or 2 people.
19 tháng 7 năm 2020
You can say "I'm a good cook." Correct, "good in cooking" is not idiomatic.
19 tháng 7 năm 2020
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