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What's the difference between 区别, 差别, 差异 and 不同? When do you use which? What's the difference between 区别, 差别, 差异 and 不同? When do you use which?
1 Thg 10 2010 00:51
Câu trả lời · 4
区别:一般用于非生命的事或事务,比如:这两幅画有什么区别? 差别:一般用于人,例如:你们俩有什么差别,都不是什么好人。 差异:有点贬义的味道,而且用的比较宏观,例如:东西方差异 或者 等级差异 不同:比较口语化,最常用,也最广泛,以上都基本可以代替,例如:这两幅画有什么不同?你们 俩有什么不同,都不是什么好人。东西方不同。
2 tháng 10 năm 2010
yes, exactly.. 区别 empasize more on "classification"...comparing 2 groups...2 areas..2 different things..... e.g. A whale is different from a shark.鯨魚跟鯊魚是有區別的. 差别, 差异 have very subtle difference on usage. "The performance of these 2 cars is different. " 这两架车的性能是有差别的。 这两架车的性能是有差异的。 "不同"seems more general....it really equal to english word "different" 这两架车的性能是不同的。 鯨魚跟鯊魚是不同的. I use "不同" more :)
1 tháng 10 năm 2010
这4个字意思都差不多 真要问他们之间的区别还真不好说 还是留意下不同人的不用使用习惯吧
1 tháng 10 năm 2010
区别: distinction; difference; differentiation; areas in which (2 or more) things are different 差别: difference; contrast 差异: difference; divergence 不同: not alike; different Native speakers can give great examples. I dare not go there!
1 tháng 10 năm 2010
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