what is " Tugs at the heartstrings " ? "The hospital's plea for donors tugged at the heartstrings of millions of viewers."
27 Thg 01 2011 19:57
Câu trả lời · 6
Think of a string attached to your heart. If it is tugged slightly, you feel something.
27 tháng 1 năm 2011
to cause strong feelings of affection or sympathy He looked into his son's smiling eyes and felt a tug on his heartstrings. f something tugs at the heartstrings, it makes you feel sad or sympathetic towards it.
29 tháng 1 năm 2011
give you my heart on a string means that you will give them full possesion of your heart you are pretty much telling them that they own your heart and they have the ability to do what they please with it the string meaning control and interpreted as so.( This term means to really get to you emotionally deepest feelings or affections Origin: orig. tendons or nerves formerly believed to brace the heart
29 tháng 1 năm 2011
If something tugs at the heartstrings, it makes you feel sad or sympathetic towards it.
27 tháng 1 năm 2011
هده عبارة تعني أن شيئا يحرك المشاعر
27 tháng 1 năm 2011
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