Two queries about two sentences. 1. I can not learn such a know-how with books what they are. Query: Is this sentence grammatically correct? I understand the "with books what they are" with a sentence this way: because books are what books are. Is my way to understand it correct? 2. I don't need any supernatural manifestation, just hard work and dedication. That's what it takes to be great. Query: Is this sentence grammatically correct? I understand the "That's what it takes to be great" this way: Hard work and dedication is what it takes to be great.→ What to be great man takes is just hard work and dedication. Is my guess correct?
10 Thg 09 2024 11:15
Câu trả lời · 4
1. The sentence "I can not learn such a know-how with books what they are" is not grammatically correct. A clearer way to express the intended meaning would be: "I cannot learn such know-how from books, as they are." This clarifies that books, in their current form or nature, aren't enough to teach the know-how. 2. The sentence "I don't need any supernatural manifestation, just hard work and dedication. That's what it takes to be great" is grammatically correct. Your interpretation is close. A simplified way to restate it: "To become great, all it takes is hard work and dedication." Your understanding is accurate: being great requires hard work and dedication, not supernatural events.
11 Thg 09 2024 21:44
I agree with the others. In addition, I would add that 'such a know-how' is incorrect. 'know-how' is basically a synonymm for 'knowledge' so it's uncountable. Also, it doesn't work with the verb learn. You could acquire or gain know-how (or knowledge), but not saying you learn know-how or knowledge is not good.
11 Thg 09 2024 05:00
1. It's poor grammar, and unclear what the intended meaning is. They could be meaning "with books like these ones", or they could be meaning "with books being what books are" as you guessed. My first guess was the first option, and your guess is the second option - either one could be right. 2. The grammar is fine here. Your guess is correct here.
10 Thg 09 2024 13:20
1. "I cannot learn such a know-how with books what they are." Grammatical correctness: This sentence is not grammatically correct. The phrase "with books what they are" is awkward and unclear. Clarification: If you’re trying to say "because books are what they are," the correct way would be something like: "I cannot learn such know-how from books, considering how they are." "I cannot learn such know-how from books as they are." Your interpretation: You’re right in interpreting "with books what they are" as "because books are what books are." However, the sentence needs restructuring to make sense in English. The current structure is too ambiguous. 2. "I don't need any supernatural manifestation, just hard work and dedication. That's what it takes to be great." Grammatical correctness: This sentence is grammatically correct. Interpretation: Your understanding is also correct. "That's what it takes to be great" means hard work and dedication are the key elements to achieving greatness. Rewording your interpretation: "Hard work and dedication are what it takes to be great." "What it takes to be a great man is just hard work and dedication" is also an acceptable rephrasing. Your guess is spot on. Hope that helps!
10 Thg 09 2024 11:29
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