I like to eat dorayaki, which is Japanese traditional sweets.Dorayaki is a kind of the pancake sands with sweet beans.It may sounds terrific, but very tasty! Even if I lose my appetite, I am able to eat dorayaki.Dorayaki is so soft and healthy that it matches to eat everytime.Every Japanese people like dorayaki.Even "Doraemon", who is a cat robot in Japanese anime loves dorayaki!
15 Thg 01 2021 10:19
Bài chữa · 2
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15 tháng 1 năm 2021
I like to eat dorayaki, which is Japanese traditional sweets.Dorayaki is a kind of the pancake sands with sweet beans.It may sounds terrific, but very tasty! Even if I lose my appetite, I am able to eat dorayaki.Dorayaki is so soft and healthy that it matches to eat everytime.Every Japanese people like dorayaki.Even "Doraemon", who is a cat robot in Japanese anime loves dorayaki!
When you say 'Terrific' you mean very good or not?
15 tháng 1 năm 2021
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