The Tim じぁん!!!
It’s sunny and mild today. The winter break is over. Looking back, I realize I haven’t finished anything on the schedule I made at the beginning of the vacation. Thankfully, my big sis hasn’t mentioned her books to me these past few days. I had rehearsed several excuses lest she asked about them. But surely it’s better not to lie and catch up quickly before she notices. I’ll double the time I spend reading soon.
10 Thg 02 2025 09:37
Bài chữa · 2
It’s sunny and mild today. The winter break is over. Looking back, I realize I haven’t finished anything on the schedule I made at the beginning of the vacation. Thankfully, my big sis hasn’t mentioned her books to me these past few days. I had rehearsed several excuses lest (lest is quite poetic. Just say “in case”) she asked about them. But surely it’s better not to lie and catch up quickly before she notices. I’ll double the time I spend reading soon.
Lots of reading to do!
10 Thg 02 2025 10:08
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