TKT Module 2 - Cambridge Assessment English - 2024The candidate generally demonstrates comprehensive and extensive
knowledge of areas on the TKT Module 2 syllabus, i.e., lesson planning
and use of resources for language teaching. He/she shows familiarity
with most of the concepts, terminology, practices and processes
tested in TKT Module 2, which relate to general practice in lesson
planning and materials use, reasons for carrying out particular
activities in the classroom, and for using particular resources and
TKT Module 1 - Cambridge Assessment English - 2022The candidate generally demonstrates comprehensive and accurate
knowledge of areas on the TKT Module 1 syllabus, i.e., language
systems and background to language learning and teaching. He/she
shows familiarity with most of the concepts, terminology, practices
and processes tested in TKT Module 1, which relate to describing
language and language skills, factors in the language learning process
and the range of methods, tasks and activities available to the
language teacher.
Curso para preparadores del SIELE - Instituto Cervantes - 2022Curso de capacitación para preparadores SIELE
En este curso aprendí sobre el formato del examen de forma detallada
el tipo de evaluación, las estrategias para ayudar a los estudiantes a obtener una nota más alta y para aprobar pasé un examen por cada modulo, además de realizar actividades de refuerzo por modulo. Se realizaron un total de cinco modulos, uno por cada tipo de examen.
한국어교원양성과정 (Korean Language Teacher Program) - 총신대학교 - 2022총신대학교 한국어교원양성과정은 세계를 무대로 한국어를 지도 할 교사를 양성하는 체계적이고 검증받은 우수한 프로그램입니다. 교과 구성은 이론 강의 105시간, 실습 강의 20시간(강의 참관 8시간, 모의 수업 12시간)이며, 학습 내용으로는 한국어학, 일반언어학 및 응용언어학, 외국어로서의 한국어 교육론, 한국문화, 한국어 교육 실습 등 총 5개 영역이다. 세부 과목에는 한국어학개론, 한국어문법론, 한국어사, 사회언어학, 한국어 교육 과정론, 한국어 듣기 교육론, 다문화 사회와 한국문화, 한국 사회의 이해 등이 포함되어 있다.
Certificado de Formación de Profesores de Español - Tia Tula Colegio de Español - 2022Training Course for Teachers - Spanish as a Foreign Language: Levels A1-C2
- Grammar Teaching
- Vocabulary Teaching
- Hispanic Culture Teaching
- Didactic Unit Elaboration
- Spanish Teaching for Beginner to Advanced learners
TOPIK II 5급 - NIIED - 2021Korean language test for nonnative speakers of Korean
Program for Korean Language and Culture Experts - Hallym University - 2019First of all, before starting the course:
- It was required to elaborate a report about the Korean language education current situation in my country. (Bolivia)
During the course:
- Country report presentation (In Korea)
- Elaboration of an Action Plan (a project to teach the Korean language)
- Action Plan presentation and Teaching practice at Hallym University
- Workshops
After the course:
- Implementation of the Action plan project after coming back to Bolivia.
(Korean Conversation Cl