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816 bài học
Ying Liu
Knowing your demands and level, I will tailor our studying plans. I believe I am patient. I'll be a good listener, help you and enjoy our class!
2,866 bài học
Lilyana Drebcheva
I am constantly exploring and looking for the best teaching methods. I think that the most valuable part of my lessons is the individual approach. Each lesson is designed by taking into consideration the character, the needs, the level, and the knowledge of my students. I believe that absolutely anybody can learn a new language. Forget about your experience up to the present moment. From now on, we are going to change your attitude and perception on what it means to learn a new language. Let us dive deep into the unlimited realms of the human consciousness and start performing miracles together.
5,256 bài học
LOW cost HIGH quality; > 3 years of tutoring experience; eccentric; diversity friendly )))))) What brought me here? Well, I'm a man who likes to give answers. I have an achievement of around 100 answers, on an APP for Q&A called HiNative where you can find a most native answer that you cannot find elsewhere and where I've not been a member so long.
1,525 bài học
Chinese Teacher John
Professional Teacher. 18-Year Experience. You will understand Chinese rather than learn Chinese! I have been teaching Chinese for over 18 years and still love it very much! I can help you with your Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I worked in an international trade company for about 10 years and am glad to help you with Business Chinese. Please feel free to book my lesson. You are more than welcome!
161 bài học
In 2015, I got my Chinese teaching certificate for teaching foreigners in Shanghai. During the past six years, I have taught around 80 foreign students from 30 countries.The students I have taught are from 7 years old to 60+ with different Chinese levels. I have had many experiences in teaching HSK standard courses, Oral Chinese, Chinese characters, and business Chinese. Moreover, I've also taught Chinese students cross-cultural communication in a training school in Shanghai.
241 bài học
我在大学期间帮助外国朋友学习中文,毕业后也在一直在兼职教中文,我有两年的语言教学经验,我的学生中三岁到四十岁的都有。I helped my foreign friends learn Chinese when I was in University. After graduation, I have been teaching Chinese part-time。I have two years of language teaching experience,My students are from three to forty years old.
1,472 bài học
Certified Chinese teacher -我具有国际汉语教师证书。并且我从事中文和英文教学以及中英翻译工作有六年的时间。 -I’m a qualified language teacher with CTCSOL certificate, and I’ve been working as both a Chinese and English teacher plus a translator for the past 6 years. -Soy una profesora cualificada de idioma extranjero con el certificado de CTCSOL. Enseño chino e inglés, y soy traductora hace 6 años.
1,382 bài học
10 years teaching experience in Canada 拥有10年海外中文教学经验 1. 15 years of teaching experience in college in China. 2. 10 years working as a mandarin teacher and a Mandarin tutor in Canada , I am working with a full range of students, from kids to adults, from the very beginning to advanced level. My students come from all of the world with diverse cultural and social background. 3. Working with the whole class, small groups and individual.
2,366 bài học
Bryan Hsu
Certified Teacher from 🇹🇼 6 YOE and Counting I have taught students from around the world at any level. In our lesson, you will receive customized lessons based on your level and learning pace. I believe every student is different so it is important for you to have a learner-centered experience. If you prefer a systematic curriculum, we can go by a textbook. If you benefit from speaking, we could have a conversation-based lesson. Have specific learning needs? No problem, I am happy to offer tailored lessons and often do.
738 bài học
硕士毕业于英国卡迪夫大学; 10 years teaching experience+standard accent ✔️Daily language ➤➤➤日常口语 ✔️Exam preparation ➤➤➤语言考试:雅思,HSK等 ✔️Interview and business language ➤➤➤空乘,外企面试&商务口语 ✔️Discusion about culture, philosophy, literature, history, art, etc. ➤➤➤使用目标语言讨论文化,历史,文学,哲学,艺术等更广阔的话题 ✔️Preparation of language competition(speech, debate, knowledge quiz, host, etc) ➤➤➤语言类比赛辅导(演讲,辩论,知识竞答,主持等)
1,045 bài học
★上课时只说中文 ★不提供feedback,如果需要feedback,请提前告诉我^^ 我三年前开始教中文。 我可以根据您的中文水平进行教学, 无论是初级、中级、高级,还是商务用语,我都可以教。 3年前から中国語を教えています。 皆さんのレベルに合わせて初級、中級、上級、 そしてビジネス中国語も教えることができます。
1,637 bài học
Linda kids/adults
Humorous teacher with experience for children and adults. 只要你遇到难点,我会用我的方式让你明白。 我不喜欢完全按照课本学习,课本大都很没有意思。。。但是不得不承认,如果想要学好,依据一定的材料是必须的。所以,让我们用有趣的方法来学习吧! 我在课上比较喜欢会用情景来让你掌握新的词汇和句子,因为语言是活的,光靠死记硬背是不可以的。 Don't be nervous!My lesson is interesting and fun! To be honest, I am talkative and thoughful .LOL believe me ,I am telling the truth! So if you want learn Chinese ,don'e hesitate ,book my lesson!
163 bài học
Mina Kitano
2013年から日本人に中国語を教える仕事をしています。また、2018年から中国人に日本語を教える仕事を始めました。 二つの言語を教えることから、日本語と中国語のそれぞれの特徴をよく理解することができるようになりました。 特に、中国人の生徒さんが間違えやすいポイントに注意して教えるようにしています。 一人ひとりの学習状況を踏まえ、日本語がしっかり身に着くように教えることに重点を置いています。 授業は楽しく、生徒さんにたくさん話してもらえるように工夫しています。 我从2013年做向日本人教中文的工作,从2018年开始对中国人教日语。 教两种语言,从中可以看出日语跟中文的各个特征。我特别留意中国学生容易说错的地方。 按照每个学生的进步情况,帮助学生的日语更巩固。我努力让学生开心学习,也努力让学生多说话!
716 bài học
Hsiao yang(ショウヨウ)
Over 2500 teaching sessions(超2500节授课).Japanese law doctoral degree(日本法学博士),JLPT expert(日语考试专家) 日语教学相关履历: 1,N1读解和文法满分。 2,我从2020年开始教学日语,期间在全平台上授课超过2500堂,学生人数超过120人,年龄层覆盖5-65岁。 3,我能很快的找到学生在学习上的不足,并提出可行的建议。上课风格以鼓励为主。 4,我个人最大的优势在于:用学术上习得的总结归纳方式和丰富的个人经历应用于课堂的教学。简化日语教学和丰富课堂内容。 5,我在日本有着丰富的经历,体验深度的日本生活。不论你有什么需求,我都可以提供客制化的课程。 日语教学成果 1,JLPT考试 N1,N2,N3等80%以上通过率。 2,留学面试之中,有同学拿到了,立教大学,名古屋大学,武蔵野美术大学等内诺。 3,工作面试之中,有同学拿到了,日本本田等内诺。 ★I have conducted over 2,500 lessons,utilizing Chinese, English, and Japanese to instruct both Chinese and Japanes courses. ★My areas of expertise encompass Japanese tea ceremonies, contemporary Chinese and Japanese history. ★私の最大の強みは、学術的に習得したまとめ方と豊富な個人的経験で授業の教育に応用することです。日本語教育を簡素化し、授業内容を豊かにします。 ★私は2020年から日本語を教え始めました。その間、全プラットフォームで2500コマ以上の授業を行い、学生数は120人を超えました。
9,970 bài học
Certified PSC Mandarin tutor with 9 years experienced__Adults&Kids Oriented ❀I have been teaching Chinese both online and offline for 9+ years and I'd like to help people in all ages learn and improve their Chinese speaking skills, during which I also got plenty of friends from all over the world. Courses what I provide (for kids and adults both): *Basic Chinese *Daily Chinese conversation *Business Chinese *Travelling Chinese *Developing Chinese *Chinese listening *Chinese vocabulary *Chinese pronunciation *Chinese characters writing *Chinese grammar, sentence structures *HSK tutorial session *Advanced spoken Chinese *Chinese history or literature *Chinese songs/ TV series / Documentary *KIDS TPR(Total Physical Response) Chinese
4,350 bài học
Sunny Su
Be patient and approachable Customized Courses I started online Chinese teaching in 2020 and have more than 10 years of corporate training experience. I love teaching.I'm very easygoing and patience . You won't feel nervous during our class, trust me, just be ready for start a wonderful Chinese learning journey!
573 bài học
可爱活泼幽默的教学风格💁🏻♀️我喜欢画画,交友🌸课程针对成人和儿童 Me as a Teacher 曾经有两年的国学教学经验,擅长古诗和文言文以及汉字的教学,曾荣获全国教师风采大赛新人奖。 目前是线上语文老师,擅长中文基础知识的教授如拼音、字词、句子和语法。 I have about 2 years of professional teaching experience. I am excellent at chinese poetry, ancient classical Chinese and chinese characters. I have in the past won the best newcomer award in the National Chinese Teacher Style competition. I am currently teaching Chinese online and I am good at teaching the basics of the Chinese language such as pinyin, words, sentences and grammar.
772 bài học
----------------------- 😀 Rich experience ----------------------- 👉 I have the experience of offline teaching. 👉I helped my foreign friends learn Chinese and they all improved a lot. 👉 Now I am a part-time online teacher here.
5,232 bài học
Lily Liu (Kid/Adult)
5000+hour experience, Certified CTCSOL teacher, kids/adults/YCT/HSK Lingo Bus (2020.3 - now) Online Chinese teacher for children from the US. TopChinese.ru (2019.10 - 2024.05) Online Chinese teacher for Russian students, adults and children Shanghai iMandarin Chinese School (2018.1-2018.12) Chinese teacher for foreigners (face-to-face courses)
major is Chinese language and literature I have been teaching chinese since 2021, As a certified teacher, I have two years' experience teaching Chinese in a primary school