Tiếng Nhật
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Tìm một giáo viên Tiếng Nhật ở italki

Tìm gia sư dạy Tiếng Nhật trực tuyến tốt nhất cho bạn: lựa chọn từ những giáo viên Tiếng Nhật trực tuyến có kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi và có được trải nghiệm học tốt nhất.

Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher 竜馬 (Ryoma).

737 bài học

竜馬 (Ryoma)

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Nhật (Okinawa)
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Okinawa
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Beginner Japanese / Practical Japanese / 2 years of experience in teaching at a university 1) I've been a Japanese teacher at a college school in the US Air Force base in Japan. 2) My primary focus is to build vocabulary so students can boldly lead discussions, and speak fluently. 3) I've trained exchange students, engineers, college students, children, and so on. 4) I've also worked as a guesthouse staff and office worker in Japan, so I'm used to explaining Japanese culture and manners to tourists and expatriates :) 5) I was ever praised by my friends and students for my teaching methods. As a result, most of my friends were able to pass the JLPT-N1 and N2 test with my support and some of them are working as skilled workers in Japan.

USD 15.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Zhou Yi_Sophia.

930 bài học

Zhou Yi_Sophia

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
Luyện thi
Doanh nghiệp
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan thoại)
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Hàn Quốc

Start teaching language Since 2012 / over 10,000 teaching hours / all kinds of courses experienced Have taught lessons over 10,000hours online and offline in total. Experienced with all kinds of courses. 今までは1万時間以上の授業をした。入門コースから高級コースまで、また会話コース・HSK と中検の受験コースなど、各種類のコースの経験が持っている。 自从教以来,线上线下授课时长超1万小时,学生来自世界各国,从入门课程至高级课程、口语课程及HSK考试课程等各类型课程均有丰富授课经验。

USD 20.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 22:00 Hôm nay
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Nagisa.

4,043 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan thoại)

私は楽しく明るい雰囲気でレッスンをしたいと思っています。 必要な場合には、語彙を教えたり、訂正をしますが、丁寧に優しく伝えたいと思っています😁 私も今2つの言語を勉強しています。そのため日本語を学んでいるみなさんの努力や会話に伴う緊張がよくわかります。 レッスン中、必要な場合は話す速度を変えたり、一人一人の興味にできるだけ合わせて会話を作っていきたいと思っています。 我希望在轻松愉快的氛围进行我的课程。在必要时,我会教一些新的词汇并进行纠正,但我喜欢温和友善地进行😁。我自己也在学习两门语言,因此我非常理解学习日语的学生的付出的努力和对话时也许感到的紧张。在课程中,如果需要,我会调整说话速度,并尽量根据每个人的兴趣来来对话。 I want to conduct my lessons in a fun and cheerful atmosphere. When necessary, I will teach vocabulary and make corrections, but I will do so kindly and gently 😁. I am currently studying two languages myself, so I understand well the efforts and the anxiety that come with learning Japanese. During lessons, if needed, I will adjust my speaking speed and try to tailor the conver

USD 15.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 12:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Penny 賀佩.

2,532 bài học

Penny 賀佩

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan thoại)
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

🌟 Certificated Chinese Teacher with 8 years experience . 🌟 Fluent Japanese(C1) & English(B2). 🌺1. Conversational guidance with your real life. 🌷2.. Creat the whole Chinese environment to help you immerse into. 🌼3. Make the study systematically. 🌹4. Help you to find your interests then talk in Chinese.

USD 10.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher JUNJUN.

2,772 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Would you like to speak natural Japanese? Let’s have fun Conversations.自然な日本語表現を増やす会話のレッスンをします。 I am good at helping people feel comfortable talking. You can relax and take lessons. リラックスできる楽しいレッスンをします。 1.楽しい、やさしい、辛抱強いです。 I am gentle, fun, and patient. 2.あなたが話しやすいようにお手伝いします。 I am here to help you relax and talk.

USD 5.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:45 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Taka∞.

5,514 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

I want you to talk a lot and you can relax in my class. Please use camera🙏🎥I'm a big fan of JOJO🔥 私(わたし)が毎日(まいにち)楽(たの)しく語学(ごがく)を学(まな)んでいるのは、たくさんの素敵(すてき)な先生方(せんせいがた)に出会(であ)えたからだと思(おも)います。 彼(かれ)らはいつも笑顔(えがお)で私を励(はげ)ましてくれます。彼らへの感謝(かんしゃ)の気持(きも)ちは常(つね)に持(も)っています。彼らが私を助(たす)けてくれたように、私もあなたを助けたいのです。リラックスできるクラスを、笑顔で提供(ていきょう)することをお約束(やくそく)します。 The reason why I enjoy learning languages every day is that I have met so many wonderful teachers that way (as a student). They always encourage me with a smile. I will always have my gratitude for them. I want to help you as much as they helped me. I promise to provide you with a relaxing class and with a smile. ★★★★★If you buy my lesson package, I will correct your journal and explain anytime you don't understand something in the lesson.★★★★★

USD 13.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:15 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher kumiko.

1,185 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ

I am in the TOP 1% of 2022 italki Japanese language teacher I’m teaching at Japanese school now grammar, vocabulary, the character, reading, hearing,(Of course, JLPT test measure as well) Also I’m kind of a volunteer and teaching people like house wife who can’t go to school. I've been teaching at italki for one year over. ,have many conversation lessons. I try to make the time for students to think and speak, as possible. and careful so that students can relax.

USD 12.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:45 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Makiko☆.

1,137 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

☆Kids Japanese lesson available☆ I am a qualified teacher for both children and adults. I have a qualification to teach Japanese for both adults and children. I completed ”the 420hours of Japanese Teachers' Training Course” and passed ”the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test”. I enjoy teaching Japanese at Japanese language schools and online. For children, I completed and passed "AJLC Certificate Course in Japanese Language Teaching to Children" and got the advanced Certificate, too. I've been teaching Japanese to children mainly online now, but I've been teaching Japanese (and also school subjects) for children who study Japanese in Japan for more than 6 years. I heve also been teaching at an international school.

USD 12.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 22:30 Hôm nay
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Misa.

4,437 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

今まで、日本語学校やオンラインで様々な国の学生に日本語を教えてきました。試験のためのレッスンはもちろん、趣味として日本語を上達させたいと思っている学生にも、どうすれば上達できるのかいっしょに考え、それぞれの学生のスタイルに合わせたレッスンをすることができます。学生と一緒に日本語を楽しむことが大好きです。 I have taught Japanese to a lot of students from various countries at Japanese language schools and in online lessons. I will help you not only for test preparation, but also with your study of Japanese as a hobby. If you don’t know what to study, I can suggest focus points for your studies to help you improve your Japanese level. I like to enjoy Japanese together with my students.

USD 15.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher FUSAKO KOIZUMI.

2,651 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
Luyện thi
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

I'm happy to hear the news that students passed the JLPT. It's your turn next. Let's study with me Before I became a Japanese teacher, I was an English teacher at Junior High School in Japan for 15 years. I became interested in teaching Japanese after experiencing volunteer work. I like teaching and studying foreign languages. Between 2020 and 2021, I taught Japanese in Vietnam. I really enjoyed teaching there. 日本語の教師になる前は、日本の中学校で英語を15年間教えていました。 ボランティアを経験して、日本語を教えることに興味を持ちました。外国語を教えたり学んだりすることは面白いです。 2020年から2021年までベトナムで日本語を教えました。とても楽しい経験でした。

USD 16.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Ryo Nakahara.

1,022 bài học

Ryo Nakahara

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

I'm a Japanese teacher who speak English well, and have coaching knowledge. 日本語教師として200人、3000時間以上教えてきました。 プロの先生として、みなさんに楽しくわかりやすく日本語を教えられます! また英語で説明することもできます。 コーチング理論も勉強しました。 語学の成功は「継続」(けいぞく)にかかっています。 学習スケジュールのたて方や学習を習慣にする方法などについてプロとしてサポートしていきます。 I have been teaching Japanese more than 200 students, 3000hours at university and language school, and online. I’m a native Japanese speaker. I also can explain in English and Turkish. And I learned basic coaching theory so I'll be able to encourage you to continuing learning Japanese. Continuous Learning is the key to success I'll be able to give you useful advises how you can make learning schedule and how you make it your habits. I'm really looking forward to learning Japanese with you!

USD 10.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:45 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Hide.

1,774 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something." Antoine de Saint Exupéry <English>***日本語下にあります I have struggled enough before being able to communicate fluently with English speakers! So I understand how you can learn and practice different languages while you are enjoying the process of learning. Besides being able to speak English, understanding and embodying different cultures are a whole another level. However, I have been exposed to people with different cultures and taken leadership in a global environment as a professional. I am very confident of teaching Japanese in English and vise versa. <日本語> 英語で流暢に意思疎通ができるまで本当に苦労しました。なので異なる言語をどのように勉強し練習しつつ、学ぶ過程の楽しさも身をもって感じています。英語で話せること以上に、違う文化を理解し体現することはとても難しいですが、グローバルな環境に触れ、リーダーシップの経験を活かし自信をもって英語と日本語の授業をお教えいたします。

USD 25.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Fujio Hayama.

731 bài học

Fujio Hayama

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ

My career of Japanese language teacher [Japanese language teacher training program]  Entered Human Academy in March 2020  Took a lot of trainings/tests to be a Japanese language teacher and performed more than 20 trial lessons  Completed the program (420 credits) and obtained the official qualifications of Japanese language teacher in March 2021 [The Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by the JEES]  Passed on October 25, 2020 and obtained the 2nd qualifications of Japanese language teacher [Asao Language School]  Joined in July 2021 as a trainee teacher and performed over 20 on-line private lessons  Obtained qualifications as a certified teacher in October 2021

USD 5.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 01:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Tomoko OKADA.

1,215 bài học

Tomoko OKADA

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

I am professional Japanese language instructor since 2004. Main students: Business people and their family, embassy diplomats, doctors and university students. Experienced teaching in Japanese schools. Business Japanese for meeting with Japanese businessmen as well. My class is communicative approach. Customized lessons for each client using Zoom. My skill: All levels available up to JLPT, business Japanese. I know Japanese culture, manners, history, marketing and marketing. Good at grammar, managing conversation. I speak English and a little French.. I am like...: Enthusiastic, cheerful and very patient lady with lots of topics to discuss. In Japanese very "GENKI!"

USD 15.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 15:00 Hôm nay
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Emilie.

7,071 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Tiếng Pháp
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Certified French as a Foreign Language teacher|9 years of teaching experience|フランス語を楽しく学びたい方は是非こちらです After graduating with a French as Second Language (FSL) university degree, I have decided to come back to Japan and start my career. Fun fact, I mostly taught English. I have taught English in Japanese elementary, secondary, and professional schools. But also French and Japanese private lessons to people of different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds. I am currently living in France where I teach French and Japanese as second languages on italki since 2020. Learning a new language is a great adventure. I will be glad to help you and share my knowledge with you.

USD 15.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Crystal Gao.

5,691 bài học

Crystal Gao

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Tiếng Trung Quốc (Quan thoại)
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

14-year teacher skilled at correcting pronunciation by listening and observing how you articulate. 1) Specialized in explaining pronunciation from very detailed aspects, correct pronunciation efficiently. Combine the knowledge with the student's needs, and help you use what has been learned after the class. Teach grammar with brief and clear language. Tons of ways to lead you to speak more. 2)With much experience teaching Business Chinese, think thoroughly. 3)Creating Mandarin learning videos in English and Japanese on YouTube, please check 'Crystal Chinese' for more sample classes. Writing Chinese essays as learning materials for intermediates on WeChat 'Crystal Chinese'. 4)Updated my credential in CTCSOL last year, and took over 100 sessions and workshops to improve teaching ability.

USD 16.16/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:45 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher 🌸Marika🌸.

872 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

🌸Certified Japanese Tutor with 3+ Years’ Experience Making Learning Enjoyable. 🌸GENKI, JLPT I'm a certified teacher and have been teaching online for 4 years. I have a passion for teaching. My teaching style is interactive and includes conversation, collocation lesson, pronunciation practice, beginner grammar lessons, and various materials like animations and news articles. I encourage students to speak as much as they can.

USD 10.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 00:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Yuya 祐哉.

540 bài học

Yuya 祐哉

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Beginners Welcome I'm a professional teacher certified to teach Japanese. I've accumulated around 4,000 hours of experience teaching basic grammar, JLPT preparation, and more. Before becoming a teacher, I worked for 12 years at a TV station, which enabled me to learn practical business Japanese for the lessons I teach today. Additionally, I am an active content creator with over 50,000 followers on Instagram, where I share tips and resources for learning Japanese.

USD 15.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 01:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher Urumi.

3,235 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Hàn Quốc

I've been supporting Japanese for over 8 years since I was a university student I'm a freelance Japanese instructor. My personality is friendly, flexible and positive🌸 I understand the difficulty, fun and frustration of learning a foreign language because I have studied foreign languages such as English and Korean for many years. I would like to help you not only with Japanese, but also with any small questions and worries about Japanese culture/fitting in that you may have, among many other things! I love talking to people from all over the world and being exposed to various cultures and ways of thinking✨ I'm looking forward to meeting you, and talking to you! Please feel free to contact me anytime, I hope we can become friends!

USD 8.50/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 04:30 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Nhật with the teacher SHOYA.

2,481 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Nhật
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Let's talk with native Japanese !! ・I have experience to teach Japanese and support Foreigners to take interview for Japanese company. ・ I like to teach very casual and natural Japanese, so that you can make a lot of Japanese friends. Feel relaxed to take my lesson. ・Everybody has their own personality, interests, dreams and some interesting knowledges . We don't live in a same country, but I want to make a place that we can share our knowledges and get to know each other using languages.

USD 10.00/học thử
Khoản thanh toán cuối cùng sẽ tính bằng USD

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