Tiếng Séc-bi
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Tìm giáo viên Tiếng Séc-bi tốt nhất cho bạn.

Tìm gia sư dạy Tiếng Séc-bi trực tuyến tốt nhất cho bạn: lựa chọn từ những giáo viên Tiếng Séc-bi trực tuyến có kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi và có được trải nghiệm học tốt nhất.

Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Stefan.

207 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Bosnia
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Tiếng Môn-tê-nê-grô

Let's improve your language skills! I have experience in tutoring for about four years and I am very passionate about it. When it comes to the methodology of teaching, I went through numerous training where I was able to learn about different teaching methods. I have experience in working with both children and adults on all levels of knowledge. I am also very interested in traveling, photography and video editing and I love discussions on the mentioned topics. Besides Serbian and English, I like learning other languages as well. I studied French and German a bit and I am on A1 level for both languages. And I plan on starting to learn some other languages soon.

USD 6.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 09:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Lellah.

8,043 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Zakoračite u srpski jezik uz brojne novogodišnje popuste samo za moje verne đake tokom januara! :-) I listen carefully. In our classroom, we dedicate our time to your specific needs in a friendly atmosphere and at the pace of your choosing. I collect and use various teaching material, including my own material and books and games I buy in bookstores to spark your interests and get you to speak with even greater confidence. Kao Vaš vodič kroz bogat svet srpskog jezika, uvek ću biti tu da vaš uspeh istaknem, da vaše pitanje pretvorimo u novo saznanje i da vašu ljubav podstaknem jezičkim zagonetkama, pitalicama i svim onim stvarima koje će nam ulepšati dan. Vidimo se uskoro!

USD 5.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Jelenchica.

492 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha

Professional translator/interpreter with more than 10 years in teaching languages As a teacher, I am kind, charismatic and energetic, but don't let my friendly approach leads you in the wrong direction. I want you to work with me, so if I spent some of my time preparing lesson for you, I expect you to repeat it in the meantime and do your homework accordingly. Overall, there will be no tension between us, I am very pleasant person, but please do your best to keep your progress at a certain level, so that you can improve your language skills.

USD 6.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Zorica.

1,310 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

I like to be focused on conversational skills because I believe that the most efficient way of learning a new language is through communication. For me teaching the Serbian language is an opportunity to show you Serbian culture and I want you to feel the beauty of communicating in my native language.

USD 5.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 16:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Bojan Coric.

1,334 bài học

Bojan Coric

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Nga

Master professor of Russian and Serbian languages and literature I have a bachelor's degree in Serbian and Russian language and literature. I have been teaching both Serbian and Russian languages for two years, both online and in-person Я закончил четирёхлетний курс русского и сербского языка на университете в Восточном Сараеве. Как преподаватель я работал в начальной школе, но и онлайн. Стараюсь организовывать занятия как интересние и иновативные, и надеюсь что такой тип занятия будет продуктивным.

USD 10.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Lena Despotovic.

2,474 bài học

Lena Despotovic

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha

I have experience in teaching via Skype. I give classes for all levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).

USD 12.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 06:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Svetlana.

8,802 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Bosnia
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Bản ngữ

Just an experienced tutor who likes to teach and learn languages and watch anime :) I have teaching experience in German and Serbian languages, and I have taught children and adults. I have been working in Italki for more than 3 years. :) I would describe myself as a positive tutor who likes to help other non-native speakers of English, German, and Serbian languages. I know your struggles, we can get over them or survive them together :D

USD 7.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Mina.

4,999 bài học


Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

I am a professional English teacher, I have an MA in English, a TEFL certification, and many years of teaching experience under my belt, 8 of which are online. Students I taught in four private language schools have varied from kids to adults. All types of students are interesting in their own way. Beginners are rewarding to work with since their progress is the most evident after a certain time, advanced students make the teachers see that what we do, can effectively change lives.

USD 10.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 07:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Luka Obradovic.

1,341 bài học

Luka Obradovic

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha

A PhD student who wants to help you master a new language in 2025 My primary goal as a teacher is to help you realise how cool the language that you are trying to learn actually is. I am cheerful, thorough and patient, ready for all of the questions that are coming my way. In the last six years I have held more than 1300 lessons on italki and have tutored three generations of undergraduate students at my university. I am able to accustom myself to the students' needs and teach the language both at a beginner's level as well as at a proficient one. There is nothing in this world that brings me more joy than seeing the look on the student's face when they finally understand a concept that they have been struggling with.

USD 13.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 16:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Vladana Ulama.

877 bài học

Vladana Ulama

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Bosnia
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Môn-tê-nê-grô
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Ý

I'm Montenegrin native speaker. I've been studying English since I was 9 years old and Italian since I was 11 years old. If somebody wants to learn and practise one of these languages I can help.

USD 6.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Jovana Vukovic.

1,428 bài học

Jovana Vukovic

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Passionate English & Serbian language teacher My commitment to teaching English is fueled by the profound impact language has on our lives. It serves as a gateway to connect with diverse cultures, enabling us to communicate and empathize across borders. I approach teaching with an open mind and an empathetic heart. Every student is unique, and I embrace the challenge of adapting my approach to suit individual learning styles. Technology and interactive resources play a significant role in my lessons, making the learning experience engaging and enjoyable for my students.

USD 8.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Maja Dzamic.

650 bài học

Maja Dzamic

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Nga

I have ever since been passionate about helping others learn a language. During Master's studies, I taught a small group of students Spanish language at a Technical faculty. My first professional engagement was in a Belgrade high school and in a school for foreign languages. Besides the curriculum, I adapted the lessons to students' needs and strengthened the 'weak' skills. Furthermore, I am also proud of my students' progress in individual lessons.

USD 5.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Marija.

1,642 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Bosnia
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Tiếng Môn-tê-nê-grô

Goethe Zertifikat I have friendly approach , because I like relaxed atmosphere during class. I will always encourage you to speak without fear of making mistakes.

USD 7.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 08:00 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Jovana S.

4,647 bài học

Jovana S

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Bosnia
Tiếng Croat-ti-a

I am not a strict teacher but rather someone who wants to share their knowledge with others. I can listen to your suggestions and adapt if you have a preferred method that would benefit you in the long run.

USD 5.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Jovana Bazić.

422 bài học

Jovana Bazić

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Ý

I am very easygoing and relaxed. I possess extensive knowledge about being a student, so you don’t need to worry about any mistakes or the problems that may arise along the way. I will assist you in making this journey much smoother, and I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. During my Master’s, I had the opportunity to teach Italian as a second language, which was an enriching experience. I have also taught students on various platforms. Additionally, I am studying German, so I can completely empathize with what you are going through

USD 5.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 11:30 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Andrea.

182 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Bosnia
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Môn-tê-nê-grô
Bản ngữ

Certified TEFL educator with extensive teaching experience. My main goal is to use different materials for teaching so you can study and improve your knowledge. We will practice reading, writing, listening, conversation, critical thinking and I will also encourage you to do the homework. I helped many students to gain a high score in exams and I can help you to your speech sound more natural if you are preparing for some presentations, job interviews etc. My excellent listening skills and customer responsiveness is essential and I would continually incorporate feedback, ideas and requests available 24/7. The job description for an online tutor is perfectly aligned with my experience and education. I hope you have a great day!

USD 7.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Nina.

1,060 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Croat-ti-a
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Môn-tê-nê-grô
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

I started taking English classes when I was 7 years old. From that point on, I have continuously studied it. I began teaching classes informally when I was 15, continuing to this day. I have been teaching both adults and children, and have seen a drastic improvement in their confidence to speak the language.

USD 5.00/học thử
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Mirjana.

98 bài học


Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Tây Ban Nha

I am a TEFL-certified teacher and have enjoyed eight years of teaching English online. I’ve primarily worked with students in conversational settings, helping them prepare for travel, exams, job interviews, and more. Through my own experiences learning other languages, I understand what it is like to be a language learner and the challenges that come with it. For over eight years, I have applied this knowledge to help others learn English as their second language. I believe that language learning should be both inspiring and efficient.

USD 23.00/Giờ
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Nevena Jovic.

660 bài học

Nevena Jovic

Giáo viên chuyên nghiệpid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh

Easy-going, flexible certified teacher with an extended experience of teaching serbian language The process of learning a language and adopting language rules and the spirit of the language is something I have always been interested in, and that is how I became a teacher. I like to teach others and to participate in the process of mastering the language. I believe that this is how both the teacher and the student become ennobled. Also, I consider myself a patient person for whom there is nothing insurmountable when it comes to students and the learning process.

USD 7.00/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 07:30 Ngày mai
Learn Tiếng Séc-bi with the teacher Nena ✨️.

1,331 bài học

Nena ✨️

Gia sư cộng đồngid verified
SPEAKS :Tiếng Séc-bi
Bản ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Đức
Tiếng Nga

💫 friendly atmosphere and simple teaching style 💫 I am delighted to be able to offer my students knowledge and support in their learning process. Helping others is important to me and I enjoy sharing materials and guidelines I have come up with. On top of everything else, I love working on Italki, when we can learn from each other and as a tourism manager by profession, I find contact with people from other countries motivating. I will try to do my best to fit your needs according to lesson duration, frequency and your devotion to the task. At the end of a lesson, you are very likely to be given homework to make sure you absorbed all the teaching material.

USD 8.99/học thử
Rảnh vào lúc 14:00 Ngày mai
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