Tìm giáo viên Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Anh (BSL) tốt nhất cho bạn.
Tìm gia sư dạy Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Anh (BSL) trực tuyến tốt nhất cho bạn: lựa chọn từ những giáo viên Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Anh (BSL) trực tuyến có kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi và có được trải nghiệm học tốt nhất.

Tom Topping
🖐️Native BSL Communicator | Learn British Sign Language with a Bilingual Teacher! 🌟✌️ I have learnt Sign Language from when I was a baby and have communicated with my parents this way my whole life. My teaching style when I have taught other people growing up is patience and sticking with a set curriculum but always allowing for questions and clarifications at any time I assign homework for students so help solidify their BSL learnings. Most importantly, I strive on my students having fun in their lessons!

3,129 bài học
Tony Nabarro
Hello, I am a British Sign Language native signer and I currently live in Phuket, Thailand over 10 years with my two daughters. BSL is beautiful - just like other spoken languages. Moreover, my best contribution is BSL teaching for learners.