Tìm giáo viên Tiếng Swazi tốt nhất cho bạn.
Tìm gia sư dạy Tiếng Swazi trực tuyến tốt nhất cho bạn: lựa chọn từ những giáo viên Tiếng Swazi trực tuyến có kinh nghiệm của chúng tôi và có được trải nghiệm học tốt nhất.

71 bài học
Ednah Khoza
I have past experience in which I have taught English to people of different ages and different levels. I am a professional teacher and I speak three languages. I also joined italki as a teacher during the pandemic in 2020. Hence, I understand the challenges and frustration that come with learning a new language. I can assure you that I have all the patience to help you reach your desired goals.

103 bài học
SiSwati teacher who makes every lesson a beautiful experience using stories, poems & jokes. I am the type of teacher who aims to make learning an enjoyable experience. I allow students to talk about topics of their interest because I believe this will make learning more easier.