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Welcome to the Chinese Language League! Meet other learners, get advice and motivation, and be part of the Chinese learning community.
In this episode, I’ll share some interesting knowledge about the double names of tomato! Along the way, you'll not only discover the origins and meanings of these names but also learn some handy new vocabulary: 番茄 (fān qié) 中文解释:一种果实为红色或黄色的蔬果,通常用于烹饪或沙拉。 英文解释:Tomato, a fruit with red or yellow flesh, commonly used in cooking or salads. 西红柿 (xī hóng shì) 中文解释:与番茄相同,但这个名字多用在中国北方,指的是这种植物。 英文解释:Another name for tomato, more commonly used in northern China. 植物 (zhí wù) 中文解释:一种生活在土地上的生物,通常有根、茎、叶和花。 英文解释:Plant, a living organism typically having roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. 柿子 (shì zi) 中文解释:一种果实为橙色,味道甜美的果实。 英文解释:Persimmon, a sweet, orange-colored fruit. 学名 (xué míng) 中文解释:生物的科学名称,通常为拉丁文,包含属名和种名。 英文解释:Scientific name, a Latin-based name for a species, consisting of genus and species. 通俗叫法 (tōng sú jiào fǎ) 中文解释:人们日常生活中对事物的非正式或非专业称呼。 英文解释:Common name, the informal or non-scientific name used in everyday life. 天南海北 (tiān nán hǎi běi) 中文解释:指各地,尤其是指遥远或分散的地方。 英文解释:From all corners of the world, used to describe far or scattered places. 西红柿炒蛋 (xī hóng shì chǎo dàn) 中文解释:一种经典的中国家常菜,主要材料为西红柿和鸡蛋。 英文解释:Stir-fried tomatoes and eggs, a classic Chinese home-cooked dish made with tomatoes and eggs.
How do you call it? 番茄or西红柿?
0 đã tham gia kiểm tra
16 Thg 12 2024 14:54
In this episode, I’ll share some fun experiences and useful tips about having a meal in China. Enjoy! Plus, learn some handy vocabulary along the way: 菜谱 (cài pǔ) 中文解释:指记录各种菜肴制作方法的书籍或单子,也可以指餐馆的菜单。 英文解释:Recipe or menu, referring to a list or book of methods for preparing dishes, or the menu at a restaurant. 食材 (shí cái) 中文解释:指用于烹饪的各种原材料,如蔬菜、肉类等。 英文解释:Ingredients, referring to various raw materials used for cooking, such as vegetables and meat. 烹调 (pēng tiáo) 中文解释:指烹饪食物的过程,包括炒、煮、炸等方法。 英文解释:Cooking, the process of preparing food, including methods like frying, boiling, and deep-frying. 烹饪 (pēng rèn) 中文解释:制作食物的技术或艺术,包括各种烹调方法。 英文解释:Cuisine or cooking, the technique or art of preparing food, involving various cooking methods. 少许 (shǎo xǔ) 中文解释:指数量很少,通常用于描述调料的用量。 英文解释:A little, referring to a very small amount, often used to describe the quantity of seasoning. 优惠券 (yōu huì quàn) 中文解释:提供折扣或特别优惠的小票或代码。 英文解释:Coupon, a ticket or code offering a discount or special deal. 扫码 (sǎo mǎ) 中文解释:用手机或设备扫描二维码以获取信息或完成支付。 英文解释:Scan a code, using a phone or device to scan a QR code for information or payment. 礼仪 (lǐ yí) 中文解释:指在人际交往中应遵守的行为规范或礼节。 英文解释:Etiquette, the set of rules or customs to be followed in social interactions. AA制 (AA zhì) 中文解释:指聚餐或其他消费时,各人按比例分摊费用的方式。
Having a Meal in China ~ 在中国吃饭
6 đã tham gia kiểm tra
13 Thg 12 2024 02:42
🏊 Swim 游泳 (Yóuyǒng) 🔄 Swing 摆动 (Bǎidòng) 📲 Swipe 滑动 (Huádòng) 🔌 Switch off 关 (Guān) 💡 Switch on 开 (Kāi) Want to challenge yourself? Try these exciting resources to master today’s verbs! 🔹 C(104) Quiz: Test your knowledge and see how well you know these essential verbs! 🔹 C(104) Vocabulary Flash Cards: Quick, fun, and effective for boosting your vocabulary! Book a class with me on Italki, and let’s practice these verbs in everyday conversations! From switching on your motivation to swiping through vocabulary flashcards, these verbs will keep your learning fresh and engaging. Looking forward to helping you master these skills! Let’s make learning both fun and effective! 🌟
Which of the following situations best describes the verb "Swipe" 滑动 (Huádòng)?
You move your finger across your phone screen.
You press a button to turn on the lights.
You jump into a pool of water and start swimming.
You rock back and forth in a chair while reading.
32 đã tham gia kiểm tra
11 Thg 12 2024 10:57
In this episode, I’ll share some fun experiences of watching Chinese TV programs and tips on how to choose the best ones. Enjoy! Plus, learn some useful vocabulary along the way: 电视节目 (diàn shì jié mù) 中文解释:指通过电视播出的各种节目,包括电视剧、综艺、纪录片等。 英文解释:Television programs, referring to various types of shows broadcast on TV, including dramas, variety shows, documentaries, etc. 母语 (mǔ yǔ) 中文解释:指一个人生来学习并且最熟悉的语言。 英文解释:Mother tongue, the language a person learns from birth and is most familiar with. 字幕 (zì mù) 中文解释:指在电视或电影中显示的文字,通常用于翻译对话或解释场景。 英文解释:Subtitles, text displayed in TV shows or movies, typically used for translating dialogue or explaining scenes. 语言环境 (yǔ yán huán jìng) 中文解释:指学习或使用语言时所处的语言和文化背景。 英文解释:Language environment, the linguistic and cultural context in which a language is learned or used. 哪怕 (nǎ pà) 中文解释:即使、即便,用来表示某种程度的让步。 英文解释:Even if, used to express concession or allowance. 沉浸式 (chén jìn shì) 中文解释:指完全投入其中,通常用于描述深度体验的学习或娱乐方式。 英文解释:Immersive, referring to a deeply engaging experience, often used to describe ways of learning or entertainment. 语感 (yǔ gǎn) 中文解释:指对语言的自然感觉,包括语法、用词和语调等的直觉理解。 英文解释:Language intuition, a natural sense of language, including grammar, vocabulary, and intonation. 语境 (yǔ jìng) 中文解释:指语言使用的具体场景或情境,决定了词汇和句子的意义。 英文解释:Context, the specific setting or situation in which language is used, determining the meaning of words and sentences. 渠道 (qú dào) 中文解释:指信息、产品或服务的传递途径或方式。 英文解释:Channel, the means or route through which information, products, or services are delivered. 频道 (pín dào) 中文解释:指广播或电视中的不同频率或节目种类。 英文解释:Channel, the different frequencies or types of programs in broadcasting or television. 网络平台 (wǎng luò píng tái) 中文解释:指通过互联网提供各种服务或内容的平台,如社交媒体、视频平台等。 英文解释:Online platforms, platforms that provide various services or content through the internet, such as social media, video streaming platforms, etc. 契合 (qì hé) 中文解释:指两者之间的匹配、合适或协调。 英文解释:Fit, referring to a match or coordination between two things.
Watching Chinese TV Programs~观看中国的电视节目
12 Thg 12 2024 03:12
Ready to strengthen your vocabulary with C(47) Verbs of the Day? These action-packed verbs will help you express affection, craft creativity, and enhance your communication skills! 🔹 Kill – 杀死 (Shā sǐ) 🗡️ 🔹 Kiss – 亲吻 (Qīnwěn) 💋 🔹 Knit – 编织 (Biānzhī) 🧶 🔹 Knock – 敲 (Qiāo) 🚪 🔹 Know – 知道 (Zhīdào) 💡 🌟 Want to take your learning further? 📘 C(47) Vocabulary Flash Cards: Visualize and memorize today’s verbs effortlessly with quick, engaging flashcards! 🎯 C(47) Verbs Quiz: Are you ready to test your skills? See how well you’ve mastered these essential verbs with our fun and interactive quiz!
C (47) Verbs Set : Kill Kiss Knit Knock Know
Which verb means “to kiss” in Chinese?
编织 (Biānzhī)
亲吻 (Qīnwěn)
亲吻 (Qīnwěn)
杀死 (Shā sǐ)
15 đã tham gia kiểm tra
2 Thg 12 2024 21:11
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