تدريب يومي
90 day's training: Day 37 Could you please check my sentences? Thanks in advance. 🐰 1) In the morning, I usually practice piano but just today I was watching a baseball game on TV. The Dodgers would be the Champion 2024. 2) It has been celebrated also in Japan because two Japanese players belong to the team. 3) By the way I was cooking when I watched the game. A baseball game last some hours so I usually do something others. 4) I cooked curry rice for dinner. Curry is worldwide famous, isn't it? I like eating it with some vegetables. For example potato, onion, carrot, mushroom, spinach, corn, peas etc. 5) In the Sommer I put in it extra tomatoes or aubergine or paprika. A day after I eat the curry rice, I like eating curry noodles. It also tastes good.
١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٢:٣٩
Yesterday my colleague asked me to move in again. However, after learning that I was living in a barber shop and the barber didn't ask me to pay during the summer holidays (because he said he couldn't find another tenant like me), she finally gave up. I still remember that a musician played and sang Jiang Kui's "An Xiang" for me. It was the first time I had heard that song played on the guitar. Some things can only be understood through first-hand experience. When I was young, I heard someone playing Jiang Kui's melody. I enrolled in a guqin class. Though unfortunately at that point in my life, I was going through too much stress, so I had to give it up. Perhaps only people who move frequently can understand Jiang Kui’s wandering life experience and frustrations he laments, during his mid and later life. "But now your poet is getting old, and he has forgotten the love and lyrics; yet, he still resents the few flowers beyond the bamboo, for their chilling fragrance has crept into his chamber."
١ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١١:١١
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