مواضيع لك
Fight Against Economic Exclusion Functionings - demonstrate agency find better paid work from their social network (friends, colleagues or relatives), self-exploration in the city, or job-search online learning new skills or advancing their degrees (4 planned for vocational skills training, 2 started small business, 2 adult education) Spaces: observing, learning or business opportunities in the city or learned from their friends, people at work 對抗經濟排斥 功能 - 展現主體性 從他們的社交網絡(朋友、同事或親戚)中尋找更高薪的工作,在城市中自我探索,或在線上找工作 學習新技能或提升學位(4人計劃參加職業技能培訓,2人開始做小生意,2人接受成人教育) 空間:在城市中觀察、學習或商機,或向朋友、同事學習 “I know lots of people are doing awesome in online business and earn thousands of dollars. I want to focus more on my business and hope I can increase my income.” xx after several years of waitressing and factory work planned to learn cosmetic skills in beauty salons and become a cosmetician because “it’s light and fun work. Xi'an professional cosmeticians earn a lot during peak season.” “我知道很多人在網上生意上做得很棒,賺了幾千美元。我想更專注於我的業務,希望能增加我的收入。” -- xx xx做了幾年服務生和工廠工作後,計劃在美容院學習美容技能,成為一名美容師,因為“這是一份輕鬆有趣的工作。西安的專業美容師在旺季賺得很多。” Functioning demonstrates agency Developing and maintaining the social relations and affiliation parents, siblings, other relatives and fellow villagers from their home village, classmates and friends from neighbor villages, colleagues and new friends who were migrants from different regions, and a few urban relatives. to determine migration destination, get new jobs, find residential areas, explore the city and adapt to it. 功能展示了能動性 發展和維持社會關係和聯繫 父母、兄弟姐妹、其他親戚和同村的村民、來自鄰村的同學和朋友、來自不同地區的移民同事和新朋友,以及一些城市親戚。 確定移民目的地、獲得新工作、找房、探索城市並適應它。
٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٧:٢٧
5 idioms related to education: 1. **"Hit the books"** **Meaning**: To study hard. **Example**: "I have an important exam next week, so I need to hit the books." 2. **"Learn the ropes"** **Meaning**: To learn how to do a job or task. **Example**: "It took me a while to learn the ropes at my new job, but I’m getting the hang of it now." 3. **"Pass with flying colors"** **Meaning**: To succeed or do very well, especially in an exam. **Example**: "She passed her final exams with flying colors and got into her dream college." 4. **Brush up on"** Meaning: To review or improve one's knowledge of a subject. Example: "Before the big test, I need to brush up on my history facts." 5. **"Learn the hard way"** Meaning: To learn something through difficult or painful experiences rather than through instruction or guidance. Example: "He learned the hard way that skipping classes can lead to poor grades."
٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٧:٢٧
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