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1. This is a parting poem, But what is Jiang Kui’s view of this occasion? regret? anticipation? explore the series of stances toward farewell that he sets out in the ci. His view of this occasion is mixed with regret and anticipation. Because he mentioned “I always regret that partings are many and meetings few; about to again visits “west of the bamboo,” pearls of Tears feel my hands.” but he wrote “What day will I return, with Plum flowers in profusion on a spring night?” at the end, Which shows that his eagerness to return. 2. The first two-strophes form single sentences. What are the connections between these two strophic units? What is the role of imagery in connecting the two strophes? amid withered grasses and mournful Mists, chaotic Ravens see off the sun: wind-blown sand whirls across the level plain. brushing the snow with a metal whip, cheating the cold in a soft hat: I still recall racing horses along Zhang Terrace Road. the first strophic unit brings out the second strophic through describing the time (dusk) and place (a waste land) and it’s a cold weather, which is the reason of the poet’s clothing or accessories. The same scene makes the poet recall the past.
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🚫 3 Common Grammar Mistakes You Might Be Making ✍️ Grammar mistakes happen to the best of us! Here are three common errors that often slip through the cracks—and how to avoid them. 1. Confusing Your vs. You're 🛑 Your is a possessive pronoun, while you're is a contraction of "you are." Mixing these up is super common, but easy to fix! Example: ❌ "Your going to love this movie." ✅ "You're going to love this movie." 2. Misusing Their, There, and They’re 🛑 These homophones can be tricky! Their = Possessive (belongs to them) There = Refers to a place They’re = Contraction of "they are" Example: ❌ "There going to bring their dog over here." ✅ "They’re going to bring their dog over there." 3. Mixing Up Then vs. Than 🛑 Then refers to time or sequence, while than is used for comparisons. Example: ❌ "She is taller then her brother." ✅ "She is taller than her brother." 💡 Quick Tip: Pay close attention to context when using these words—small changes make a big difference!
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