Slangs are new internet phrases used in different spheres for different reasons. With so many new Colombian slangs coming up every day, how do you keep up? Knowing the correct slang and when to use them can be challenging.
This article will provide excellent Colombian slang words and phrases you need to know and would love to use with your friends and family. Most importantly will add those slangs that are insulting so that you would notice if someone is using abusive slang on you. Let’s dive into our article.
Before we get into Colombian slang, the first thing we need to know is that Colombian people do not speak “Colombian.” These people of Colombia speak Spanish. In fact, 99.5 percent of the population speaks Spanish. A good number of them also speak English.
Mind you that although Colombians speak Spanish, they may not have the same slang as the Spanish people. Slangs cut across various people, languages, and cultures, although Colombian people use slang differently from Spanish people.
If you desire to learn the different slang of Spanish and Colombian people, you would undoubtedly need Spanish to guide you. With italki, you can learn Spanish online in less than no time.
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Some commonly used Colombian slang
So you have a better idea of what slangs are, we are going to discuss a few English slangs you may have heard.
- Goat
You might take this offensive if you are unfamiliar with the slang because it says goat, but g.o.a.t is the acronym for what it is: most splendid of all time. An acronym is a combination of the first words of a statement or an organization or even your name.
- On Fleek
This term is often used when something is beautifully executed. When something is well done. For example
If your girlfriend gets to style her hair so well, you can say, babe, your hair’s on Fleek.
- Salty
Usually, one would use salty when referring to food, but you can also use salty when someone is angry or upset. For example;
I am salty that I will not be able to attend the international poetry festival this year.
- Snatched
Snatched is a term primarily used in the fashion industry. Usually, when something appears fashionable or very interesting, you use the word snatched.
For example, your sister wears a beautiful dress for her first date. Here is what you would say: girl, you look snatched. Got it!
- Lit
This is used when something is exciting, good, or so excellent. Instead of saying it the long way around, you would say it is lit. For example, the party was lit. To avoid saying the party was exciting. You might want to add some facial expressions while saying it.
Some interesting Colombian slang words
- Que Mas – Hey, what’s up
When Colombians want to salute each other, they say “Qué Mas.” This slang means ” hey, what’s up.” It is an everyday Colombian slang that they use to salute each other. Friends would often use this when they meet each other.
- Filo
Filo means hunger. When someone uses the word “filo,” they are referring to them having a hunger. For example:
Alo? Amiga, tengo un filo. Vamos a comer empanada, yo invito
Hello? Girl, I’m hungry. Let’s eat empanadas. I’ll buy them.
- De una
This means “let’s do it.” It’s also a slang response to the slang above. For example;
Amiga, de una. Yo tambien tengo un filo, no tien ideas.
Girl, let’s do it. I’m so hungry, too; you have no idea
- Mamando gallo
This means joking around, pulling someone by the legs. Not literally, but with an expensive joke. For example;
Ahh, I was joking around, don’t take it seriously.
Ahh, te estaba, Mamando gallo, no te lo tomes en serio.
- Echarle los perros – to throw the dogs
It means to flirt with someone. If someone is flirting with you, you say:
Te esta echando los perros
He is throwing the dogs at you.
Another expression you can use is the word “Caer,” which literally means to fall, but you can say “me está cayendo,” which means he’s flirting with me, and “le estoy cayendo,” which means; I am flirting with him or her.
- Lucas
In Colombia, lucas means money as “bucks” used in the US.
- Tumbar
This would mean to drop or to overthrow, but in the Columbian Spanish language, it means to steal. For example;
Me tumbaron el celular.
My phone got stolen.
- Qué chimba
It refers to something ready, good, or cool, and it applies to everything. It is a very, very important Colombian slang. In a sentence, it would be:
Qué chimba de camisa?
What a cool shirt?
Qué chimba de fiesta!
Wow, cool party!
Colombian slang terms for friends
Want to sound cool when speaking to your friends? Check out this Colombian slang for friends.
- Parcero/Parcera
This slang is masculine and féminine. Parcero is masculine, and Parcera is féminine. Parcera can be considered Colombian slang for girl. They are used differently when referring to a male or female. It is a word for friends or acquaintances.
For example:
Meaning in English: my man, girl, mate, brother or bro, dude, my person, home girl or boy.
When someone says; Quiubo, Parce?
They mean: What’s up, man?
- El Parche
When translated to English, this slang means “The patch.”
Its slang meaning: The crew, the homies
So it is often used by peers and younger people.
- Llave
The word means “key” in English, and in Colombia, it means “key,” too, but Colombians use it when talking to friends. In that context, the word could mean “close.” These words don’t sound as they look, so you would need to get online language classes on Colombian slang or the entire language, Spanish, to learn better.
For example :
If you say; Mi Llave, referring to a friend to someone, It says my “Key.”
Since you are referring to a friend, it would mean; My (close) friend
The double ( L ) is not an error. That is Colombian slang for you, the language generally.
Check out our Colombian slang dictionary
- Parchando
Slang meaning: Chillin’, hanging out.
- Polas
In English: Beers
- Rumbiar
In English means: To go out, to party
- Rumba
In English means: The party itself
- Changó
In English: To go dancing
- Toque
Literal meaning: Touch
- Estar Prendido/Prendida
Literal meaning: To be lit
Slang meaning: To be buzzed
- Jincho/Jincha
Meaning: To be drunk
- Guayabo
Literal meaning: A guava tree
Slang meaning: To be hung over
- Guaro
Literal meaning: Firewater
Slang meaning: Aguardiente
- Un Chorro
Literal meaning: A drip
Slang meaning: A swig (of alcohol)
You should note that Colombians speak Spanish and English as well as Portuguese. But Spanish is their language. And so, while searching for Spanish learning tips, you could also search for Portuguese if you are interested in the whole language.
How much do you know now? Have your italki tutor give you a Colombian slang quiz, so you see how many slang words you remember!
I am sure you found this article very helpful, and I bet you wouldn’t have a problem when you travel to Colombia or make a Colombian friend. Throw in slang or two in conversations to sound more natural!
You can learn Spanish and Portuguese as well because it is another language that the Colombian people speak.
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