Spanish is the national language of over 20 countries, the majority of which have vibrant cultures. If you have ever visited Latin America or Spain, you are aware of how passionate Spanish speakers can be. This makes Spanish an excellent language for love and romance, as there are numerous ways to express love in Spanish.
You might be the type of person who saves the famous three words for their significant other, or you might wear your heart on your sleeve and say I love you to everyone in your life multiple times a day. In any case, learning how to say I love you in Spanish will significantly improve your language skills.
While you can learn these phrases in online Spanish classes, there’s no reason you can’t get a head start. If you are looking for a platform to improve your Spanish, get registered with italki. The Spanish tutors at italki are experienced instructors with a good command of the language (most of them are native speakers). Learning Spanish has now become an easier task with italki!
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If you live in a Spanish-speaking country or regularly interact with Spanish speakers, you will want to know a few words to express your affection and appreciation. Even if you are not looking to get romantically involved with anyone in particular, knowing how to express your feelings for someone can go a long way. There are numerous ways to express platonic love to others in Spanish.
Communicating with your significant other in their native language is one of the best ways to learn a new language. If you are in a relationship with a Spanish speaker, learning how to express love in Spanish is one of the most important things you can do. There are numerous ways to express your feelings for someone other than “te amo.” With over 400 million native speakers, Spanish is as diverse as it is romantic.
Expressing love to boyfriend/girlfriend
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
I love you | Te amo | Tay ah-mo |
I love you too | Yo también te amo | Yo tahm-bee-en tay ah-mo |
I love you so much | Te amo demasiado | Tay ah-mo day-ma-see-ah-doh |
I love you more | Te amo más | Tay ah-mo mas |
I love you most | Te amo más que nadie | Tay ah-mo mas kay nah-dee-eh |
I love you a lot | Te amo mucho | Tay ah-mo moo-cho |
I love you very much | Te amo muchísimo | Tay ah-mo moo-chee-see-mo |
I love you to the moon and back | Te amo hasta la luna y más allá | Tay ah-mo ahs-tah la loo-na |
I love you with all my heart | Te amo con todo mi corazón | Tay ah-mo con toh-doh mee co-rah-son |
I love you, my love | Te amo, mi amor | Tay ah-mo mee ah-more |
I love you handsome | Te amo, guapo | Tay ah-mo, goo-ah-po |
I love you beautiful | Te amo, hermosa | Tay ah-mo, air-mo-sa |
I love you more than life itself | Te amo más que a la vida en sí | Tay ah-mo mas kay ah la vee-dah en see |
I love you more than anything | Te amo más que a nada | Tay ah-mo mas kay ah nah-da |
I still love you | Aún te amo | Ah-oon tay ah-mo |
I think I love you | Creo que te amo | Cray-oh kay tay ah-mo |
I’m crazy about you | Estoy enloquecido por ti | Es-toy en-loh-kay-see-do por tee |
You’re driving me crazy (in a good way) | Me estás volviendo loco | Meh es-tas vol-vee-en-do low-co |
I’m head over heels for you | Estoy enloquecido por ti | Es-toy en-lo-kay-see-do por tee |
I adore you | Te adoro | Tay ah-do-ro |
I’ve fallen for you | Me has conquistado | Meh as con-kiss-ta-do |
I’m yours | Soy tuyo/a | Soy too-yo/too-ya |
Love of my life | Amor de mi vida | Ah-more day me vee-da |
I’m thinking about you | Estoy pensando en ti | Es-toy pen-san-do en tee |
I want to be with you | Quiero estar contigo | kee-eh-ro es-tar con-tee-go |
I can’t wait to see you | Ya te quiero ver | Ya tay kee-eh-ro ver |
I can’t live without you | No puedo vivir sin ti | No poo-ay-do vee-veer seen tee |
I need you | Te necesito | Tay neh-say-see-toh |
You are my other half | Eres mi media naranja | Eh-res me meh-dee-ah nah-ran-ha |
Life would be empty without you | La vida estaría vacía sin ti | La vee-dah es-ta-ree-ah va-see-ah seen tee |
My heart is yours | Mi corazón es tuyo | Me co-rah-son es too-yo |
You are my everything | Eres mi todo | Eh-res me toh-doh |
I love you with all my soul | Te amo con toda mi alma | Tay ah-mo con toh-da me al-mah |
I love you from the bottom of my heart | Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón. | Tay ah-mo des-day el fon-do day me co-rah-son |
I love you mommy | Te amo mamacita | Tay ah-mo ma-ma-see-ta |
I love you daddy | Te amo papi | Tay ah-mo pa-pee |
You’re the best girlfriend in the world | Eres la mejor novia del mundo | Eh-res la may-hore noh-vee-ah del moon-do |
You’re the best boyfriend in the world | Eres el mejor novio del mundo | Eh-res el may-hore noh-vee-oh del moon-do |
Love always needs expression but if you find yourself in such a situation where you feel like thanking the other person, you need to learn phrases for that. There are several ways to say thank you in Spanish ranging from formal to informal situations.
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Expressing love to a friend, family member, or platonic love
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
I love you mom | Te amo, mamá | Tay ah-mo, ma-ma |
I love you dad | Te amo, papá | Tay ah-mo, pa-pa |
I love you grandma | Te amo, abuela | Tay ah-mo, ah-boo-eh-la |
I love you grandpa | Te amo, abuelo | Tay ah-mo, ah-boo-eh-lo |
I love you all | Los amo a todos | Los ah-mo ah toh-dos |
I love you guys | Los amo | Los ah-mo |
I love Taco Bell | Amo Taco Bell | Ah-mo Taco Bell |
I love you as a friend | Te quiero como amigo | Tay kee-eh-ro co-mo ah-mee-go |
I miss you | Te extraño | Tay ex-tra-nio |
I miss you | Te echo de menos | Tay eh-cho day meh-nos |
You look beautiful | Qué hermosa te ves | Kay her-mo-sa tay ves |
You look handsome | Qué guapo te ves | Kay goo-ah-po te ves |
You’re my soulmate | Eres mi alma gemela | Eh-res me al-ma he-meh-la |
I like you just the way you are | Te quiero tal cual y como eres | Tay kee-eh-ro tal koo-al e co-mo eh-res |
Goodnight, I love you | Buenas noches, te amo | Boo-eh-nas noh-ches, tay ah-mo |
Apart from this, you can master the expressions of saying happy birthday in Spanish to make the birthdays of your family, friends, or love interest special and memorable. Remember, learning these phrases or expressions allow you to get immersed in Spanish culture and its people.
How to say ‘My love’ in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
My love | Mi amor | Me ah-more |
My sky | Mi cielo | Me see-eh-lo |
My life | Mi vida | Me vee-da |
My heart | Mi corazón | Me co-rah-son |
My dear | Mi querido | Me kay-ree-doh |
My sun | Mi sol | Me sol |
My king | Mi rey | Me ray |
My queen | Mi reina | Me ray-na |
My sweetness | Mi dulzura | Me dull-soo-rah |
My baby | Mi bebé | Me beh-beh |
My precious | Mi preciosa | Me pray-see-oh-sa |
My treasure | Mi tesoro | Me tay-so-ro |
My doll | Mi muñeca | Me moo-nie-kah |
Romantic phrases in Spanish
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
You make me happy as a worm. | Me haces feliz como una lombriz. | May ah-ses fay-lees koh-mo oo-na lom-breeze |
I want to be with you forever. | Quiero estar contigo para siempre. | Kee-eh-ro es-tar con-tee-go pah-rah see-em-pray |
I like your smile. | Me gusta tu sonrisa. | May goose-tah too son-ree-sa |
Your eyes are captivating. | Me cautivan tus ojos. | May cow-tee-van toos oh-hos |
You make me laugh a lot. | Me haces reír mucho. | May ah-says ray-eere moo-cho |
I can’t wait to see you again. | No veo la hora de verte otra vez. | No vay-oh la oh-rah day ver-tay oh-trah vehs |
I’m dying of love. | Muero de amor. | Moo-ay-row day ah-more |
You are always in my heart. | Siempre estás en mi corazón. | See-em-pray es-tas en me coh-rah-son |
Stay with whoever kisses your soul, because anyone could kiss your skin. | Quédate con quien te bese el alma. La piel te la puede besar cualquiera. | Kay-da-tay con kee-ehn tay bay-say elle al-ma. La pee-elle tay-la poo-ay-day bay-sar coo-al-kee-eh-rah |
I love you like the female trout loves the male trout. | Te quiero como la trucha al trucho. | Tay kee-eh-ro co-mo la true-cha al true-cho |
You look like a princess. | Pareces una princesa. | Pah-ray-ses oo-na preen-say-sa |
You’re as cute as a flower. | Eres tan linda como una flor. | Eh-res tan leen-da co-mo oo-na floor |
My heart beats like a french fry. | Mi corazón palpita como una patata frita. | Me coh-rah-son pal-pee-tah co-mo oo-na pa-ta-ta free-ta |
You’re the woman of my dreams. | Eres la mujer de mis sueños. | Ay-res la moo-her day mees soo-ay-nios |
I hope you’re in my dreams tonight. | Espero soñar contigo esta noche. | Es-pear-oh sow-niar con-tee-go es-tah no-che |
I think we look good together. | Creo que hacemos una buena pareja. | Cray-oh kay ah-say-mos oo-na boo-ay-na pah-ray-ha |
I like you more and more each day. | Cada día te quiero más. | Ca-dah dee-ah tay kee-eh-ro mas |
You complete me. | Tú me complementas. | Too may com-play-men-tahs |
Frequently asked questions
Q. What is the difference between “te quiero” and “te amo”?
A. Both “te quiero” and “te amo” can be translated as “I love you.” Although “te amo” is the literal translation of “I love you” and “te quiero” is the direct translation of “I want you,” the distinction between the two is blurry.
Q. Is “Te quiero” platonic?
A. “Te quiero” is a perfectly acceptable way to express platonic love. Although its literal meaning is “I want you,” it means “I love you” in everyday language.
As they say, love needs passion. If you are looking for ways to express your love in Spanish, this guide is the right spot for you. Tell people you love them and never miss a chance to make them feel special.
If you want to learn Spanish for free, look for your favorite Spanish content available online. Watch videos, movies, and podcasts. It will help you understand native Spanish speakers. Try practicing new Spanish words as it will improve your fluency and pronunciation.
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