The topic of family is an excellent conversation starter for people who don’t know each other well. Family in the Italian language is a great topic to have a conversation especially if you are an Italian learner. It will give you the opportunity to converse naturally about your family as well as others’ families.
This article will teach you Italian words, conversation starters, and phrases to help you make small talk and describe your family in Italian. The Italian word for family is “famiglia,” and the plural form is “famiglie.” As you can see, it is very similar to the English word, which makes memorization much easier.
“Grado di parentela” in Italian, can be used to define your relationship with someone. A typical family consists of parents, siblings, a spouse, and children, who are referred to as “parenti di primo grado” in Italian.
Then there are second- and third-degree family members, known in Italian as “parenti di secondo grado” and “parenti di terzo grado.”
Some of the prominent relationships include
- Mother in Italian
- Father in Italian
- Grandmother in Italian
- Grandfather in Italian
- Sister in Italian
- Brother in Italian
- Daughter in Italian
- Son in Italian
- Aunt in Italian
- Uncle in Italian
- Cousin in Italian
Immediate family in the Italian language
Let’s begin with family vocabulary and relationships. First-degree family members are those closest to you, which translates to “familiari” or “parenti di primo grado” in Italian. In Italian, a close relative is also known as “congiunto,” “parente prossimo,” or “parente stretto.”
It should be noted that “parente” is a fictitious friend. In Italian, “parenti” are “relatives” in English, whereas “parents” in English are “genitori” in Italian.
We know it is quite confusing but make sure you know which one is which! The words “parente” and “parent” come from the Latin word “parens,” which means “parent.” This term was later replaced in Italian by “genitore.”
You can learn Italian online with italki to minimize all your confusion related to family. You can book your lesson plan online to get the best instructor who will make you fluent in Italian.
Look at the following table to learn the terms for immediate family in the Italian language.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Family | Famiglia | Famiglie | [famˈiʎa] | pha-meeh-wlhee-ah |
First-degree family member | Familiare | Familiari | [familiˈare] | pha-meeh-leeh-ah-reh |
First-degree family member | Congiunto | Congiunti | [kond͡ʒˈunto] | kohn-joon-toh |
First-degree family member | Parente di primo grado | Parenti di primo grado | [parˈɛnte dˈi prˈimo ɡrˈado] | pah-rehn-teh deeh pree-moh grah-doh |
Relative | Parente | Parenti | [parˈɛnte] | pah-rehn-teh |
Close relative | Parente prossimo | Parenti prossimi | [parˈɛnte prˈɔs͡simo] | pah-rehn-teh prohs-see-moh |
Close relative | Parente stretto | Parenti stretti | [parˈɛnte strˈetːo] | pah-rehn-teh streht-toh |
Parent | Genitore | Genitori | [d͡ʒenitˈore] | jeh-neeh-toh-reh |
Mother | Madre | Madri | [mˈadre] | mah-dreh |
Mom | Mamma | Mamme | [mˈamma] | mahm-mah |
Father | Padre | Padri | [pˈadre] | pah-dreh |
Dad | Papà | Papà | [papˈa] | pah-pah |
Children | Figli | Figli | [fˈiʎɪ] | pheeh-wlheeh |
Son | Figlio | Figli | [fˈiʎo] | pheeh-wlhee-oh |
Daughter | Figlia | Figlie | [fˈiʎa] | pheeh-wlhee-ah |
Eldest child | Primogenito | Primogeniti | [primod͡ʒˈɛnito] | preeh-moh-jeh-neeh-toh |
Second-born | Secondogenito | Secondogeniti | [sekondod͡ʒˈɛnito] | seh-kohn-doh-jeh-neeh-toh |
Third-born | Terzogenito | Terzogeniti | [tert͡sod͡ʒˈɛnito] | tehr-tsoh-jeh-neeh-toh |
Middle child | Figlio di mezzo | Figli di mezzo | [fˈiʎo dˈi mˈɛd͡zːo] | pheeh-wlhee-oh deeh meh-tsoh |
Siblings | Fratelli | Fratelli | [fratˈɛllɪ] | phrah-tehl-leeh |
Brother | Fratello | Fratelli | [fratˈɛllo] | phrah-tehl-loh |
Little brother, younger brother | Fratello minore, fratellino | Fratelli minori, fratellini | [fratˈɛllo minˈore][fratellˈino] | phrah-tehl-loh mee-noh-rehphrah-tehl-leeh-noh |
Older brother | Fratello maggiore | Fratelli maggiori | [fratˈɛllo mad͡ʒːˈore] | phrah-tehl-loh mah-joh-reh |
Sister | Sorella | Sorelle | [sorˈɛlla] | soh-rehl-lah |
Little sister, younger sister | Sorella minore, sorellina | Sorelle minori, sorelline | [sorˈɛlla minˈore][sorellˈina] | soh-rehl-lah mee-noh-rehsoh-rehl-leeh-nah |
Older sister | Sorella maggiore | Sorelle maggiori | [sorˈɛlla mad͡ʒːˈore] | soh-rehl-lah mah-joh-reh |
Spouse | Coniuge | Coniugi | [kˈoniʊd͡ʒe] | koh-neeh-ooh-jeh |
Husband | Marito | Mariti | [marˈito] | mah-reeh-toh |
Wife | Moglie | Mogli | [mˈoʎe] | moh-wlhee-eh |
Domestic partner | Convivente | Conviventi | [konvivˈɛnte] | kohn-vee-vehn-teh |
Domestic partner | Compagno | Compagni | [kompˈaɲɲo] | kohm-pahn-yoh |
Domestic partner | Compagna | Compagne | [kompˈaɲɲa] | kohm-pahn-yah |
We recommend you to learn I love you in Italian to express your love and affection for your immediate family and life partner. Expressing love is an important factor that keeps the relationships strong and powerful.
Now let’s move towards the terms used for extended family in Italian.
Extended family in the Italian language
Second-degree relations include grandparents and grandchildren, and third-degree relations include great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, nieces, and nephews.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Second-degree family member | Parente di secondo grado | Parenti di secondo grado | [parˈɛnte dˈi sekˈondo ɡrˈado] | pah-rehn-teh deeh seh-kohn-doh grah-doh |
Grandparents | Nonni | Nonni | [nˈɔnnɪ] | nohn-neeh |
Grandfather, grandpa | Nonno | Nonni | [nˈɔnno] | nohn-noh |
Grandmother, grandma | Nonna | Nonne | [nˈɔnna] | nohn-nah |
Grandchildren | Nipoti | Nipoti | [nipˈotɪ] | neeh-poh-teeh |
Grandson | Nipote | Nipoti | [nipˈote] | neeh-poh-teh |
Granddaughter | Nipote | Nipoti | [nipˈote] | neeh-poh-teh |
Third-degree family member | Parente di terzo grado | Parenti di terzo grado | [parˈɛnte dˈi tˈɛrt͡so ɡrˈado] | pah-rehn-teh dee tehr-tsoh grah-doh |
Great-grandparents | Bisnonni | Bisnonni | [biznˈɔnnɪ] | bees-nohn-neeh |
Great-grandfather | Bisnonno | Bisnonni | [biznˈɔnno] | bees-nohn-noh |
Great-grandmother | Bisnonna | Bisnonne | [biznˈɔnna] | bees-nohn-nah |
Great-grandchildren | Pronipoti | Pronipoti | [pronipˈotɪ] | proh-neeh-poh-teeh |
Great-grandson | Pronipote | Pronipoti | [pronipˈote] | proh-neeh-poh-teh |
Great-granddaughter | Pronipote | Pronipoti | [pronipˈote] | proh-neeh-poh-teh |
Uncles | Zii | Zii | [d͡zjˈi] | tseeh-eeh |
Uncle | Zio | Zii | [d͡zˈio] | tseeh-oh |
Aunt | Zia | Zie | [d͡zˈia] | tseeh-ah |
Cousins | Cugini | Cugini | [kʊd͡ʒˈinɪ] | kooh-jeeh-neeh |
Male cousin | Cugino | Cugini | [kʊd͡ʒˈino] | kooh-jeeh-noh |
Female cousin | Cugina | Cugine | [kʊd͡ʒˈina] | kooh-jeeh-nah |
Niece | Nipote | Nipoti | [nipˈote] | neeh-poh-teh |
Nephew | Nipote | Nipoti | [nipˈote] | neeh-poh-teh |
To hold the conversation with your extended family in Italian, you can seek guidance from Italian tutor online. These instructors make learning easier by providing the opportunity to solve practice exercises, letting the learner speak Italian in simulated scenarios, and generating Italian pieces of writing.
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Distant relatives in the Italian language
A distant relative is someone who is not closely related to you and is known in Italian as “parente lontano” or “parente alla lontana” in Italian. Let’s learn how to say “great-uncles” and “second cousins”.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Distant relative | Parente lontano | Parenti lontani | [parˈɛnte lontˈano] | pah-rehn-teh lohn-tah-noh |
Distant relative | Parente alla lontana | Parenti alla lontana | [parˈɛnte ˈalla lontˈana] | pah-rehn-teh ahl-lah lohn-tah-nah |
Great-great-grandfather | Trisnonno | Trisnonni | [triznˈɔnno] | trees-nohn-noh |
Great-great-grandmother | Trisnonna | Trisnonne | [triznˈɔnna] | trees-nohn-nah |
Great-uncle | Prozio | Prozii | [prot͡sˈio] | proh-tseeh-oh |
Great-aunt | Prozia | Prozie | [prod͡zˈia] | proh-tseeh-ah |
Great-great-uncle | Pro-prozio | Pro-prozii | [prˈo prot͡sˈio] | proh-proh-tseeh-oh |
Great-great-aunt | Pro-prozia | Pro-prozie | [prˈo prod͡zˈia] | proh-proh-tseeh-ah |
Male second cousin | Biscugino | Biscugini | [biskʊd͡ʒˈino] | bees-kooh-jeeh-noh |
Female second cousin | Biscugina | Biscugine | [biskʊd͡ʒˈina] | bees-kooh-jeeh-nah |
Male third cousin | Cugino di terzo grado | Cugini di terzo grado | [kʊd͡ʒˈino dˈi tˈɛrt͡so ɡrˈado] | kooh-jeeh-noh deeh tehr-tsoh grah-doh |
Female third cousin | Cugina di terzo grado | Cugine di terzo grado | [kʊd͡ʒˈina dˈi tˈɛrt͡so ɡrˈado] | kooh-jeeh-nah deeh tehr-tsoh grah-doh |
Male first cousin once removed | Procugino | Procugini | [prokʊd͡ʒˈino] | proh-kooh-jeeh-noh |
Female first cousin once removed | Procugina | Procugine | [prokʊd͡ʒˈina] | proh-kooh-jeeh-nah |
Male second cousin once removed | Procugino | Procugini | [prokʊd͡ʒˈino] | proh-kooh-jeeh-noh |
Female second cousin once removed | Procugina | Procugine | [prokʊd͡ʒˈina] | proh-kooh-jeeh-nah |
Male first cousin twice removed | Cugino di secondo grado | Cugini di secondo grado | [kʊd͡ʒˈino dˈi sekˈondo ɡrˈado] | kooh-jeeh-noh deeh seh-kohn-doh grah-doh |
Female first cousin twice removed | Cugina di secondo grado | Cugine di secondo grado | [kʊd͡ʒˈina dˈi sekˈondo ɡrˈado] | kooh-jeeh-nah deeh seh-kohn-doh grah-doh |
It is a normal practice to use slang with cousins. You can also learn Italian slang to have informal Italian conversations with your cousins and distant family members that match your age group.
Family members after marriage
In Italian, your husband or wife’s family members are referred to as “parenti acquisiti.” To specify their role, you add “in-law” to the end of another word in English, such as brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and so on. Each family member has a completely different name in Italian.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
In-laws | Parente acquisito | Parenti acquisiti | [parˈɛnte akːwizˈito] | pah-rehn-teh ah-kooh-eeh-seeh-toh |
Parents-in-law | Suoceri | Suoceri | [sʊˈɔːt͡ʃerɪ] | sooh-oh-cheh-reeh |
Father-in-law | Suocero | Suoceri | [sʊˈɔːt͡ʃero] | sooh-oh-cheh-roh |
Mother-in-law | Suocera | Suocere | [sʊˈɔːt͡ʃera] | sooh-oh-cheh-rah |
Brother-in-law | Cognato | Cognati | [koɲˈato] | kohn-yah-toh |
Sister-in-law | Cognata | Cognate | [koɲˈata] | kohn-yah-tah |
Son-in-law | Genero | Generi | [d͡ʒˈɛnero] | jeh-neh-roh |
Daughter-in-law | Nuora | Nuore | [nʊˈɔra] | nooh-oh-rah |
Other family-related terms in Italian
Here are some other handy phrases, words, and expressions that can be useful when talking about family in Italian language.
English | Italian Singular | Italian Plural | IPA | Pronunciation |
Single-parent family | Famiglia monogenitoriale, famiglia monoparentale | Famiglie monogenitoriali, famiglie monoparentali | [famˈiʎa monod͡ʒenitoriˈale][famˈiʎa monoparentˈale] | pha-meeh-wlhee-ah moh-noh-jeh-neeh-toh-reeh-ah-lehpha-meeh-wlhee-ah moh-noh-pah-rehn-tah-leh |
Single parent,lone parent | Genitore single | Genitori single | [d͡ʒenitˈore sˈinɡˌɔl] | jeh-neeh-toh-reh seehn-gohl |
Single father | Padre single | Padri single | [pˈadre sˈinɡˌɔl] | pah-dreh seehn-gohl |
Single mother | Madre single | Madri single | [mˈadre sˈinɡˌɔl] | mah-dreh seehn-gohl |
Civil union | Unione civile | Unioni civili | [ʊnjˈone t͡ʃivˈile] | ooh-neeh-oh-neh cheeh-veeh-leh |
De facto couple | Coppia di fatto | Coppie di fatto | [kˈɔpːia dˈi fˈatːo] | kohp-peeh-ah deeh phaht-toh |
Adoptive family | Famiglia adottiva | Famiglie adottive | [famˈiʎa adotːˈiva] | pha-meeh-wlhee-ah ah-doht-teeh-vah |
Adoptive parents | Genitori adottivi | Genitori adottivi | [d͡ʒenitˈorɪ adotːˈivɪ] | jeh-neeh-toh-reeh ah-doht-teeh-veeh |
Adoptive mother | Madre adottiva | Madri adottive | [mˈadre adotːˈiva] | mah-dreh ah-doht-teeh-vah |
Adoptive father | Padre adottivo | Padri adottivi | [pˈadre adotːˈivo] | pah-dreh ah-doht-teeh-voh |
Adopted children | Figli adottivi | Figli adottivi | [fˈiʎɪ adotːˈivɪ] | pheeh-wlhee ah-doht-teeh-veeh |
Adopted son | Figlio adottivo | Figli adottivi | [fˈiʎo adotːˈivo] | pheeh-wlhee-oh ah-doht-teeh-voh |
Adopted daughter | Figlia adottiva | Figlie adottive | [fˈiʎa adotːˈiva] | pheeh-wlhee-ah ah-doht-teeh-vah |
Foster family | Famiglia affidataria | Famiglie affidatarie | [famˈiʎa affidatˈaria] | pha-meeh-wlhee-ah ah-pheeh-dah-tah-reeh-ah |
Foster parents | Genitori affidatari | Genitori affidatari | [d͡ʒenitˈorɪ affidatˈarɪ] | jeh-neeh-toh-reeh ah-pheeh-dah-tah-reeh |
Foster mother | Madre affidataria | Madri affidatarie | [mˈadre affidatˈaria] | mah-dreh ah-pheeh-dah-tah-reeh-ah |
Foster father | Padre affidatario | Padri affidatari | [pˈadre affidatˈario] | pah-dreh ah-pheeh-dah-tah-reeh-oh |
Foster child | Bambino in affidamento, bambino in affido | Bambini in affidamento, bambini in affido | [bambˈino ˈiːn affidamˈento][bambˈino ˈiːn affˈido] | bahm-beeh-noh een ah-pheeh-dah-mehn-tohbahm-beeh-noh een ah-pheeh-doh |
Surrogate mother | Madre surrogata | Madri surrogate | [mˈadre sʊrɾoɡˈata] | mah-dreh sooh-roh-gah-tah |
Godfather | Padrino di battesimo | Padrini di battesimo | [padrˈino dˈi batːˈɛzimo] | pah-dreeh-noh deeh bah-teh-seeh-moh |
Godmother | Madrina di battesimo | Madrine di battesimo | [madrˈina dˈi batːˈɛzimo] | mah-dreeh-nah deeh bah-teh-seeh-moh |
Twin | Gemello, gemella | Gemelli, gemelle | [d͡ʒemˈɛllo][d͡ʒemˈɛlla] | jeh-mehl-lohjeh-mehl-lah |
Triplets | Tre gemelli | Tre gemelli | [trˈe d͡ʒemˈɛllɪ] | treh jeh-mehl-leeh |
Married | Sposato | Sposati | [spozˈato] | spoh-sah-toh |
Separated | Separato | Separati | [sepaɾˈato] | seh-pah-rah-toh |
Divorced | Divorziato | Divorziati | [divort͡sjˈato] | deeh-vohr-tseeh-ah-toh |
Widower | Vedovo | Vedovi | [vˈedovo] | veh-doh-voh |
Widow | Vedova | Vedove | [vˈedova] | veh-doh-vah |
Baby | Bebè | Bebè | [bebˈɛ] | beh-beh |
Toddler | Infante | Infanti | [infˈante] | een-phan-teh |
Tween | Preadolescente | Preadolescenti | [preadoleʃˈɛnte] | preh-ah-doh-leh-shen-teh |
Teenager | Adolescente | Adolescenti | [adoleʃˈɛnte] | ah-doh-leh-shen-teh |
Adult | Adulto | Adulti | [adˈulto] | ah-doohl-toh |
Ancestor | Antenato, avo | Antenati, avi | [antenˈato][ˈavo] | ahn-teh-nah-tohah-voh |
Generation | Generazione | Generazioni | [d͡ʒenerat͡siˈone] | jeh-neh-rah-tseeh-oh-neh |
Family tree | Albero genealogico | Alberi genealogici | [ˈalbero d͡ʒenealˈɔd͡ʒiko] | ahl-beh-roh jeh-neh-ah-loh-jeeh-koh |
All these terms cover the family tree. You can learn them gradually as there is a long list. Try to focus on pronunciation as well. If you are also thinking about the very famous question that is Italian different from Latin. The secret of this query lies in the pronunciation and accent.
Learn about family in the Italian language. It will surely boost your Italian vocabulary and give you the chance to get closer to your people.
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