Are you an owner of a fluffy cute dog? Do you want him to learn German dog commands? If yes, this blog is for you. Learn German online to train your dog to some of the best commands in German.
German Hundekommandos (dog commands) are worth learning for your little fluffy friend. If you want your dog to respond perfectly to dog commands in German, you will have to train your dog gradually. Having daily training is necessary for your dog to learn German dog commands like a pro!
First, it is important to understand why train your dog with German dog commands. What are the real benefits to train your dog with German words? This post will not only explain the benefits to learn German and pass it on to your dog but it will also provide you with some of the best German dog commands so that you can start training your dog today.
Why train your dog with German dog commands
If you keep on repeating German commands to your dog it will add to your vocabulary especially the important verbs that you can use on a daily basis while taking your dog out for a walk or any play session.
Dog commands in German are not only beneficial for the dog but are also beneficial for you to memorize German grammar. You can learn German grammar from some of the best German teachers and use this knowledge to train your dog.
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One of the most significant advantages of learning German dog commands is their convenience. These commands are very short and easy to memorize. These commands will make you and your dog bilingual with ease and comfort. Training your dog with these commands is one of the coolest things that you will ever do in your life.
The last and most important point is, some of the best god breeds are from Germany. For instance, German Shepard, Dachshunds, Schnauzers and Rottweilers etc. So if you have a German breed then why not train him to command in German?
15 common German dog commands that you need to learn
Aus (down)
Sometimes, the dogs misbehave. It is important to make him learn the command Aus which originally means to end to finish. You need to shout aus if you want to stop your dog from misbehaving.
This command is considered to be one of the most important German dog commands as it will train your dog to behave in an appropriate manner.
Bring (fetch)
This is the most used dog command during play sessions. When you throw a ball and want to command your dog to get it just say bring. This word originated from the German word bringen, which means ‘to bring’ or ‘fetch’ in the English language.
Bleib (stay)
When you want your dog to stay or keep doing a certain task just say Bleib. It is a German word that means ‘to stay’ or ‘remain’. This command is also used during playing and eating sessions especially when you want your dog to carry on the task he is doing.
Fuß (heel)
Fuß is a German command to train your dog when he is learning walking skills. Fuß is a noun that factually means “foot”. It is used when you want your dog to walk behind you.
Lauf (go)
You must train your dog to run fast. To ask your dog to run just use the command lauf which means to walk or run. It is a very sweet command to make your dog run at a fast speed. As dogs are known for their fast running skills you can also train your dog by using this command.
Hier/komm (here)
Dogs are the best pets for getting love and compassion. If you want to call your dog to come to you to show some love and compassion you can use the commands like Hier or Komm. Hier is an adverb that means “here,” and kommen is a verb that means “to come.”
Fass (bite)
Using fass that means ‘to bite’ is surely not for urging your dog to bite people. This command is specifically used for German guard dog breeds in order to train them. It is normally used in harmless situations such as for asking your dog to bite the stick or ball etc.
Note: Don’t use this command to make your dog harm others including people and fellow dogs etc.
Gib Laut (speak)
It is the biggest achievement for you as a dog owner if your dog barks at your commands. Use the German dog command Gib Laut if you want your dog to speak. Gib is the authoritative version of the German verb geben which means ‘to give’ while Laut is a noun that means ‘sound’.
Sitz (sit)
This is one of the sweetest dog commands in German to make your dog sit whenever you want him to. Just say sitz to make your dog sit.
Nein/pfui (no)
Whenever the dog behaves inappropriately, you can use the command nein which means no. This command will bring your dog to come back on track. German word pfui, is an interjection analogous to “ugh” or “eww.”
Stopp/halt (stop)
If you want to get the concentration and attention of your dog, just shout stopp or halt. Both of these words are used to stop your dog and set the attention towards you. This is a very powerful German dog command to make your dog obey your orders.
Platz (lay)
When you want your dog to sit or have rest, use the command Platz. It is a noun that means ‘seat’. This command is basically a short form of the German word Platz nehmen which means ‘take a seat’.
Such (search)
This command is mostly used when you want your dog to find something. For instance, if you are looking for your lost keys just shout such and your dog will start searching it out for you. Such is a German word that means ‘to search’ or ‘to find out’.
Gib Pfötchen/fünf (shake, give me high five)
It looks so cool when the dog knows how to shake hands or give a high five. Teach your dog German dog command Gib Pfötchen that means ‘shake’ or Gib fünf that means ‘gimme five’.
The word Pfote means ‘paw’ so it is used to command the dog ‘give me your paw’ in German. It is a very short and sweet German command to make your dog learn the feelings of love and compassion.
Braver Hund (good dog)
It is very important to appreciate your dog after the training sessions. Use the command Braver Hund to tell your little friend that you are proud of him. You can also use braves Mädchen (good girl) or braver Junge (good boy) for bitches and dogs respectively.
Remember when you appreciate your dog it makes him want to get closer to you. It will make him listen to your commands more attentively next time.
Hardest dog breed to train
There are some dog breeds that are hardest to train. Some of these dogs are:
- Beagles
- Rottweilers
- Siberian Huskies
- Basset Hounds
- Chinese Shar-Peis
- Afghan Hounds
If you have one of these dogs, you need to be very consistent with your training sessions. If your puppy has learned the English command already it will be easier for him to learn dog commands in German as compared to the dogs who do not know the English commands either.
Hardest training commands to teach a dog
There are few commands that dogs feel hard to learn. Some of these commands are:
- Wait
- Speak
- Army Crawl
- Spin
After training your dog with the basic commands you may want to move forward with your training. The above-mentioned commands are slightly advanced. They will require your input more as compared to basic commands.
Concluding thoughts
Dog commands in German are not only cool but are with every effort. Your dog will learn more manners, skills, and actions if you make him learn German commands. To train your dog you need to learn yourself first.
It is recommended to learn German or Spanish to pass on your commands to your dogs. The above-mentioned commands are also beneficial to train police dogs. As police dogs are mostly German shepherds, they usually come from Europe and it is highly recommended to teach them German dog command.
Learn German yourself and train your dog well. A well-trained dog not only looks cool but is also very helpful. Trained dogs guard you, your house, and your properties. They are the best friends one can ever ask for. But just remember to be consistent with their training sessions. Train them daily until they memorize all the German dog commands.
After training, it is also necessary to have daily practice with your dog so that he may not forget what he has learned during the training sessions.
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