Are you a German language student and looking for easy ways to learn German? You can learn German online with some of the easiest tricks and German proverbs are one of them. These proverbs are not only interesting but are also powerful enough to give you the confidence to speak German in public.
Learning German proverbs can become your first step toward reaching fluency. These few German sayings will increase your understanding and they also do not require you to be a very advanced learner. Even if you are a beginner, these German proverbs are easy to learn and memorize.
If you find difficulty understanding the German writings and proverbs, you can book your training sessions with italki. italki is a well-establish language learning program providing one-on-one language learning lessons. It gives you the opportunity to learn different languages in multiple ways. You can learn German online with highly professional online German teachers who are skilled enough to take the learning beyond the classroom sessions.
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In this post, we will explore some of the easiest and most exciting German proverbs that you can use in your daily conversations.
18 simple German proverbs
- Aller Anfang ist schwer
- Translation: All beginnings are hard.
Whatever you are doing in life, whether it is learning a new language, starting a career, or working on a project, you will face difficulties at first. That is part of life and it should be. Don’t worry too much about it, and just keep working on it until you get it right. Once you get the command over it, you will master your goal like a pro.
- Des Teufels liebstes Möbelstück ist die lange Bank
- Translation: The devil’s favorite piece of furniture is the long bench.
Putting something on the “long bench” in German means putting it off. It appears that Germans were aware of procrastination long before the term became popular. What are you leaving on the “long bench” that you could handle right now? Don’t let the devil have the upper hand.
- Wer rastet, der rostet
- Translation: He who rests grows rusty.
This proverb states that in order to improve your skills, you must constantly practice them. It also warns that the most important thing to do if you want to achieve anything is to take action. Too many projects never get accomplished and die as a result of a lack of follow-through. So get off your back before it rusts.
- Anfangen ist leicht, Beharren eine Kunst
- Translation: Starting is easy, persistence is an art.
It is much easier to begin something than it is to see it through to completion. Haven’t we all had the experience of being excited at the start of a new project or undertaking only to see it vanish as time passed? Maintaining motivation itself is a skill that must be polished and cultivated.
- Aus Schaden wird man klug
- Translation: Failure makes smart.
Many of us live in cultures where failure is considered simply unacceptable. Nobody wants to mess up or fall flat on their face. However, many people overlook the importance of failure in the learning process. You will never learn how to do something correctly unless you make mistakes. You always learn through mistakes. So, it is better to try, fail, get up and try again, until you get what you want.
- Das Billige ist immer das Teuerste
- Translation: The cheapest is always the most expensive.
This German proverb serves as a reminder to invest in quality. While the first urge is often to choose the cheapest option, it is usually worthwhile to spend a little more. Whether it is for study materials, tutors, or services. In the long run, it almost always pays off.
- Du siehst den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht
- Translation: You don’t see the forest for all the trees.
It is critical to look at the big picture in life. If we only focus on our most recent successes or failures rather than our entire lives and all of our past events, we will always remain weak and will feel frustrated all the time. So do not abandon your goals if you did not get what you wanted today, you will get it in the future.
- Erst denken, dann handeln
- Translation: First think, then act.
Although taking action is significant, the most critical thing is to take the right action. Instead of rushing into battle, this proverb reminds us to set the right priorities and make decisions about what we want. It is very important to think before taking any action otherwise the situation can get worse.
- Eile mit Weile
- Translation: Make haste with leisure.
While it is critical to work hard and not waste the time, you must also make time to stop and cherish the things around you. We can easily miss out on all the fun along the way if we are too focused on the outcome and the end result.
- Kümmere Dich nicht um ungelegte Eier
- Translation: Don’t worry about eggs that haven’t been laid yet.
This one is similar to “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” However, while the English version cautions us not to rely on resources we do not currently have, the German one expresses the uselessness of worrying about things that have not yet occurred and will never occur.
- Man muss die Dinge nehmen, wie sie kommen
- Translation: You have to take things the way they come.
In the same vein, life rarely unfolds exactly as we intend. It is therefore critical to cultivate an adaptive mindset and deal with current circumstances rather than wishing for things to be different. Accept life as it is, rather than as it should be.
- Krummes Holz gibt auch gerades Feuer
- Translation: Crooked logs also make straight fires.
The good is at odds with the perfect. Many people unnecessarily crave the “perfect moment.” But that is not how life works. This proverb instructs us to work with what we have rather than what we would like to have.
- Taten sagen mehr als Worte
- Translation: Actions say more than words.
This proverb states that it is better to speak less and do more. Many people want to do great things and enjoy talking about their plans, but they rarely follow through. Allow your actions to speak for you rather than your words.
- Übung macht den Meister
- Translation: Practice is what makes a master.
Mastery is difficult to achieve. To become exceptionally skilled at something, you must continually improve your abilities. You must put in the time and practice to achieve a high level of proficiency in anything. There is no shortcut to excellence in life. You have to work hard for what you want.
- Wer zwei Hasen auf einmal jagt bekommt keinen
- Translation: He who chases two rabbits at once will catch none.
This is the German way of saying “Stop multitasking!” Maintain your concentration. Focus on one thing at a time before moving on to the next.
- Wer A sagt, muss auch B sagen
- Translation: He who says A also has to say B.
It means that if you commit to something, you must commit to it completely. Don’t wing it or pick and choose. It is for those who approach things with an unclear mindset. Be sure in life otherwise, you will end up with nothing in hand.
- Wenn der Reiter nichts taugt, ist das Pferd schuld
- Translation: If the rider is no good, it’s the horse’s fault.
When we attempt something and fail, we frequently want to shift the blame away from ourselves. We don’t want it to be our fault, but rather the fault of external factors and circumstances. Instead, the German proverb reminds us to accept responsibility and take the charge of our actions.
- Der Hunger kommt beim Essen
- Translation: Appetite emerges while eating.
When motivation is low, one of the most difficult things to do is to start. Do a little bit of work. After a while of working and easing into the process, you will discover that it actually becomes enjoyable and you will want to continue.
These were 18 simple and interesting German proverbs. Many people have the confusion that is German easy to learn? Learning German is not difficult. All it requires you to have the correct and authentic guidance.
Book your lessons with italki. Start learning German online today. Be consistent in your approach. Learn new proverbs and memorize them. And most importantly, use them in your daily conversations.
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