Are you also fascinated by the Italian words? Here are some of the most common and easy Italian words that will surely spark your interest to learn the Italian language online.
The Italian language is considered to be one of the most musical and soothing languages in the world. It is also considered the most beautiful language made up of around 450,000 words approximately.
This huge number may look frightening and you must be considering it extremely hard to learn Italian words but this is truly not the case. In order to be fluent in the Italian language, you only need to know only five percent of the basic Italian words.
This means that by focusing on the most common Italian words, you will become quite fluent with the language in a short period of time. Is not it encouraging enough to learn the most common and easy Italian words? Memorizing the most common 1000 Italian words will make you able to understand around 75% of the Italian text.
The most interesting and exciting fact about the Italian language is that every new word that you will learn make you guess the meaning of other 135 to 140 words that you have not even heard or seen before. This means that by only knowing 1000 most common Italian words you can learn around 135,000 words. Isn’t it interesting?
The 100 most commonly used Italian Nouns
Knowing nouns are an essential part of learning any foreign language. For instance, the noun ‘Banana’ and ‘eat’ will make your point clear instead of using words like ‘yellow’ and ‘this’.
The most commonly used Italian word is cosa. Cosa has many meanings in the English language such as, ‘what’, ‘thing’ and ‘matter’ etc. Its meaning totally depends upon the grammar, structure of the sentence, and the context in which the sentence is being used.
For instance,
- Cosa vuoi? It means ‘what do you want. Here cosa is used as a pronoun.
- Dammi la cosa rossa. It means “Give me the red thing.” In this sentence, cosa is a feminine used as a thing.
- Spiegami come funziona questo coso. In this sentence, coso means “Teach me how this thing works.” Coso as a masculine used as a thing (coso is used in informal terms, you will learn to differentiate between cosa and coso with time and practice).
Knowing only these few ways of using cosa in a sentence can make you learn the basics of the Italian language. It will make you learn why this particular word comes in the list of most widely and frequently used Italian nouns.
Knowing the use of this most commonly used noun will make you able to vaguely explain the meaning that what you are trying to say in Italian. It will make you speak almost half of what you actually want to say.
Below are the 99 nouns other than cosa. Some of them are not frequently used and are not part of the list of most common Italian words.
The 10 most commonly used Italian Nouns (Places)
- casa – “house” or ”home”
- paese – “country” or “town”
- mondo – “world”
- città – “city”
- strada – “road”
- piazza – “square”
- sala – “room”
- ufficio – “office”
- zona – “zone”
- isola – “island”
Bonus word: posto – “place”
The 10 most commonly used Italian Nouns (Time-based)
- anno – “year”
- giorno – “day”
- volta – “time” in the sense of “occasion”
- tempo – “time”
- ora – “hour”
- momento – “moment”
- notte – “night”
- sera – “evening”
- mese – “month”
- periodo – “period” or “interval”
Bonus words:
- ieri – “yesterday”
- oggi – “today”
- domani – “tomorrow”
- minuto – “minute”
The 11 most commonly used Italian Nouns (People)
- uomo – “man”
- donna – “woman”
- signore/a – “sir”/“madam” or “man”/“woman”.
- padre – “father”
- figlio/a – “son”/“daughter”
- persona – “person”
- gente – “people”
- amico/a – “friend”
- famiglia – “family”
- nemico/a – “enemy”
- sorella – “sister”
Bonus word: madre – “mother”
The 10 most commonly used Italian Nouns (Nature)
- acqua – “water”
- aria – “air”
- mare – “sea”
- luce – “light”
- sole – “sun”
- albero – “tree”
- fiore – “flower”
- natura – “nature”
- fuoco – “fire”
- campagna – “(the) country”
Bonus words:
- terra – “land” or “ground”, “Earth” when it is written with a capital “T”.
- vento – “wind”
The 8 most commonly used Italian Nouns (Anatomy)
- vita – “life”
- mano – “hand”
- occhio – “eye”
- parte – “part”
- voce – “voice”
- piede – “foot”
- testa – “head”
- mente – “mind”
Bonus words:
- bocca – “mouth”
- gamba – “leg”
- braccio – “arm”
The 100 most commonly used Italian Verbs
Verbs are about doing a particular action. The action can be related to anything such as walking, running, eating and drinking, etc. if anyone else is doing a particular task even then the verb is involved in the sentence.
You will see the use of verbs in almost every Italian sentence. That is why it is very important for you to know about the Italian verbs while learning Italian. Learning the most commonly used 100 Italian verbs will make you have a conversation in Italian with ease.
Top 10 most commonly used Italian Verbs
- fare – “to do”
- dire – “to say”
- potere – “to can” or “to be able to”
- volere – “to want”
- sapere – “to know”
- stare – “to stay”
- dovere – “to must” or “to have to”
- vedere – “to see”
- andare – “to go”
- venire – “to come
The rest of the 88 most commonly used verbs are divided in three groups depending upon the category in which they fall.
First group of verbs
- dare – “to give”
- parlare – “to speak”
- trovare – “to find”
- lasciare – “to let go” or “to leave”
- guardare – “to watch”
- pensare – “to think”
- passare – “to pass”
- portare – “to bring”
- tornare – “to come back”
- sembrare – “to seem”
- chiamare – “to call”
- cercare – “to look for”
- entrare – “to enter”
- ricordare – “to remember”
- aspettare – “to wait”
- arrivare – “to arrive”
- diventare – “to become”
- mangiare – “to eat”
- camminare – “to walk”
- toccare – “to touch”
- considerare – “to consider”
- mandare – “to send”
- domandare – “to ask”
- ascoltare – “to listen”
- osservare – “to observe”
- spiegare – “to explain”
- mostrare – “to show”
- significare – “to mean”
- desiderare – “to wish”
- giudicare – “to judge”
- avvicinare – “to approach”
- ordinare – “to organize”
- invitare – “to invite”
- sbagliare – “to make a mistake”
Second group of verbs
- prendere – “to take”
- mettere – “to put”
- credere – “to believe”
- vivere – “to live”
- parere – “to seem”
- tenere – “to keep”
- rispondere – “to answer”
- chiudere – “to close”
- bere – “to drink”
- raggiungere – “to reach”
- comprendere – “to understand”
- scendere – “to get off”
- compiere – “to accomplish”
- muovere – “to move”
- conoscere – “to know”
- chiedere – “to ask”
- stringere – “to tighten”
- decidere – “to decide”
- ricevere – “to receive”
- permettere – “to allow”
- raccogliere – “to pick up”
- ottenere – “to obtain”
- ammettere – “to admit”
- vendere – “to sell”
- distinguere – “to distinguish”
- offendere – “to offend”
- rimettere – “to replace”
- rompere – “to break”
- godere – “to enjoy”
- imporre – “to impose”
- produrre – “to produce”
- discutere – “to discuss” or “to argue” spegnere
- prevedere – “to foresee”
- spegnere – “to turn off” or “to put out”
Third group of verbs
- sentire – “to feel”
- capire – “to understand”
- morire – “to die”
- aprire – “to open”
- uscire – “to go out”
- riuscire – “to succeed”
- finire – “to end”
- scrivere – “to write”
- dormire – “to sleep”
- avvenire – “to happen”
- offrire – “to offer”
- fuggire – “to flee”
- riferire – “to refer”
- impedire – “to prevent”
- divertire – “to entertain”
- fornire – “to provide”
- riempire – “to fill”
- scoprire – “to discover”
- partire – “to leave”
- unire – “to unite”
- colpire – “to hit”
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Improve your Italian vocabulary online
Online language courses are full of fun and excitement nowadays. The best way to learn Italian is to take responsibility on your own and explore the best and most authentic pieces of training available online.
These training sessions are a great source to improve your vocabulary. Learn Italian online with and you will no longer have to unnecessarily memorize the words that you will not require while having conversations in the Italian language.
Italian words being spoken by native speakers
It is a proven fact that you always learn faster when you see native speakers speaking their language. Have real-life conversations with the Italian speakers to learn the language in the minimum possible time.
Observe them carefully while they speak. Look up to their accent, pronunciation, and way of structuring the sentence. It will help you to gain fluency in Italian. If you do not have a native speaker available, you can explore Italian podcasts, videos, and series online.
Concluding Thoughts
Italian is purely considered as a language of love. If you are planning to visit Italy any time soon book your lessons to learn Italian from the best Italian teachers, and give yourself the chance to have the command over one of the most beautiful languages spoken in the world.
The Italian language has great influence over culture, music, cuisine, and literature. Learning this language will give you the opportunity to understand the Italian culture that is rich in terms of art, craft, and music.
The fun fact is the Italian language is very easy to learn. It has very short words, that are very easy to pronounce and even easier to memorize. We focus on the most commonly used Italian words, the words that you will be using the most while speaking Italian.
Our major lesson plans are based on the Italian words that play a major role in making you fluent with the language. Book your lessons now and give yourself the opportunity to speak Italian like a pro!