Jetting off to see the world? We strongly recommend it. Changing your physical environment is an excellent way to unwind, refresh and restart. You are also able to learn new things and expand your horizons. What isn’t fun is getting lost at airports, not knowing how to ask for directions, or messing up hotel reservations. To avoid this, improve your travel English before you set sail.
Learning essential English vocabulary can make your trip smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. In this article, we will be sharing some expressions and sentences that you should know when traveling. Ready to learn all that you can before getting your bags packed? Read on!
Pro tip: we have packed a ton of information into this article, but you’d get more if you book lessons with a dedicated professional teacher at italki. italki doesn’t function like other learning applications. It doesn’t have pre-prepared lessons, quizzes, or games. Learners can send their learning guidelines to a chosen instructor. italki English tutors create personalized study plans to suit the learners’ needs and study styles.
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If you think this will break the bank, you are wrong. There are several different plans to suit every budget. You can find the one that works for you and agree on a payment plan. Practice your travel English with other learners, language enthusiasts, and professional instructors on the italki app, which doubles as an interactive social media platform. More good news; you can sample a few instructors before deciding on the one you feel most comfortable working with.
English for travel expressions you should know
Here are some phrases that will get you through almost any situation you may find yourself in while on vacation. We have sorted them out under these topics:
- Airport
- Airplane
- Trains
- Directions
- Hotels and hostels
- Food and restaurants
- Shopping
- Talking to local and new friends
Now that we have everything organized let’s dive right into it.
A. Getting your destination

Here are some questions you might need to ask at the airport and the responses you may receive:
Can I make a payment in Qatari Riyal?
- We are sorry you can’t. You can change your expenditure to your card.
- Yes, we do, but there is an added fee on top of the exchange rate.
Where can I exchange my currency?
- You can find a currency exchange booth at the entrance or on the other side of the security post.
Here are some questions you may be asked and the answers you might give:
Will you be traveling with anybody else today?
- Yes, my wife and two-year-old son.
- No, I’ll be flying solo.
Did you pack the suitcase yourself?
- Yes, I did.
Do you have any firearms, flammable materials, or perishable food items?
- No, I do not.
- Yes, I have an apple. I can take it out right away.
These are typical questions you may need to ask on an airplane and the answer you may get.
Can I get out of my seat?
- Yes, you can. Go right ahead.
- No. Please stay seated till the red light goes off.
How long till we land?
- A few more minutes.
- We still have a long way to go. About three hours or so, sir.
These are typical questions you may be asked. You may also have to provide answers in the likes of these:
Would you like anything to drink?
- No, thank you.
- Yes, please. Lemonade would be nice.
Can you please make sure your seat belt is fastened?
- I’ll get right on it.
The expressions and terminologies used when traveling may differ depending on the mode of transportation. We have had some examples with planes, now let’s learn about trains.
When are the off-peak fares valid?
- They are valid between times that aren’t rush hour periods. That is between 9 am and 4 pm.
- Sorry, we do not offer off-peak fares.
I booked my train ticket online. Will I need to have it printed out?
- No, we will scan the QR code on your phone.
- Yes, you would, but I can help do that for you.
Questions that you might be asked on a train and the answers you might have to give.
Can I see your ticket, please?
- Yes, you can. It is right here.
- I am yet to buy one.
Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
- Window seat, please. I want to enjoy the scenery.
- I don’t mind either one.
Knowing how to ask for directions is essential if you travel to an unfamiliar place. You cannot always rely on a map or GPS. These are some expressions to use when asking for directions.
Which way is the train station please?
- Carry on until you meet the star bucks, then take a left turn.
Hello! I was hoping you could point me in the direction of the ATM.
- You already missed it. Go back and take a left.
- Sorry, I can’t. Try asking a local.
Some questions you might be asked while traveling and how you answer them.
Did you catch all that?
- No, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.
- Yes, I did
Do you want me to show you the cathedral on your map?
- No need. Your explanations were entirely accurate.
- Yes, please. Let me take out my map.
B. Enjoying your destination
Once you’re set on your destination, it’s time to kick back and enjoy the fun! Now let’s learn how to check into a hotel, order food, go shopping and sightseeing, and interact with the locals.
Hotels and hostels

Can I have an extra key card, please?
- Yes, you can, but it will cost you $5 extra.
Does this room come with access to the pool and spa?
- Yes, it does.
- Unfortunately, it doesn’t, but you can pay separately for pool and spa access. Would you like to see the price list?
Here are some questions you may be asked and the responses you may be required to give.
Welcome, sir. Do you have a reservation?
- No, I don’t. Are there any available rooms for the night?
- Yes, I made a reservation online. Please give me a few minutes while I find the email.
Are you interested in hearing about our facilities?
- Yes, please! Is there a spa, a sauna, or a list I can go through?
- No, thank you. I already have a full itinerary.
Food and restaurants
To ensure that your order isn’t messed up, you need to know how to place an order in a restaurant correctly. We can only tell you so much, but you can learn English online with a dedicated teacher on italki.
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Table for two?
- Yes, right this way
- Do you have a reservation?
What are the specials for today?
- Hold on, and I’ll get you a specials menu
The question you might be asked
Are you ready to order yet?
- Yes, I’ll have the lamb.
- Not yet. Can you give me another minute?
Would you like to see our dessert menu?
- No, thank you, I am full.
- Yes, please.

Some questions you might have to ask while shopping:
Is this jacket on sale?
- No, you’ll have to pay the total price.
Do you sell souvenirs?
- Yes, we have a full selection to choose from.
- No, you can’t. You can get souvenirs at the gift shop down the road.
If you are going out shopping, there are some questions that you might be asked. Please familiarize yourself with these few and learn how to respond to them.
These jeans are on sale. Would you like a pair?
- No, thank you. I am on a tight budget.
- I don’t see why not!
Would you need a bag?
- Yes, I do. Will there be an added cost for that?
Talking to local and new friends
Meeting new friends and connecting with locals is a great advantage of traveling to a new place. In the event that locals do not speak English, try out one of these language exchange websites. Here are some questions to help you strike up a conversation with a new friend.
Have you been here before?
- No, it’s my first time!
How long do you plan to stay in Peru?
- In two weeks then I am off to Barcelona
Questions that you might need to respond to:
Where are you from?
- I am from France.
We are going out for drinks. Want to come with me?
- No thanks, I’ll call it a night.
- Let’s get the ball rolling!
We have covered a lot so far. We have learned how to ask and answer questions while going to our destination, what to say on a train, what to say when shopping, and how to respond to questions a waiter may ask us. There are many more things we didn’t cover, like what to say when you are out sightseeing. To learn more travel English, book lessons with italki.
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