Jennifer Chen
Community Tutor
你听说过’Be Water’吗? 今天我做了一点和’中国功夫’相关的运动。视频里,老师穿的衣服上面有这句话。这是李小龙先生早先年在一次采访中提到的。我很喜欢这句话。你喜欢吗? Have you ever heard of ‘Be Water’? Today I did some Chinese Kung-fu type of exercise. In the training video, the tutor wore a black top with ‘Be Water’ on it. Bruce Lee said it in an interview many years ago and it got popular. I like this sentence. Do you like it?
May 26, 2021 1:14 PM
Comments · 1
Pas de doute, il fût et restera toujours un grand maître martial!
May 26, 2021