Welcome back to All About Cats! If you love cats, this is important information for you. Today I will talk about the Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV), also called feline distemper or feline Parvo. This virus is very dangerous for cats, especially kittens. I will explain what it is, the symptoms, treatment, how to prevent it and my journey through this horrible virus. Feline Panleukopenia Virus is a very contagious disease caused by a parvovirus. It attacks a cat’s intestines, immune system, and bone marrow. It spreads quickly, especially in shelters and places with many cats.
How do cats can catch FPV?
• From an infected cat’s saliva, urine, or poop
• Through shared food bowls, litter boxes, or bedding
• From humans who touch an infected cat and then touch another cat
• From fleas that carry the virus
• Or From a mother cat to her kittens before birth
The early signs of FPV in Kittens & Cats
• High fever
• Loss of appetite and
• Lethargy ( or very tired and weak)
🚨 Severe symptoms include:
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea which is (sometimes bloody)
• Dehydration
• Belly pain
• And Sudden death in kittens
Treatment & Care Options
There is no cure for FPV, but sick kittens need supportive care
🏥 Hospital Care may include:
• IV fluids (to stop dehydration)
• Medications for vomiting and pain
• Antibiotics (to prevent infections)
• Blood transfusion (for severe cases)
🏡 You also have Home Care
• Keep the kitten warm and comfortable
• Give them small, frequent meals
• Provide fresh water and electrolyte solutions
• Keep the litter box very clean
• And Avoid contact with healthy cats
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