『オルゴールワールド』 にしのあきひろ著
いまじゃ空中帝国から空にむかってビヨーンと とびだしとるが、それでもまだまだ完成しとらんのだと。
どんな言葉をかけようと、カンパネラ爺の返事はいつも決まって こうじゃった。
Shall we talk about a MIRACLE?
Old Man Campanella is building a bugle. A long long time ago, it pierced right through the roof of
his factory, and now it stretches out far from the EMPIRE IN THE SKY, poking up way into the air.
Even so, it's still a long way from completion.
Old Man Campanella has been wielding his tools on the tip of his bugle for 50 years now.
If he was to slip, he would fall into the FOREST 5000 meters below and land smack on his head.
He wouldn't stand a chance. But, no matter how much people worry about him, he's at it again today, building away on his bugle.
And, no matter who says what, Old Man Campanella always gives the same response.
''There's a miracle waiting for me''
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