HSK一, Commonly used phrases 8 , Please read after me, Pay attention to pronunciation (^+^)
HSK一, Commonly used phrases 8 , Please read after me, Pay attention to pronunciation (^+^)
28 de abril de 2022
Recommended to listen repeatedly until you understand. Key words and Commonly used phrases, Please read after me. You can record the phrases you read and send it here, I'll correct the pronunciation for you. Follow me ,you will learn more Chinese. key words: 钱、读书、分钟、工作、买东西、怎么、家、飞机、米饭、高兴、看见、商店、做饭、老师、漂亮 ( money/read book/minute/work/buy something/how to/home/airplane/rice/happy/see/shop/cook/teacher/pretty) Common phrases: 什么时候、你是谁、写汉字、桌子上、开车、几分钟、没有水、买水果、听不见、喝茶、有点儿、不下雨、没有人、我能去 (when/who are you/write Chinese characters/on table/drive a car/a few minutes/no water/buying fruit/can't hear/have a cup of tea/a little/doesn't rain/nobody/I can go)
Canal de podcast
Merry's voice (HSK一)