routine Yawmi
daily routine
days of the week
lHad : sunday
thin / letnin : monday
tlaat : tuesday
larbe3 : wednesday
lkhmis : thursday
jjm3a / jom3a : friday
sebt: saturday
lyuma lhad : today is sunday
ghedda letnin / tnin : tomorrow is monday
b3d ghedda tlaat : after tomorrow is tuesday
nhar larbe3 : on (a day) wednesday
nhar lkhmis : on thursday
nhar jjm3a f maghrb kanklu couscous
lbareH sebt : yesterday was saturday
Morning: f SbaH
Wake up: faq mn nnas (فاق من النعاس)
Brush teeth: Nghsil snani (نغسل سناني)
Have breakfast: Nftr (نفطر)
Go to work/school: Nmshi l’khdma / l’mdrasa (نمشي للخدمة / للمدرسة)
Afternoon: f l3chya
Have lunch: Nakl lghda (كلا الغداء)
Take a nap: Ndir lqaylula (ندير القيلولة)
Continue work/study: kml l’khdma / l’qra (كمل الخدمة / القراية)
Evening: f lmasae
Return home: rj3 l’dar (رجع للدار)
Have dinner: kla l3sha ( كلى العشاء)
Relax/watch TV: rtah / tfaraj f’tlfaza (رتاح / تفرج في التلفازة)
Go to bed: msha n3s (نمشي نعس)
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