Sit less, Move More
Sit less, Move More
4 janvier 2023
Sit Less, Move More, Live Longer, Says Study As a new year begins, many of us have been making plans for the months ahead — things we want to do, places we want to go, and parts of our lives we want to change. And one study from 2022 has some simple advice to share that we might be able to use in 2023: sit less, move more. Okay, so it's not a new message, but the researchers found that the results of their large study provide more evidence that long periods of sitting are bad for our health. This is true across the world, but especially in lower-income countries, they said. The researchers followed more than 105,000 adults — aged between 35 and 70 — for an average of around 11 years. They looked at how much time the participants — who were from 21 different countries — spent sitting down each day. And they also wanted to know about their health as the years passed. In total, there were more than 6,200 deaths and almost 5,700 cases of serious heart problems during the study. Using this information, the researchers found that people who said they sat for eight or more hours per day were at a much higher risk of early death or serious heart disease. These people were increasing their risk by as much as 20%, according to the researchers, but they added that doing exercise could help reduce these risks. Scott Lear, who was one of the study's authors, said: "It's a global problem that has a remarkably simple fix. Scheduling time to get out of that chair is a great start."
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