‎What a series/films/books you can recommended for beginners learning Deutsch language?
12 déc. 2022 18:06
Réponses · 5
For adults? I have sent you a link for a movie as private message, because italki does not allow external links.
12 décembre 2022
There is a series on Netflix called Dark, which is originally in German. It does have some disturbing themes (message me if you want more detail in case you want want to avoid some things), but they only surface occasionally. The German used is quite difficult at times (when they talk about time travel and nuclear power plants).
5 janvier 2023
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Compétences linguistiques
Chinois (mandarin), Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Letton, Russe, Espagnol
Langue étudiée
Chinois (mandarin), Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Japonais, Coréen, Espagnol