cual es deferencia entre para y por
2 août 2008 20:16
Réponses · 4
POR BECAUSE OF In general terms: "Por" is used to explain the reason or cause of an action. Whereas "para" is used to explain the purpose of an action. These examples may clarify this. POR: Tuvimos que cerrar la ventana por los mosquitos We had to shut the windows because of the mosquitos Note: If you translate "por" as "for" in this sentence it really doesn't make sense. PARA: Tuvimos que cerrar la ventana para que no entraran los mosquitos We had to close the windows so that the mosquitos wouldn't come in. Note: that when we use "para que no" it is normally followed by the subjunctive. MOVEMENT THROUGH SPACE Volar por el aire Fly through the air EXCHANGE OR IN PLACE OF Puedes cambiarlo por otro You can change it for another one PREPOSITIONS AFTER VERBS OF MOVEMENT los aviones volaban por encima del pueblo The planes flew over the village WITH THE PASSIVE (BY) El puente fue construido por los romanos The bridge was built by the Romans
3 août 2008
PARA IN ORDER TO Para can come before an infinitive that explains the purpose of the main verb: In many cases this would answer the question "What did you do it for?" eg. I went to the bank in order to take out some money. In English the "para" would be translated as "to, in order to, so as to, in order not to, so as not to. Fui al banco para sacar dinero I went to the bank to take out some money. está ahorrando para comprarse una casa he is saving in order to buy a house. Tienes que abrir el sobre con cuidado para no romper el cheque. You have to open the envelope carefully so as not to damage the cheque. INTENDED FOR Para is used for purpose. In these cases "para" would be translated as "for, for the purpose of, intended for, or on behalf of" Compré una mesa para el salón I bought a table for the living room. (intended for) ¿para qué lo quieres? What do you want it for? (for what purpose do you want it) FOR LENGTH OF TIME Necesito una habitación para 6 noches I need a room for 6 nights IN TIME PHRASES TO SPECIFY A FUTURE MOMENT IN TIME lo necesito para mañana I need it by tomorrow tiene que estar listo para el día 16 it have to be ready by the 15th COMPARISON Es alto para su edad he is tall for his age TO BE ABOUT TO (note in South American they also use por) Está para llover It is about to rain
3 août 2008
bueno la diferencia es PARA: envian a algien y POR: por algo. ahunque en el idioma Español hay muchas similitud y diferencias entre estas y muchas mas plabras
2 août 2008
para significa``to`` y por significa ``by``. Por ejemplo: Este poema es escrito por Rubèn Dario para su amigo. This poem is written by Dario to his friend
2 août 2008
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