do you understand chinese "三月不识肉滋味" a few days ago, when i was watching TV ,i see a foreigner translate one chinese sentence "三月不识肉滋味"。 his answer was so interesting. he said that maybe a small litte baby with just 3 months, who have no teeth , so that it couldn't feel the meat. do you know the appropriate answer ?
6 août 2008 19:53
Réponses · 2
it means, someone really focus on something that just ignore other stuff came from a ture story, that someone( might be kongzi, not sure, forget already, haha), was just focus on his job, and when he finished his job, others served him a meat dish, and he said, he felt like did not eat meat for three months, but actually he ate.Just did not realize that.
7 août 2008
Haha... I'm about to go to baidu but first my guess: "March doesn't acknowledge the flesh's tenderness." It means March is a cold month, and you should wear a coat outside!! ...::runs off to find answer::..
6 août 2008
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