Funny chinese testing (High level). If you think that your chinese is good enough, then try it. ^_^ Could you tell me what is the meaning of "意思" in these sentences? (Chinese people please keep quiet ^_^ ) A:“你这是什么意思?” B:“没什么,意思意思。” A:“你这就不够意思了。” B:“小意思,小意思。” A:“你这人真有意思。” B:“其实也没有别的意思。” A:“那我就不好意思了” B:“是我不好意思。”
5 mars 2011 17:50
Réponses · 2
"意思" - a meaning, idea 有意思 - interesting 不好意思 - feel embarrassed; be ill at ease 小意思 - a mere trifle
5 mars 2011
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