Recently, many more people have become interested in learning Korean. It is becoming increasingly popular with those who enjoy learning languages for fun, as well as those who want to add a language to their resume. As a result, learning Korean has become very useful, and could help you in your future career. In addition, there are also many people who are learning Korean in order to communicate with Koreans and better understand Korean popular music (Kpop), Korean movies (Kmovies) and Korean dramas (Kdramas). Whatever your reason, learning Korean is very interesting and enjoyable.


With so many people learning Korean, it’s important to provide students with useful tips on how to speak the language better. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss some basic Korean particles that can be confusing to learners. Let’s have a look at them one by one.


Particle Group #1: ģ€/ėŠ” , ģ“/ź°€ and ģ„/ė„¼


ģ€/ėŠ” is used when you are speaking about a subject in general:


  • ė‚˜ėŠ” ķ•™ģƒģ“ė‹¤. (I am a student).
  • ģ‚¬ėžŒė“¤ģ€ ģ¹œģ ˆķ•˜ė‹¤. (People are kind).
  • ź·øė…€ėŠ” ģ˜ķ™”ė„¼ ė³“ź³  ģžˆģ–“. (She is watching a movie).


On the other hand, ģ“/ź°€ is used when you want to emphasize a subject. As a result, a lot of people get confused about when to use ģ“/ź°€. Therefore, you should keep in mind that this particle is only used for emphasis and to help express the speaker’s intention better. Let’s look a some comparisons of these particles in action:


  • ė‚˜ėŠ” źµģ‚¬ė‹¤. (I am a teacher).
  • ė‚“ź°€ źµģ‚¬ė‹¤. (I am the teacher).


  • ģ €ź²ƒģ€ ė‚“ ģ°Øė‹¤. (That is my car).
  • ģ €ź²ƒģ“ ė‚“ ģ°Øė‹¤. (THAT is my car).


  • ź·øėŠ” ė°°ģš°ģ•¼. (He is an actor).
  • ź·øź°€ ė°°ģš°ģ•¼. (He is the actor).


As for ģ„/ė„¼, you use it when you are speaking about an object.


  • ė‚˜ėŠ” ķ”¼ģžė„¼ ģ¢‹ģ•„ķ•œė‹¤. (I like pizza).
  • ź·øėŠ” ģŒģ•…ģ„ ė“£ėŠ”ė‹¤. (He is listening to music).
  • ė‚˜ėŠ” ė¼ė©“ģ„ ėعź³  ģ‹¶ģ–“. (I want to eat ramen).


We have already covered quite a few particles, so if you are confused, don’t worry. That’s normal. In fact, until you feel completely comfortable using these particles, you don’t really have to think too much about them at all. That’s because even Koreans sometimes get confused when we are using them, and we often just omit them. So, if you prefer, you can just omit them like Koreans do. This is especially true in spoken language.


  • ė‚˜(ėŠ”) ģƒŒė“œģœ„ģ¹˜(ė„¼) ėعģ–“. = ė‚˜ ģƒŒė“œģœ„ģ¹˜ ėعģ–“. (I am eating a sandwich).
  • ė‚˜(ėŠ”) ģˆ˜ģ˜(ģ„) ģ¢‹ģ•„ķ•“. = ė‚˜ ģˆ˜ģ˜ ģ¢‹ģ•„ķ•“. (I like swimming).
  • ķ•œźµ­ģ‚¬ėžŒė“¤(ģ€) ģˆ (ģ„) ė§Žģ“ ė§ˆģ…”. = ķ•œźµ­ģ‚¬ėžŒė“¤ ģˆ  ė§Žģ“ ė§ˆģ…”. (Koreans drink a lot of booze).


Particle Group #2: ģ— and ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ


The particle ģ— is used to speak about places.


  • ģž­ģ€ ģ§‘ģ— ź°”ģ–“. (Jack went home).
  • ģ œģøģ€ ź³µķ•­ģ— ź°ˆ ź±°ģ•¼. (Jane will go to the airport).
  • ģ™“ģŠØģ€ ź²½ģ°°ģ„œģ— ź°€ź³  ģžˆģ–“. (Watson is going to the police station).


On the contrary, you use ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ in order to speak about direction.


  • ķ†°ģ€ ģŗė‚˜ė‹¤ė”œ ź°”ģ–“. (Tom went to Canada).
  • ģ“ ė¹„ķ–‰źø°ėŠ” ė¶ģŖ½ģœ¼ė”œ ź°„ė‹¤. (This plane is going north).
  • ģš”ķ•œģ€ ģ„±ģ§€ė”œ ź°ˆ ź±°ģ•¼. (Yohan will go to the shrine).


ģ— and ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ have very slight differences in meaning. However, Koreans usually just use them interchangeably. Therefore, if you get them confused or just have difficulty remembering them well, just omit them. The meaning will almost be the same, except for some very specific cases. However, those specific cases are very rare.


  • ė§ˆģ“ķ¬ėŠ” źµķšŒ(ģ—) ź°ˆ ź±°ģ•¼. = ė§ˆģ“ķ“ģ€ źµķšŒ ź°ˆ ź±°ģ•¼. (Mike will go to church).
  • ė‚˜ėŠ” ģ¤‘źµ­(ģœ¼ė”œ) ź°€ź³  ģ‹¶ģ–“. = ė‚˜ėŠ” ģ¤‘źµ­ ź°€ź³  ģ‹¶ģ–“. (I want to go to China).
  • ģ—ė””ģŠØģ€ ģ“ģŠ¤ė¼ģ—˜(ģ—) ź°”ģ–“? ģ•„ė‹ˆė©“ ģ“ģ§‘ķŠø(ģ—) ź°”ģ–“? = ģ—ė””ģŠØģ€ ģ“ģŠ¤ė¼ģ—˜ ź°”ģ–“? ģ•„ė‹ˆė©“ ģ“ģ§‘ķŠø ź°”ģ–“? (Did Edison go to Israel? or Egypt?)


Particle Group #3: ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ


ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ is used to speak about tools and methods. However, you can omit ė”œ/ģœ¼ė”œ in the following examples:


  • ģž­ģŠØģ€ ģ “ź°€ė½(ģœ¼ė”œ) ģ¼€ģ“ķ¬ė„¼ ėعėŠ”ė‹¤. (Jackson is eating a cake with chopsticks).
  • ģš°ė¦¬ėŠ” ė°°(ė”œ) ģ„¬ģ— ź°”ģ–“. (We went to an island by ship).
  • ģ œģ“ģŠØģ€ ģ¹¼(ė”œ) ź³ źø°ė„¼ ģž˜ėžģ–“. (Jason cut meat with a knife).


Particle #4: ģ˜


ģ˜ is more or less equivalent to “of” in English in the following examples:


  • ģ•„ė²„ģ§€ģ˜ ģ“ė¦„ģœ¼ė”œ (In the name of the father)
  • ģžė™ģ°Øģ˜ ģ—”ģ§„ (The engine of the car)
  • źø°ģ°Øģ˜ ė¬“ź²Œ (The weight of the train)


However, you can omit ģ˜ in almost every case, except in some very special circumstances.


  • ģ‚¬ėžŒė“¤(ģ˜) ģ„±ź²© = ģ‚¬ėžŒė“¤ ģ„±ź²© (The character of the people = The people’s character).
  • ģ¹œźµ¬(ģ˜) ģ˜ź²¬ = ģ¹œźµ¬ ģ˜ź²¬ (An opinion of a friend = A friend’s opinion).
  • ķ˜‘ģƒ(ģ˜) ģ›ė¦¬ = ķ˜‘ģƒ ģ›ė¦¬ (Principle of negotiation = Negotiation principle).




We have looked at four confusing particles in Korean. It’s true that they can be a little bit difficult, but don’t forget that if you get confused or just don’t feel comfortable using them yet, you shouldn’t worry too much. You can just omit them if you want. The instances in which they can’t be omitted are few and far between, so you are probably safe to leave them out.


The funny thing is that most Korean textbooks don’t even mention that you can omit almost every particle in Korean. I’m not exactly sure why they don’t mention it, but at least if you read my articles, you will learn how to speak Korean with greater ease.


I hope that this article was both helpful and useful to those who are learning Korean. I’ll be writing similar articles regularly from now on, so if you want to improve your Korean, it might be a good idea to check them out. Thanks for reading and hope to see you next time!


Image Sources


Hero Image by Brad Montgomery (CC BY 2.0)