Cinese (mandarino)
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Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Lillian🌟KidsAdults.

725 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I am a licensed(CTCSOL ) mandarin teacher with 8 years online and offline teaching experience. I graduated with a language major in china and my first job was at an online Chinese language teaching center that taught students from all over the world. I gained a lot of online teaching skills and experience from this job and I was very popular among my students.

USD 15.00/prova
Disponibile 23:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Moka.

1,189 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

*Master degree * 15 years teaching experience*From Beijing,no accent,speak pure Chinese* *Master degree in education* Beijing Normal University *15 years teaching experience* Teach in Beijing and Europe *Professional Chinese teacher* Certified Expertise *From Beijing,no accent,speak pure Chinese

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore 李彤舟 Litzy.

135 lezioni

李彤舟 Litzy

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Hello, I'm Litzy. I come from China and Mandarin is my mother tongue. Now, I study English in Hong Kong. Several years ago, I was a Primary school teacher assistant who helped students be better at pronunciation. Since then, I find my passion in teaching Mandarin. Through teaching experience, I realized that language learning is not only about memorization, is about communication, it's about the exchange of culture and another perspective to see this lovely world. If you wanna practice Mandarin, welcome to connect with me! I'm glad to help you.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Vicky.

1,029 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

我教学科目是中文,我非常热爱教育工作,对教育事业激情满满,我也是一个特别有耐心,负责任的老师。我的普通话很标准,所以在上课过程中,我特别善于纠正别人声调的错误,如果你在声调学习遇到麻烦了,请找我练习普通话口语吧。 I teach Chinese, I love education, I am passionate about education, and I am a very patient and responsible teacher. My Mandarin is very standard, so in the course, I am very good at correcting other people's tone errors, if you have trouble in tone learning, please ask me to practice speaking Mandarin.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Ruilin.

1,580 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)

我有四年的教学经验,曾在中国,台湾,泰国教学。 学生水平:A1-C2 如果你对汉语有兴趣,欢迎预定我的课程,我可以帮助你在最短的时间学会基础汉语。(12个小时便可以掌握汉语基本对话,达到HSK2级) 如果你是HSK&和HSKK的考生,相信我,我可以帮助到你,作为一名考官我知道备考的难点,我可以帮你针对性得复习。 如果你对中国文化感兴趣,我们可以一起探索中国文化背后的故事。 I have four years of teaching experience and have taught in China, Taiwan and Thailand. Students' level: A1-C2 If you are interested in Chinese, you are welcome to book my courses and I can help you learn basic Chinese in the shortest possible time. (12 hours to master basic Chinese conversation and reach HSK level 2) If you are a candidate for HSK& and HSKK, trust me, I can help you, as an examiner I know the difficulties of preparing for the exam and I can help you with targeted revision.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Chency liu.

2,521 lezioni

Chency liu

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (hakka)

大学期间,曾兼职教过初中化学和小学数学,从那时开始我就觉得教学是一件非常快乐且有意义的事。我现在定居在土耳其,自己同时也在自学土耳其语,从发音开始,基本的日常语,语法,然后不断扩展词汇量,平时在生活中加强演练。根据自己的经验,充分认识到,学习一门外语,环境非常重要,理论加实践,进步才能更快! During the university, I taught junior high school chemistry and elementary school mathematics as a part-time job. Since then I have felt that teaching is a very pleasant and meaningful job. I live in Turkey so far, also learning Turkish at the same time, starting with pronunciation, basic grammar, and constantly expanding vocabulary, strengthening exercises in life. Based on my own experience, I fully realize that environment is very important for learning a foreign language , theory and practice together can make progress faster!

USD 6.50/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Betty Wang.

104 lezioni

Betty Wang

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I taught Korean friends Chinese so that they could use Chinese for daily communication In addition, I helped Korean friends to correct their presentation text and helped my Chinese friends to correct their mistakes in grammar.

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Chinese with Zaynab.

258 lezioni

Chinese with Zaynab

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

2012年我成为一所马来西亚学院的兼职中文教师直到今天,这些年积累了很多教学素材和不同的教学方法,当然也收获了很多学生和朋友。 因为喜欢中文教学,2020年开始,除了学院的实体课之外,还新增了线上中文教学,没想到获得了很多中文学习者的支持和喜欢。 In 2012, I became a part-time Chinese lecturer at the Malaysian College until today. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of teaching materials and different teaching methods. Of course, I have also gained many students and friends. because I like Chinese teaching. Since year 2020, in addition to the courses at the college, online Chinese Classes have also been added. which has unexpectedly won the support and favor of many Chinese Language learners.

USD 9.99/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Linda Wang.

1,241 lezioni

Linda Wang

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

As a Chinese native speaker , I am very familiar with the Chinese language habits and traditional customs. I am a very patient and flexible person. In my class you will not feel any pressure. I can offer you a very relaxed class environment. My teaching style is totally adapting to your needs. If you want to study or work in China, need to pass the HSK, I will teach you the most effective way. If you just want to travel in China or learn Chinese just for hobbies, then I will teach you in the most interesting way.I can offer you: 1、Speaking practise 多练习口语 2、Focus on your goals 专注于您的学习目标 3、Correct pronunciation and grammar 更正发音与语法

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Sara.

526 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)


USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 01:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yidan.

401 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Oxford Anthropology graduate, 2 years’ experience in Mandarin tutoring I have worked as a teaching assistant in the language centres of a Chinese university and a British university, where I organised a lot of Chinese and English language teaching activities. I have also volunteered in some language exchange programmes, where I won an award for being an excellent language buddy. I have experience working with students from all over the world and I am good at understanding non-native Chinese speakers' Chinese. Last year, I passed the written exam for Mandarin teaching by CTCSOL.

USD 16.00/Ora
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Jayson.

515 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

When it comes to learning a kind of language,I think it's not only talk about grammar,but also about communication skills,that's the point.So I'll give you more opportunities of speaking and reading .My class will help you to improve your ability of utilizing Chinese.And I also can use English to help you to understand Chinese you've learned.And I'm a patient teacher,if you have any questions ,please tell me, I'll try my best to help you! I also supply informal course.Travel Chinese and daily conversation.Pronunciation and article correction,including sentence structure. I also can help you to translate your sentence from English into Chinese.I am glad to be of assistan Here we go!

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 23:30 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yenan Li.

666 lezioni

Yenan Li

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I am currently working in a government department which means I regularly use standard business Chinese, something that I am comfortable and confident teaching to a full spectrum of Chinese abilities. Additionally, I'm familiar with technology companies' everyday language due to my previous work, making me an ideal tutor for someone looking to learn technological or native style conversational Chinese. I have a year’s teaching experience so far. Whether you are a beginner or at an advanced level, I cater to all learning abilities in a patient, caring, and friendly manner! I am heavily invested in all my student’s progress and hope to embark on your Chinese learning journey alongside you.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Sabrina.

139 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

Being a teacher has always been my dream since I was very young. 作为一名老师,一直是我的理想。老师和学生之间我觉得交流是最重要的,所以当我做为一名老师,我一定会知无不言言无不尽的,引导学生多用粤语交流。我也希望我的学生在课堂上尽量用粤语交流,放轻松。

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Joanna.

484 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

5000堂+授課經驗/TESOL認證老師/你最好的學習夥伴-喬安娜幫助已經學英文很久卻苦無成效的成人學生,透過類母語學習法,達到真正開口說英文的目標。 我教英文已經有大約8年的時間了。 現職線上英語家教,曾任吉的堡全美語班老師,所以無論是實體或是線上教學都有經驗。 時不時的從事翻譯工作。主要教英文,但是我也可以教中文喔。 I am an online English tutor who has taught English for almost 8 years. I was an English teacher in Kidcastle so I have experience working both online and offline. Mainly, I teach English to Chinese speakers. However, I can also teach Chinese to English speakers. 教學風格: 耐心,上課聽懂最重要,不會的盡量問,老師一定會想辦法解釋到你懂為止 鼓勵,幾歲開始都沒有關係,開始上課就已經打趴一堆人了,相信自己會進步才能真正進步,老師非常勵志會不斷給你信心 有趣,老師很喜感,只要你願意敞開心胸,上課絕對不無聊 糾正發音,運用生活口說讓學生自然記憶,有問題的地方老師都會幫你記下來並教你如何修正,再提供筆記課後複習 因材施教並針對學生弱點進行補強,會教自學方法讓你在課餘時間也能不斷成長,省下很多費用 視學生需求能針對個別項目做指導(發音、文法、聽力、口說等)

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 01:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Xuting(Serena).

413 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (Shanghai)

Overall 1000+ lessons experience with beginners and adolescents in learning Mandarin and German. Working as a German and Mandarin teacher one on one, I teach international students ranging from kids to adults, beginners to advanced. Currently I'm helping my students prepare for TELC, HSK and school tests. Wir können auch gerne Konversationen üben. Having learnt Japanese on an online platform myself and then passed the JLPT N1 exam, I know exactly how it works to teach students via the internet. Moreover, I have helped many students succeed in their job interview. Being totally aware of the difficulties and challenges to master a foreign language, I treat my students with great patience and empathy. 試験に受かってもまだ相応しいレベルの会話が難しいと感じますか。是非ドイツ語の日常会話の授業で一緒に練習してみてください。学生们都说我非常有耐心。

USD 25.00/Ora
Disponibile 04:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Iliya 伊老师.

476 lezioni

Iliya 伊老师

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Certified HSK teacher, Teaching Experience for more than 7 years (I am a licensed teacher of Russian and Chinese, I have certificates) I am a very patient and flexible person. In my class you will not feel any pressure. I can offer you a very relaxed class environment. My teaching style is totally adapting to your needs. You can tell me your goals and we will make the lesson plan together. I am very interested in different cultures and languages and to get to know different people from all over the world. I think Chinese, English and Russian are very interesting languages that is spoken by so many people, I will do my best to help you learning language as good as possible. 我在中国生活和学习超过一年。 到过北京,天津,青岛,泰山,南京,上海,黄山,重庆,成都,桂林,贵阳,广州等地。

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Vera.

329 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)
Cinese (cantonese)

Certificated and experienced Mandarin teacher 💁General Mandarin 通用中文. 🕵️Business Mandarin 商务中文. 📠Daily Mandarin 日常中文.🏊 🎒Academic Mandarin 学术中文. 🎙️Chinese songs 中文歌曲. 💻HSK 1-6 HSK 标准汉语. Each lesson I'll teach you trending sentences and phrases, and useful popular sentences that are most frequently used. I'll show you how read and understand them. I’ll use interested and useful topic like travel, habit, food, culture, science, etc., or any topics you would like. It's a really useful lesson for you, no matter you want talk with your friends and colleagues, or want to take HSK, or want to boost your career. 每节课我会教你很多常用句型词组,其中包括网络流行用语以及非常有用的常见句子和词汇。我会在课上教你听,说,理解这些句子及词汇,并用生活中的实际场景教你怎样正确运用。无论你想和你的朋友或者同事交谈,这会对你很有帮助, 让我们开始这个奇妙的旅程吧!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Robert Lin ( 林冠州).

1,176 lezioni

Robert Lin ( 林冠州)

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)
Cinese (taiwanese)

Certified Thai , Chinese and English Language with 5 years teaching experience Certified teacher. Hello everyone! I'm Robert, graduated from the faculty of English, Suandusit University with first-class honors and a gold medal. Let's start by getting to know your personal goals and interests in learning Thai. And I'll accompany you to achieve them. I have a belief in a growth mindset and positivity. Why choose Robert "I believe the methodology and delivery of the lesson suits me and most students. Very motivated and not to mention dedicated. I won't have it any other way.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 12:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Zhang Wen.

321 lezioni

Zhang Wen

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Native Mandarin speaker offering conversation based lessons :) I grew up in North China and I'm a native Mandarin speaker. 我在中国北方长大,普通话是我的母语。 I cater all my lessons to each individual student. I’m patient and offer a comfortable environment for you to practice on your own pace :) 定制化课程,希望能为你提供一个放松有趣的练习环境! I love sharing Chinese culture with you and I'm eager to explore your culture! 我喜欢和来自世界各地、拥有不同文化背景的人进行交流,也乐意分享中国文化!

USD 5.00/prova
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