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Impara Francese con il professore Kevin Ferath.

2,153 lezioni

Kevin Ferath

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Polyglot teacher I can help you to become a POLYGLOT , I always try to make everything simple so my students can feel comfortable with the target language. Enseño con mi propio método, siempre trato de simplificar todo para que mis alumnos se sientan cómodos con el idioma elegido. Insegno con il mio metodo, cerco sempre di rendere tutto semplice in modo che i miei studenti possano sentirsi a proprio agio con la lingua che imparano. Eu ensino com meu próprio método, sempre tento de simplificar tudo para que meus alunos se sintam confortáveis com o idioma de estudo. J'enseigne avec ma propre méthode, j'essaie toujours de tout simplifier pour que mes élèves se sentent à l'aise avec la langue choissie.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Emanuele Vincent.

12 lezioni

Emanuele Vincent

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I am able to provide my students with the best solution for their needs and adjust my teaching style to their preferences and needs. In my classes, I like to create a relaxing and welcoming environment, where everybody can express themselves freely. Since 2015 I helped many French and English students of any levels, from A1 to C2, to learn Italian, preparing for the Italian official exam for foreigners students. I love to talk to students and explain the particularities of the Italian language, especially t the grammar rules and the main differences with their languages ​​of origin, especially if they are native speakers of English, French or German, languages ​​I know at an advanced level.

USD 13.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Alexander.


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Francese

Professeur de français certifié DELF et DALF. En tant qu'enseignant, je me caractérise par ma patience et mon enthousiasme, créant ainsi un environnement d'apprentissage dynamique, confortable et motivant. Je crois fermement à l'apprentissage actif, où les étudiants participent activement à leur propre processus d'apprentissage à travers des discussions, des exercices interactifs et une pratique constante.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 21:45 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Benoît.

2,435 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

⭐️ Professeur passionné 👨‍🏫 avec + de 5 ans d'expérience d'enseignement. Plus sur moi ⬇️ Niveau A2 -> C2 _________ • Je suis d'abord un passionné de langues : je parle anglais, russe, espagnol, et j'apprends l'italien, le persan, le latin (et beaucoup d'autres langues m'intéressent). • Cette passion m'a amené à rencontrer beaucoup d'étrangers, et à leur enseigner le français. J'ai ainsi découvert que j'adorais enseigner le français, transmettre ma passion et ma connaissance de la langue française. J'ai passé ensuite plusieurs années à enseigner le français à Paris, soit en échange d'une autre langue, soit comme un complément à mon travail. Mais la passion a gagné, et j'ai décidé de faire de l'enseignement du français mon vrai et seul métier ! 😃 Et tu sais quoi ? J'adore ! 🧡

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 15:45 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Paul F.

6,909 lezioni

Paul F

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Engaging and enthusiastic French teacher with 10 years of experience as a private teacher. Il est toujours difficile de se définir mais si je devais le faire, je dirais que je suis un professeur enthousiaste, toujours à l'écoute de mes étudiants. La pédagogie est un art, et l'expérience acquise au cours de ces dernières années sera sans aucun doute, un plus pour vous faire aimer la langue française.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 15:00 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Alex - Paris/London.

994 lezioni

Alex - Paris/London

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

The best way to learn a language is to start speaking at the very beginning. Therefore, I will always encourage you to speak and express yourself, even with a few words. I also believe that you will learn better when you are having fun, so I will make sure my lesson is interesting and playful.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 09:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Mesumbe Yannick.

4,936 lezioni

Mesumbe Yannick

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Certified DELF teacher with over 4 years of teaching experience. want to speak french? join me ! Je suis un enseignant de français et anglais. J'enseigne ces deux langues dans plusieurs collèges et autres établissements secondaires de mon pays depuis près de 3 ans déjà. Si vous souhaitez avoir une maîtrise du Français ou de l'anglais et être éloquent dans ces deux langues, je suis l'enseignant qu'il vous faut.

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 15:45 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Xavier Leroy.

143 lezioni

Xavier Leroy

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

French Native Speaker & Experienced Teacher (4+ Years) - Online French Lessons (French & English) I can teach you French whatever your level or you age, and i can also help you to prepare some exam such as DELF or for help you to pass the interview for have a studying or working visa in France. Je peux vous enseigner le français quelque soit votre niveau, Je peux aussi vous aider à préparer des examens et pour votre demande de visa.

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Eva Roy.

1,381 lezioni

Eva Roy

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Polyglot and friendly tutor I suit my lessons to your own needs! Everyone learn French for a different reason and I'm hier to help you reaching your goals. I am a friendly, patient person and like to make my classes enjoyable! As I managed to learn and speak fluently seven languages I will be happy as well to share my knowledge and advices about how to learn a foreign language. With 2 years of experience teaching I'll be happy to welcome you as my student!

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Marine Ménard.

2,734 lezioni

Marine Ménard

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Francese

Professeure de français diplômée spécialisée dans la préparation aux examens DELF/DALF Je suis passionnée par mon métier, mon pays et ma langue, c'est ce que j'essaie de transmettre à mes étudiants. Mon objectif principal est d'aider mes étudiants à se sentir plus à l'aise quand ils s'expriment en français. La deuxième mission qui me tient à coeur est de les guider dans la préparation des examens et de les accompagner au mieux pour qu'ils atteignent leur(s) objectif(s), le tout sans stress et à leur rythme. Je fais tout pour aider mes élèves à prendre confiance en eux. J'aime par-dessus tout observer les progrès de mes élèves.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore david.erhel.


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

La mia passione è aiutare le persone non solo a imparare la lingua, ma anche a sentirsi a proprio agio nel farlo, superando blocchi, insicurezze e timidezza. Posso aiutarvi a migliorare la grammatica, la pronuncia, la conversazione, o anche a preparare esami come il DELF. Utilizzo un approccio comunicativo, quindi durante le lezioni parleremo molto in francese, ma non preoccupatevi, vi guiderò passo dopo passo!

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 09:30 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Abdelhak Nasri.

Abdelhak Nasri

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese
Arabo (magrebino)
Arabo (standard moderno)

French Teacher and Mentor: Achieve Your Language Goals with Excellence I am very flexible, and I can adapt and customize my lessons. I will make sure our classes match your needs and be pretty fun. My main focus is to help you overcome with the difficulties that we always face when we are learning a language, I will also help you to break the fears that you could have. My lessons will be focusing on talking, the goal is to make you speak as much as possible so as to correct your mistakes. I am sure that we will progress together.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 09:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Jean.

1,790 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

My focus is on both getting results and having fun while we do it. Together, we work on the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing and there are also many opportunities to explore interesting quirks and aspects of the French culture as we discuss bits of news I am a very engaged teacher, attuned to my student's needs and comfort. Knowing well how vulnerable it feels to learn and speak a secondary language, I create a space that is congenial and safe. I will help you progress in French by leaps and bounds. I also incorporate material that is interesting to you, drawing from current events as much as from literature, from music as much as from movies and YouTube videos.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 16:00 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Gaëlle |Accent Coach.

8,950 lezioni

Gaëlle |Accent Coach

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Accent Coach & Certified Teacher since 2014 | +8000 lessons on italki | Communicate more mindfully! (In French below) I have been teaching on italki since 2015. I specialise in accent reduction and in "spoken French". I also worked for the MimicMethod for a few years, where I was the Head of French Instruction and helped give specific pronunciation feedback to students. I continued on my own, creating my own documents and method. J'enseigne sur italki depuis 2015. Je me suis spécialisée dans la "modification de l'accent" et dans le "français parlé". J'ai aussi travaillé avec The Mimic Method, où j'étais "Head of French Instruction" et je donnais du feedback spécifique sur la prononciation aux élèves. J'ai continué à me spécialiser en créant mes propres cours et ma méthode.

USD 25.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Stephanie.

676 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Je suis graphiste freelance depuis 11 ans et auparavant 7 ans en a agence de communication. J'aime partager et découvrir le monde. Je suis en parallèle de mon travail, bénévole dans les sanctuaires pour animaux en dangers à travers le monde.

USD 27.00/prova
Disponibile 08:00 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Anna Languageworld.

1,890 lezioni

Anna Languageworld

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

Professeure de Français bilingue diplômée de la Sorbonne|10 ans d'expérience|DELF/DALF ENG : I have more than 10 years of experience in education and have brought many students to higher levels. I lived in three french-speaking countries, speak 4 languages and have a Master degree in Multilingual communication from the University of Luxembourg, and a Master degree in French as Foreign language teaching from the Sorbonne University, Paris. FR : J'ai plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement. J'ai vécu dans trois pays francophones, je parle 4 langues et je suis diplômée de l'Université du Luxembourg en communication multilingue et de la Sorbonne Nouvelle en Didactique du Français langue étrangère, ce qui me permet d'enseigner le français aux étrangers.

USD 12.50/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Hala Cherradi.

660 lezioni

Hala Cherradi

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I am very patient and a great listener. I am best at conversation practice. I like to let my students express themselves and kindly note 1 or 2 mistakes that I explain to them once the have finish talking. I usually focusing on exchanging and then I like to review a couple of grammar mistakes and vocabulary. I also like to previously agree on the next session's theme so the students can research some vocabulary and prepare briefly for the session if they'd like to.

USD 11.00/prova
Disponibile 00:30 Domani
Impara Francese con il professore Yvan.

2,070 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Francese

Professeur de français natif: Conversation/Préparation aux examens de français DELF/DALF/TCF/TEF J'ai 6 ans d'expérience en tant que professeur de français natif. J'adapte toujours mes cours selon vos attentes, besoins et objectifs. J'enseigne aux étudiants de niveau pré-intermédiaire à expérimenté (A2 à C2). Je peux également vous préparer pour les examens de français tels que le DELF, DALF TCF, TEF et FIDE. I am a native French teacher with 5 years of experience. I always adapt my lessons to ensure they encompass your specific interests, needs and objectives. I teach students from pre-intermediate to advanced level (A2 to C2). I also have experience teaching for French examinations such as DELF, DALF TCF, TEF and FIDE.

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Francese con il professore Thales.

158 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Francese

I've been teaching online for about 4 years now. I teach spanish, french, portuguese and english. Languages are literally my life. Eu estou dando aulas online por cerca de 4 anos. Eu ensino espanhol, francês, português e inglês em 3 continentes. Idiomas são literalmente minha vida.

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 21:45 Oggi
Impara Francese con il professore Vicky Lemaire.

1,978 lezioni

Vicky Lemaire

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Francese

Alliance Française" certified French instructor, 7 years of experience, polyglotte. I have been teaching on Italki since 2020. I worked in many countries, all other the world. In Cambodia, I worked for Eureka at Phnom Penh. I worked for the French Institut as well. In Japan, I was a french teacher in Kyoto JaLS at Kyoto. In Australia, I was a french teacher in EFI at Brisbane. I taught french thousand of hours to students from 8 to 73 years old, with about 50 different nationalities.

USD 10.00/prova
Il pagamento finale sarà eseguito in dollari americani

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