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3,733 lezioni
Shun 日本語・中国語教師/進学・就職
★ Certified professional Japanese teacher (over 3200 lessons) -会说中文的专业日语教师- 名校大学(院)进学指导/专业HR面试和职业规划 英语TOEIC满分商学硕士教授日语 I am a native Chinese-Japanese professional teacher. I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese offline lessons for over 9 YEARS. I also like learning a new language, and I'm now learning French as well. I really hope to help you to improve your language skills through italki. And I am a foreign language teacher with four years of professional training. ◎Beginner, children OK ◎The Japanese company's employment guidance for foreign students. 我是中文日语双母语的专业中文和日语教师,我可以专业教授中文和日语的各个水平,无论您是什么水平我都可以找到适合你的方法,并且我拥有超过9年的教学经验,帮助很多学生快速而又顺利达到了他们的目标。同时由于我在世界500强企业担任超过8年的人事工作,主要负责招聘和企业内培训。我每天都要面试无数应聘者和担任培训工作。所以如果你想通过求职面试,我也能给出专业的建议。另外我对日本语能力考试也有丰富的经验,对于通过考试我也有自己独到的见解。

12.2k lezioni
🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚♀️ Storyteller

100 lezioni
Norie O
Language consultant💪Boost your Japanese skill🔥 Beginners and Kids welcome🧸Anime voice acting🎤 I come from Hyogo Prefecture, near Osaka. I finished university in Japan and worked as a nurse in Tokyo and Osaka. I also learned voice acting and announcing, and how to speak in a standard Japanese accent, even though I originally spoke in the Kansai dialect. Back in university, I studied a bit of Chinese, so I know how tough it can be to learn a new language. Recently, I've been helping businesspeople learn English as a consultant. I've been a Japanese language teacher since 2022.

1,974 lezioni
I offer the BEST LESSONS tailored to you. Beginners welcome! Conversation, Grammar, JLPT preparation ◆A certified and active professional Japanese teacher ◆give you lessons in English, German or in Japanese ◆know exactly how to start learning Japanese from scratch ◆provide lessons to help you prepare for the JLPT exam ◆Ein zertifizierte Japanischlehrerin ◆Unterrichte in Englisch oder Deutsch ◆sehr gut im Unterrichten von Anfängern bis zum Mittelstufe (A0-B2) ◆gebe Ihnen Unterricht, um Sie auf die JLPT-Prüfung vorzubereiten

173 lezioni
拥有在日本和韩国教授汉语经验的资深语言学教师。 我曾经在日本和韩国对团体和个人讲授过汉语。 我一直以为外国学生服务而自豪。 我愿意将我关于语言方面的学识分享给每一位学生,这是我的乐趣。 我拥有得到认证的学历证书,还有汉语资格证书。 毫无疑问,我的汉语是语调标准而发音清晰的。 I have taught Chinese to groups and individuals in Japan and Korea. I am always proud of serving foreign students. I would like to share my knowledge about language with every student, which is my pleasure. I have a certified diploma and a qualification certificate in Chinese. There is no doubt that my Chinese is standard in intonation and clear in pronunciation.
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521 lezioni

1,623 lezioni

15 lezioni

60 lezioni
Relaxing and Fun Lesson! I have an experience to teach Japanese in schools. So, I can do the lessons according to your Japanese level. My class is relaxing. Let's have a fun class together! 日本語学校で日本語を教えた経験があります。ですから、あなたのレベルに合わせて授業をすることができます。わたしの授業はリラックスした雰囲気です。一緒に楽しい授業をしましょう! 我有在学校教日语的经验。所以我可以根据你的日语水平来安排课程。我的课程很轻松。我们一起上快乐的课吧!

3,870 lezioni
June solstice
I do not teaching you, but do COACHING you as a native speaker and a language learner as well. A lot of people just study in solitude. But there's a huge gap between studying alone and actually speaking to a native speaker or somebody else. I consider myself is a friendly and patient coach (not a teacher^^), always trying to encourage learners to speak and practice more. Language is a skill, every skill is acquired through practice instead of other's TOO MUCH explanation. And now, I'm here ready to support & assist your study!

14 lezioni
初級から上級まであなたのニーズに合った楽しいレッスン! Fun lessons tailored to your needs, from beginner to advanced levels! シドニーで日本語の面白さに出会い、帰国後日本語学校でグループレッスン(日常会話、ビジネス会話、JLPT対策など)を受け持ち、その後米軍基地内のアメリカンスクールで教え、その後フリーランスとなり、約20年企業を回ってビジネスマンを対象にプライベートレッスンを行ってきました。 I discovered the fun of the Japanese language in Sydney. After returning to Japan, I taught group lessons at a Japanese language school (covering daily conversation, business conversation, JLPT preparation, etc.). Following that, I taught at an American school on a U.S. military base. Later, I became a freelancer, and for about 20 years, I have been offering private lessons to business professionals, traveling to various companies.

3,974 lezioni
Hiro 日本語‣進学‣就職
東京大学畢業会中文的日語老師. University of Tokyo alumni. Certified professional Japanese teacher (3500+lessons). I have taught Japanese language to foreign students for years. Besides, I have also taught Chinese to my Japanese colleagues in Japan. Therefore, I know the effective way to teach and how important the two-way teaching is. : ) Let us SPEAK OUT & ALOUD.

2 lezioni
Learning Japanese? Dive deeper and discover Japan! After studying linguistic at university and earning my certificate, I’ve been teaching Japanese as a private tutor. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping students of all levels—from beginners to intermediate speakers—achieve their language goals. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out or someone looking to polish their skills, my lessons are designed to be engaging, practical, and tailored to your needs. 🌟 Clear and structured lessons for beginners starting from zero. 🌟 Intermediate-level support to build confidence and fluency. 🌟 Advanced-level training, including JLPT prep and nuanced conversation practice. 🌟 Cultural insights and real-life language usage to make learn

82 lezioni
はじめまして! 请大家多多关照! Japan-born, passionate about travel, culture, and teaching languages! 안녕하세요! 海外(かいがい)での仕事(しごと)を通(とお)じて、さまざまな文化(ぶんか)に触(ふ)れる機会(きかい)を得(え)ました。また、日本語(にほんご)、英語(えいご)、韓国語(かんこくご)を使(つか)って韓国語(かんこくご)を教(おし)えた経験(けいけん)もあります。興味(きょうみ)のある方(かた)は大歓(だいかん)迎(げい)です! I have had the opportunity to engage with diverse cultures through overseas work, and I have experience teaching Korean using Japanese, English, and Korean. I welcome anyone interested! 通过海外工作,我有机会接触到各种文化,并利用日语、英语和韩语教授韩语的经验。欢迎对这方面感兴趣的朋友们加入 안녕하세요! 제 이름은 브라이언입니다. 오사카 출신이며 현재 도쿄에 살고 있습니다.저는 여행과 코미디를 좋아하며, 새로운 사람들을 만나고 다양한 문화를 배우는 것을 즐깁니다.또한, 일본어와 한국어를 가르치는 데 큰 열정을 가지고 있으며, 지금까지의 경험을 살려 이 두 언어를 가르치고 있습니다.해외에서의 일을 통해 다양한 문화를 접할 기회를 가졌습니다.또한, 일본어, 영어, 한국어를 활용하여 한국어를 가르친 경험도 있습니다.관심 있는 분들 환영합니다! 저는 학습자의 목표에 맞춘 명확하고 즐거운 수업을 제공합니다.

2,321 lezioni
Why? I am a teacher in italki, I would like to respond to the feelings that everyone whom I met in italki wants to be good at Japanese.If you learn how to study Japanese with my correct method in a few our lessons and change how to study Japanese. you can dramatically improve your Japanese language skill by yourself. I think that Just being able to speak correct Japanese is meaningless. I want you to acquire practical Japanese that you can play an important role of various business situations of Japan with your ability of overcoming difficulties "language is power" So, in Japan where population decline is regarded as a problem, I really hope that you become a Japan New power !!

2,993 lezioni
I am qualified in Japanese and has 9 years experience in business, kids and exam preparation.😊 💁🏻♀️My Career💁🏻♀️ 2010-2015 Telecommunications equipment company(HR) 2015-2017 Japanese language school 2017-2019 vocational school 2019- online school 2021- italki In my lessons, you can study elementary Japanese conversation, JLPT and even business conversation.So, if you want to speak Japanese a lot, study in Japan or work in Japan, let’s study together.It’s possible to make a plan that suits your purpose. But the most important thing is to enjoy the Japanese language. Smile a lot, move your mouth a lot, make a lot of mistakes, and learn. Your Japanese will definitely grow.

1,122 lezioni
Taka in Japan
Quick Learning on Keigo | Conversation with Advice Note | Interview Preparation | Grammar with Books I offer five types of lessons tailored to your needs. Most lessons include personalized correction notes and advice to help you sound more like a native Japanese. For grammar lessons, I use Minna no Nihongo and Genki, but I can accommodate other textbooks upon request. No textbook? No problem! I've prepared over 50 PowerPoint tutoring slides to support your learning from day one.

100 lezioni
Shi Sensei⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Teach in🇯🇵🇺🇸🇭🇰Speaking, Listening, Conversations, Genki textbooks, JLPT, Anime. 20yrs EXP FAQ: 1) WHAT KIND OF TEACHER ARE YOU? 🤔 Students often say "Sensei is nice "BUT""... 「やさしいんです が。。。 きびしい - straight , 個性的 - unique styles , 推動力 - motivative , 早い - fast in solution , 頭がいい - smart , バランスが取れてる - Balance in Class & HW, 強く知識や文化の交換を感じる - Strong interactions in Culture and Intellectual Exchange , クラスの後疲れる、楽しく思い出す - feel tried and fun after class.」と言ってるよ! 2) HOW LONG TO TAKE TO BE FLUENT in Japanese? - Language takes time to master. Frequently focused sessions leads to far better results than sporadic study without direction. For example, studying 2 hours a week yields much more progress than 1 hour. I'll guide you through both self-study and one-on-one approaches!

2,524 lezioni
🌏Japanese teacher who travels around the world 🇯🇵世界(せかい)を旅(たび)する日本語教師 (にほんごきょうし) In the all my lessons, I will ask you about your interests and the skills you particularly want to practice, and arrange the lessons accordingly And I try to create an atmosphere that is fun and easy to talk to:) As a traveler, I know what you should to learn for your travel. I will help you learning Japanese! わたしの レッスンでは、あなたの興味(きょうみ)や 特(とく)に 練習(れんしゅう)したいポイントを聞(き)いて レッスンを計画(けいかく)します。 楽(たの)しく、話(はな)しやすい 雰囲気(ふんいき)づくりを 意識(いしき)しています。 わたしも旅行(りょこう)しているので、あなたに なにが必要(ひつよう)か よく知っています。 わたしが あなたの勉強(べんきょう)を お手伝(てつだ)い します😊

3,104 lezioni
SPECIALIZE IN TEACHING BEGINNERS, focusing on their unique challenges to provide clear guidance📣 I am a professional Japanese language teacher specializing in lessons for beginners (A1, A2, B1 / N5, N4, N3), and I excel at teaching beginner-level lessons. 📍Why choose Teacher SAKI? I went to school to become a Japanese teacher and learned teaching methods through educational practicum. I provide plenty of opportunities for output. In lessons, you'll speak a lot, and you'll also have you create sentences to check understanding. Plus, I introduce popular places and foods in Japan, ensuring each lesson is enjoyable and never boring.

306 lezioni
Certified JP Teacher / 5-yrs-Experience / Fluent in English / Business Expertise ★ In 2020, I started teaching Japanese to foreigners in business fields at a community center here in Tokyo. ★ I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 日本語教育能力検定試験 in 2021, and from there officially started my teaching career. ★ I completed a training course for teaching Japanese through the use of English, or the indirect method 間接教授法(英語), held by the World Japanese Language Centre (WJLC) in Australia in 2022. ★ Several months ago, I started studying Chinese (standard Mandarin) 中国標準語 and am truly enjoying the leaning process towards an intermediate level right now. It is great fun for sure!

91 lezioni
★ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS ALWAYS WELCOME!!★ I completed a 420-hour Japanese language teacher training course and the Japanese language teaching competency course as well. I have experience teaching Japanese to kids, and adults both in group lesson and individual courses. This has helped me to understand and adjust to different learning styles and helped me to identify the needs of different students. I will encourage and motivate you and you can know that it is ok to make mistakes! There is no judgement in my classroom, this is all a part of the learning process. I am energetic, passionate, patient, bright, friendly and open minded.

2,228 lezioni
Absolute beginners are WELCOME ! Certified Japanese teacher with Over 2,000 online Lesson I'm certified Japanese teacher and I have been teaching Japanese since 2009 on italki. I always enjoy teaching and seeing my students improve their Japanese. I am a teacher but I have been studying English and Spanish so I fully understand the difficulty to learn other languages. As I have lived in Tokyo for about 10 years I speak standard Japanese other than Kansai dialect ( 関西弁). I also speak English and Spanish other than Japanese. So don't worry if you have trouble understanding Japanese I can also explain in English as well.