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Impara Giapponese con il professore Hiroki.

843 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Enjoy learning Japanese, from beginner to business levels! Experienced in corporate training courses I completed the 420-hour course to become a Japanese language teacher and passed the certification test in 2020. Currently, in addition to italki, I teach Japanese at elementary schools and companies. I have a lot of teaching experience, especially in business conversation and for children. I have also taught English grammar to Japanese children. ======= 日本語教師になるための420時間講習を修了し、検定に合格しました。 現在は、italki以外に、小学校や企業で日本語を教えています。 ビジネス会話や子供たち向けの授業経験が多くあります。 また、日本人の子供たちに、英文法を教えていた経験もあります。

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Kimi.

2,995 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Cinese (mandarino)

私は、ブラジル人に日本語の個人(こじん)レッスンをしたり、日本人にポルトガル語のレッスンもしています。ポルトガル語で説明(せつめい)もできます。 Eu tenho as experiências de dar as aulas particulares para os brasileiros que estão no Japão para aprender japonês, e dou aulas para os japoneses que querem aprender português. Por isso posso explicar em português também. Eu gosto muito quando os alunos falam,“Que legal! Muito gostoso aprender!”

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Arisa.K.

31 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

楽しく一緒に日本語を勉強しましょう🍀初級文法クラスはスペイン語話者に提供していますが、フリートーククラスはどなたでも可能です🦋 私のクラスでは、楽しくたくさん話せる環境を提供しています。会話を中心に、自然な日本語を使いながらコミュニケーション力を高めていきましょう。もちろん、各生徒さんのレベルやニーズに合わせて個別のレッスンを組み立てます。あなたの目標に向かって、楽しく、そしてアクティブに日本語を学んでいきましょう! スペイン語は勉強中ですので、完璧ではありませんが、スペイン語を使って教えることが可能です! 私と一緒にチャレンジしながら、日本語を楽しく学びませんか?お会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Aya.

47 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

From daily life to IT related - I can provide lessons that meet your needs! Don't be afraid to make mistakes—let's actively practice speaking Japanese in my class! If needed, I can help you refine your sentences to make them more natural during our lessons. Let's make the most of your valuable time. I also love traveling, both around Japan and abroad. If you're planning a trip to Japan, I’d be happy to share some advice!

USD 9.00/prova
Disponibile 23:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore Ryoko.

2,580 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

A lo largo de mi vida me he comunicado con muchos hispanohablantes y he ayudado a algunos principiantes con su japonés recurriendo al español cuando era necesario. También tengo experiencia con la preparación de exámenes de JLPT y de la beca de 文部科学省(もんぶかがくしょう). Hay una gran diferencia entre el español y el japonés, lo cual hace que el aprendizaje del japonés pueda resultarte muy difícil a veces. Sin embargo, a mí también me pasa lo mismo con el español, así que puedo entender tus dudas y tus dificultades y haré todo lo que pueda para ayudarte a solucionarlas.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 23:30 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore Tako.

893 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I am a very friendly and patient teacher. I’ve been a language teacher for more than 20 years and I love it! I taught students from one-year-old kids to adults in person. For online lessons, I usually teach students from eight-year-old to adults. There's nothing like seeing my students getting excited about learning Japanese in my class. It gives me such a sense of accomplishment. My motto for learning Japanese is to make mistakes without worrying too much and to speak a lot in Japanese. Have fun with it :)

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Mayumi Sensei.

349 lezioni

Mayumi Sensei

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Bilingual & Certified JAPANESE teacher with three years of experience Hello, my name is Mayumi, and I am a bilingual (Japanese and English) and certified Japanese tutor. I got a qualification as a Japanese teacher from the experience of working in a foreign company for more than 10 years, and now I am teaching Japanese everyday. I started to learn English after I graduated the Univercity (when I was 28..), so I can understand how hard to naturally speak another language! For my lesson, from basic to upper intermediate level are especially welcome! (JLPT target: N2 to N5) . Only conversation is also welcome! I can teach dependes on your level and needs. In my lesson, YOU CAN USE ENGLISH ANYTIME.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 23:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yako Kimura.

4,608 lezioni

Yako Kimura

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I've taught theatre and performing arts at the Japanese Culture Foundation in Sendai for over 12 years. My experience in supporting professionals and non-professionals helps me to teach Japanese to non-native speakers. I understand people want to communicate to explain themselves and to share feeling and ideas. I met people from various countries, and I know that each country has a different way of communicating with others. That’s why I would like to help you to understand Japanese not only as a language, but also a culture and a social context in a deep relationship with the language. I believe my skills and experiences will be useful to you.

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 01:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Kayo.

3,300 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

I have teaching experiences as a private tutor or an assistant instructor. I am patient and supportive with students! I hope you enjoy learning Japanese with me! 日本語の勉強を楽しいと思ってもらえるとうれしいです!

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Ayako.

82 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

日本語がはなせる!わかる!つたわる!Let's use Japanese in real-life situations in Japan with a certified tutor!/A1-B2 レッスンの主役(しゅやく)は、あなたです!✨✨ I think Ayako will be your good learning companion. リラックスして たのしく べんきょうできます。  - I teach Japanese a learner from China in a public class once a week in person. - I had been an assistant Japanese teacher in senior high schools in Surabaya, Indonesia for 6 months. - I had online Japanese classes with the learners from Indonesia and Taiwan (A1-B1 level). - I have completed all the requirements of Japanese Language Teacher Training Course and have successfully passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test administered by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services in 2023. - I had been a staff writer for a local newspaper for over 20 years. はなせる!わかる!つたわる!日本語!

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore まこ’s日本語教室♬.

955 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

ようこそ!まこ’s日本語教室(にほんごきょうしつ)へ! いっしょに日本語をべんきょうしましょう♪♪♪ I have a Japanese language teaching certificate(420-hour Japanese Language Teacher Training Course). I have taught Japanese to my foreign friends in private before. I am not serious as a teacher :):) so please don't worry! I am often said "you always smile and look so fun!". 私(わたし)は日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)になるために学校(がっこう)で一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)勉強(べんきょう)して、資格(しかく)を取得(しゅとく)しました。 日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えた経験(けいけん)は少(すく)ないですが、以前(いぜん)友達(ともだち)に日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えたことがあります。 先生(せんせい)としての私(わたし)は、厳(きび)しくないです。なので、心配(しんぱい)しないでくださいね。私(わたし)はよく「いつも笑顔(えがお)で楽(たの)しそうだね!」と言(い)われます(*^^*)

USD 6.00/prova
Disponibile 02:00 Domani
Impara Giapponese con il professore Michelle / Misako.

2,322 lezioni

Michelle / Misako

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Cinese (mandarino)

Professional teacher who can guide students who really want to speak Japanese After teaching at Japanese elementary school in Vietnam for 2 years, I took the Japanese Language Teaching Proficiency Test and began teaching Japanese online through italki in 2021. I then moved to the United States (Porland, OR) to teach Japanese to American students in-person while earning my Master's degree in Japanese Teaching Methodology. I gained experience teaching Japanese online / in-person in order to teach grammar effectively while still focusing on conversational practice. Tell me your goal and I will make a great lesson plan especially for you. I will do my best and would be happy to help you improve your Japanese!! 欢迎大家跟我一起学习吧!! リラックスして日本語を一緒に勉強しましょう :)

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 23:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore ヒデオ.

15 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Tokyo University, scientific method, 3000hours exp./beginner to advanced/grammar & conversation. I am a qualified Japanese teacher with 6 years' experience of teaching all levels in person and online. I have happily helped many people to achieve their dreams in learning language. I love learning and teaching languages to converse with people in the world, Having studied English and other languages intermittently myself, I know how difficult it is to learn a language, so it is a great pleasure to help foreigners learn Japanese. 私は日本語教師の資格を持っており、6年間オンラインと対面式であらゆるレベルの日本語を教えてきました。 これまで多くの方々の語学習得の夢を叶えるお手伝いをしてきました。 世界の人々と会話するために言語を学び、教えることが大好きです、 私自身、英語と他の言語を断続的に勉強した経験があり、言語を学ぶことがいかに難しいか知っています。

USD 7.00/prova
Disponibile 22:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore Nobby - Nobuya.

2,762 lezioni

Nobby - Nobuya

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Let's have a fun conversation, beginners to advanced learners welcome!! 私は、言語というのは、コミュニケーションの道具だと考えています。たとえ教科書で学んだとしても、それを実際に使う機会がなければ、それは全く無意味です。 正しい文法を習得し、それを使うことは重要です。しかし、相手の話すことを理解し、自分の考えを伝えられなければ、会話は成り立ちません。 私の授業は、言語を良いツールとして使いこなし、慣れ親しんでいただけるように、自然な会話から始めます。 I think that language is simply a tool used in communication. It's meaningless if you learn a language, but don't know how to use it. Of course, it’s important to learn correct grammar and usage, but if you can’t understand and convey your opinion, you won't be able to have meaningful conversations. I consider language to be a tool, and in our class, I want to teach you how to use that tool effectively. That's why our classes always start from natural conversation.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore Ayu あゆ.

3,647 lezioni

Ayu あゆ

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Learn NIHONGO with AYU ! - Certified Japanese Teacher( Professeur certifié de japonais ) - 語学(ごがく)は道具(どうぐ)です。 語学(ごがく)を学(まな)ぶとその国(くに)の文化(ぶんか)や歴史(れきし)を深(ふか)く知(し)ることができます。 皆(みな)さんが知(し)っている「日本(にほん)」。 漫画(まんが)、お茶(ちゃ)、お寿司(すし)、着物(きもの)… 数(かぞ)えると沢山(たくさん)ありますね。 日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)すると、どんどん新(あたら)しい発見(はっけん)があります。 私(わたし)は小学校(しょうがっこう)から高校(こうこう)までの授業(じゅぎょう)で英語(えいご)を勉強(べんきょう)し、大学(だいがく)からはフランス語(ご)を勉強(べんきょう)しています。 母国語(ぼこくご)以外(いがい)の言語(げんご)を学(まな)ぶことはもちろん難(むずか)しいですが、学(まな)べば学(まな)ぶほど新(あたら)しい発見(はっけん)があって楽(たの)しいです。 どんなことでも、わからないことがあれば気軽(きがる)に質問(しつもん)してください。

USD 13.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yuko.

903 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

♪♪Japanese for Kids and Adults ♪♪ I am a qualified Japanese teacher for both kids and adults. I promise you'll have fun learning Japanese with me, not only having fun but also getting confidents . I’ve been working with kids from 2 years old to 18 years old for over 20 years! So, I’m really good at having fun with them♪♪ First of all please let me know what is your goal, then think together which way is the best for your goal. Communication is the most important, so feel free to tell me anything you would like to learn. I welcome kids and mom living in Japan! I'll make your days in Japan easier and happier for sure! 一人ひとりの個性やニーズにあった方法やトピックで、楽しく、そして確実に学びます。教科書にはない生きた日本語、学校や社会生活で必要な生活のための日本語など、皆さんの学びたい事は人それぞれ。初級からじっくりでも、趣味のおしゃべりでも、日本語のブラッシュアップでもお任せください。

USD 12.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Yun.

101 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Natural Expression! My lessons are basically in Japanese. I will help you in English when you don't understand. Daily conversation, job interview practice, grammar, etc. Please feel free to contact me. Have fun learning Japanese with me! 私のレッスンは基本的に日本語で行います。分からないときは英語で助けます。 日常会話、面接練習、文法など、みなさんの要望に合わせてレッスンを行います。お気軽にご相談ください。 私と一緒に楽しく日本語を勉強しましょう!

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Nara * B1-C1.

1,421 lezioni

Nara * B1-C1

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese
Khmer (cambogiano)

新しい生徒との出会いを楽しみにしています😆 👩🏻‍💻I am a professional Japanese teacher specializing mainly in intermediate lessons (B1, B2 / N3, N2). As you can see from my review, I am a very patient instructor and good at assessing the abilities of my students. So you will have the opportunity to relax and talk a lot during our lessons. 📚I will give homework assignments to students who wish to do so, and I am a teacher I would recommend to anyone who really wants to improve their Japanese.

USD 9.00/prova
Impara Giapponese con il professore Klara Friščić.

853 lezioni

Klara Friščić

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Giapponese

Japanese language and culture in a casual way ✌ Up until now, I have been teaching for more than two years now and I really enjoy it. I have premade lessons that I use for teaching, but of course, I can organize lessons to one's wishes. In my lessons, I try to use as many as possible different resources for learning and I can promise you that a class with me won't be boring. I'm trying to be professional as much as possible, but I would like to create a relaxed atmosphere so that we can learn with a smile on our faces.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 13:00 Oggi
Impara Giapponese con il professore 🌻 Kenya Sensei.

4,212 lezioni

🌻 Kenya Sensei

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Giapponese

🏆 Top 1% Teacher|✅ Certified|🧑🏻‍🏫 8 Years of Experience|👥 Group|🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly ✳️ Modern Organic Teaching Method 🇯🇵 Expert of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language 🗣 Standard Japanese Accent 🏆 Awarded as Top 1% Japanese Teacher in italki 2007~2009 - Japanese Teacher Assistant at SKSS (Canada) 2010~2013 - Japanese Teacher Assistant & Tutor at Towson University (USA) 2016~2017 - Teaching Japanese to Foreign Residents (Japan) 2017~2017 - 420 hours of Japanese Teaching Training 2017~2019 - Teaching Japanese in an Official Language School (Spain) 2019~Present - Teaching Japanese in italki

USD 16.00/prova
Il pagamento finale sarà eseguito in dollari americani

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