Common Expressions for friendships: When it has been a long time
14 maggio 2023
14 maggio 2023
This episode is about some common expressions for greeting someone when you haven't seen them in a long time. I talk about pronunciation, understanding native speakers, and how to use these phrases.
The items I speak about in today's episode:
"It's been a while" (note the strong or weak pronunciation of "been")
"It's been a hot minute" (a slang term from America)
"How long has it been, _____? (Uses a question tag to guess what the length of time has been, e.g. "How long has it been, six months?" = "Was six months ago the last time I saw you?")
"I've been meaning" + infinitive (I've been meaning to call you, to text you, etc.)
= it was my intention to call/text, but I haven't.
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