Tom the Crocodile
Tom the Crocodile
20 settembre 2022
“And if those trespassers make a move for their rifles, get out of there quick fast!” said Tom as a final word of caution to his loyal subordinates. At that moment, Tom was startled by a loud SLAM. An unknown figure wrapped in multi-coloured plastic had dropped from the sky and landed right in front of him. The figure groaned as it struggled to breathe. The figure unwrapped itself and came face to face with a giant 15ft alligator. “ARRGGHHH!” screamed the skydiver. But his scream shifted to a groan. He winced in pain, grabbing his right arm – possibly a broken bone or dislocated joint. The skydiver got to his knees and begun backing away. “Please… Please! Don’t eat me!” cried the skydiver. But Tom the giant alligator was disinterested in eating the injured animal. “Name yourself, human,” said Tom. But all the skydiver perceived was a deadly growl. The skydiver couldn’t comprehend that the monster was trying to communicate with him. Seeing terror in the skydiver’s eyes, Tom tried to de-escalate the situation. “I am the great Tom. I preside over these lowlands. Simply identify yourself, human, and you will leave with your life. But if you are a poacher—” THUD! The skydiver had snatched the nearest rock, a good-sized one, the size of a bowling ball, and hurled it at the monster’s head. It struck like a sledgehammer on the alligator’s snout. With a momentary distraction, the skydiver limped away into the tall grass. Tom felt a flame of anger ignite in his reptilian brain. His instincts kicked in and he charged for the human. It was as easy as catching up to a crawling baby. Tom WHACKED the limping man across the face with the mighty power of his dragon-like tail. After the jaw-breaking blow, the last thing the skydiver saw was the horrific sight of dark yellow eyes staring into his. “That wasn’t very nice…” said Tom to the unconscious body. “Did you think I wanted to eat you? I have no taste for human flesh or blood. I’m a pescetarian, for crying out loud!”
Canale dei podcast
Being a Cloud