古典智慧拾贝之道德经第四章 Tao Te Ching Chapter Four
古典智慧拾贝之道德经第四章 Tao Te Ching Chapter Four
22 settembre 2022
大家好,我是潘妮,欢迎来到古典智慧拾贝。在这里,我主要与大家分享中国古代的思想家的智慧。 Hello everyone, my name is Penny, welcome to this channel. In this channel, I will share with you wisdoms of Chinese thinkers and philosophers from the past. 今天我们来看看道德经的第四章,Now let’s look at the fourth Chapter of Tao De Jing 道冲,而用之或不盈。渊兮,似万物之宗:挫其锐,解其纷;和其光,同其尘。湛兮,似或存。吾不知谁之子,象帝之先。 这几句话是什么意思呢? 规律是空虚而没有形态的,如果遵循着他办事,也许就不会要求把事情办得完美无缺。规律是那样的深远而复杂,好象是万物的根源:他消磨去万物的锋芒,从而融解文明之间的纷争;调和它们的长处,从而使它们都不那样完美。规律是无有形态,是隐没的,但又实际存在着。我不知道它是如何传下来的,只知道它出现在上帝之前。 这一章又讲了玄妙的道,也翻译成万物自然的规律。What is the rule of the vast universe in his eyes? 这个规律可以消磨万物的锋芒,也就是让一切都圆融和平。能够让一切都不那样完美,缓解大家的纷争。If you can look closely with discerning eyes, everything is not perfect in this world. This is why we are able to understand others. 感谢收听,下次见!Thanks for listening and see you next soon.
Canale dei podcast
Wisdom From the Past 古典智慧拾贝