09.马云:从教师到企业家  Jack Ma : From a teacher to an entrepreneur.
09.马云:从教师到企业家 Jack Ma : From a teacher to an entrepreneur.
28 luglio 2022
speaker: 马云 mǎyún 阿里巴巴集团创始人 Jack Ma: co-founder and former executive chairman of Alibaba Group —————————————————————————————————————————— script: 马老师,您好!据我所知,马老师最开始的时候是作为一名老师。但是是在那个时候,你看到你身上什么样的东西?然后让你决定你你想要创业,然后在那个时候呢,你眼中的成功是什么状态? 马:所以我在想啊,我所有教学生的东西,都是我自己书本上学来的。所以我那时候做一个决定呢,为了当一个很好的老师,我就想到社会上花十年时间办一个企业,然后再回学校去教书。我相信我会更受学生欢迎,这是我单纯的想法。第二,我也在证明一件事,假如马云能够成功中国80%的年轻人都能成功。没法学习比尔盖茨,没法学习李嘉诚,他们太大,太强,你也不知道该怎么学了。如果你刚开始做小店,开小饭馆,你的榜样就是你们斜对面那个小饭馆。他们为什么门口排那么多队,而我们家就是服务员比客户多?他是你的榜样,榜样是一点一滴地学上去。但是我知道那时候有一点是肯定的——我失败的概率很大。即使我失败了,我回到大学教那些失败的经历,我还是最好的老师。 chuàng yè 创业 v.to create ones own career yǒu le yìxiē gōngzuò jīngyànyǐhòu, tā jiù kāishǐ zìjǐchuàngyèle. 有了一些工作经验以后,他开始自己创业。 chū chuànggōngsī 初创公司 n.startups Jīnnián tāmen tóuzīle liǎng jiā yǒu qiánlì de chūchuàng gōngsī. 今年他们投资了两家有潜力的初创公司。 They invested in two promising startups this year. 翻译translation: Q:Hello, Mr. Ma! As far as I know, you started as a teacher. May I ask what made you decide to change and create your own business? And then, what was a success in your opinion? Ma: I realized that all the things I taught are coming from books. Then I made a decision. I was going to spend ten years building a business and then go back to school to teach. I believe that I will be more popular with students, this is my initial idea. Second, I am trying to prove one thing, if Jack Ma can succeed, 80% of young people in China can succeed. You shouldn't take Bill Gates or Li Ka-Shing as your role model, they are legendary entrepreneurs, and you can’t copy the way they succeed. If you are just starting to open a store or a restaurant, your example is the restaurants across the street. Why do they have so long queues at the door, while there are more waiters than customers in our restaurant? They are the ones you need to learn from bit by bit. But I knew one thing for sure at that moment - I will probably fail. Even if I failed, I can go back to college and share these failures with my students, I was still the best teacher.
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