HSK三 Key words and common phrases (4 ) , Please read after me 请跟我读
HSK三 Key words and common phrases (4 ) , Please read after me 请跟我读
16 maggio 2022
Recommended to listen repeatedly until you understand. Key words and Commonly used phrases, Please read after me. You can record the phrases you read and send it here, I'll correct the pronunciation for you. Follow me ,you will learn more Chinese. Key words and common phrases: 满意、电梯、第五层、害怕、熊猫、见面、安静、可乐、一会儿、马上、洗手间、老板、几乎、变化、健康、重要、中文、上班、一样、最后、放心、一定、担心、了解、首先、中间、参加、影响、
Canale dei podcast
Merry's Channel (HSK三)
MMerry ⭐KIDS /ADULTSInsegnante professionista