Learning Japanese (JLPT N5)- 1st  Lesson - PART 02
Learning Japanese (JLPT N5)- 1st Lesson - PART 02
1 dicembre 2022
This episode is about saying GREETINGS in Japanese... please check below for the grammar notes and important Japanese phrases I have mentioned in the podcast. 1. こんにちは! Hello /Good day ヤッホー  Hello (to your friends) 2. おはようございます! Good Morning おはよう   morning ( for friends or family) 3. こんばんは! Good Evening 4. おやすみなさい Good Night おやすみ   Good night ( for friends or family) 5. ありがとうございます Thank you ありがとう Thanks ( for friends or family) 6. すみません Excuse Me 7. ごめんなさい I am sorry ごめんね sorry ( for friends or family) 8. また あした See you tomorrow 9. じゃ また See you Again 10. さようなら Good Bye See you in the next lesson.....じゃまたね
Canale dei podcast
Mandakini Munasinghe