Networking Tips From a Communication & Career Branding Expert
Networking Tips From a Communication & Career Branding Expert
13 giugno 2022
I invite you to tune in to hear the rest of my conversation about strategic networking with Lucy Samuels! This time we dive into using LinkedIn to grow and utilize your network. She shares some real gems in this conversation, like what to write when reaching out to someone new on LinkedIn and what to say when following up with someone in your network. Lucy is an excellent communication coach, so it’s no wonder she can come up with polished, professional scripts on the fly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode originally published September 29, 2021 Original theme music by Lucas Knutter Read the transcript at Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at See infographics for this episode on Pinterest at Please take a minute to rate and review the podcast. Link Included in Episode Show Notes: Lucy Samuels Website: How to Use Informational Interviews to Land Your Dream Job: Erin Meyer: Building Trust Across Cultures:
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